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Robert Dex, heir to the Kingdom of Western Wind, wished to have a different life. Tied to his destiny as the next king, struggling with his strained relationship with his estranged father, Robert could only hope that his arranged marriage to a mystery princess will be his chance...
18+ Erotica. Adult only. Steamy Shower Tales is part of an anthology series filled with stories that satisfy your urges but also leave you wanting for more.
Julian the Alpha King has a secret. One night when he goes to save some of the humans from being massacred, he meets Arabella and feels drawn to her like no other before. However, when she finds out that werewolves exist, she runs from him repeatedly. After all, she thinks he...
Shannara Chen graduate in Medical school she dreamed being doctor because she feel useless when her grandfather passed away she loved by her grandparents but sadly after graduation her grandmother passed away too she was lonely but later on she discovered that she still has...
Prince Kyanite is a human living in a world where vampires exist. One day, he is slain by the Tenth Vampire Prince. Supposedly, that’s how his story should’ve ended in the animation titled: The Tragedy of a Human Prince.
Coincidentally, his death scene crossed the same time, day...
Sara finds herself watching her youngest move away and it leaves her feeling completely all alone. However, that night, she goes to the store and ends up meeting Sam, a man from her past. After she finally realizes just who he is, she welcomes him into her life.
Sam hides the...
Kennedy Gilby works hard for years for the promotion. Before she takes the risk, traveling to the country she never heard of for the assignment, she meets a green-eyed, smoldering hot, and devilishly handsome Thayer that any woman will wrap their hands around him.
She just...
When the three famous celestial brothers—Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon—have their divine attributes ripped away, there is almost nothing left with them as they become mere humans. Not until a mortal woman, Rheis, adopts them as her sons. Their lives abruptly change from having no...
The best way to live in a sinful and harsh world is to choose your battles wisely. That was what the 23-year old Tayla Del Mariano knew ever since she was forced to live in a house with owls. The girl thought that staying silent and not arguing with fools will make her life...
“Sir, the new student got into trouble in class ! They asked you to come !”
I pulled a long face while my Lycan gritted out in my mind.
“That’s our mate, punk !”
* * * * * * * *
Ever had the shock of your life that the man you hate the most on the first day of college is your...