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Brooke Walker is at the top of her game-- and her successful career in the public relations field keeps her social calendar packed. She's loving life and everything is going her way. However, when a business trip sends her to a small North Georgia farm, she is not too thrilled...
Finnian is the alpha wolf, but can’t stay in that position without a mate. He finds her, but Kalen is not interested in a long term relationship. Having been left at the altar she is not interested in having one man. Just one-night stands. Can Finnian convince her that he’s the...
Roxy is a mixed raced unapologetic gold digger. She cams online to work her way through university, but suddenly decides she wants a new flat in central London. Despite being a stunning hit online the rent is too expensive. Upon finding Trev, whose father is the CEO of a world...
When the governor's wife discovers her husband has slept with Waverly, the beautiful, enigmatic redhead who lives on the edge of town, she becomes enraged. Vowing to get revenge, she accuses Waverly of the unthinkable!
Waverly soon finds herself on the run and completely alone,...
The scintillating Aleesha is British Asian who is as clever as she is hot. A popular student among her male classmates, she could pick any man she wants. Yet she goes for substance over style when she falls in love with Toby, a white hapless Brit. Disaster strikes when Aleesha...
Amelia Stone didn't know what to expect when she moved to her aunt's house in Colorado. Down on her luck and in between jobs, Amelia had thought that the will that left her the old house was a blessing. What she found instead was a home that looked straight out of the 1800's, a...
Katherine Monroe was excited to take a vacation to Italy with her best friend Leilani. Little did she know that falling across the aisle of the plane and landing in a handsome stranger's lap would lead to a case of mistaken identity and her first experience with love.
Would she...
Dave is a young elf who lives with the daily pain of not having a lover. He goes on an international journey to search for the female of his dreams. He meets Lara – a sweet elf who lives in an impoverished nation – and falls madly in love with her. He wants to marry her, but in...
Allyson’s sex life has gone from that of an average coed to a tangled mess since meeting bad boy billionaire Ryan Arch. Inside of the bedroom she's submitted to his aggressive desires, outside of the bedroom she's been connected with him in the public eye. She knows that he's...
Allyson is working her way through college. After a series of bad relationships, she's not looking for anyone new, but then Ryan Arch, the bad boy billionaire walks into her work and into her life. She knows that he's nothing but bad news, but she can't stay away. How tangled...