Lily is an ordinary young girl living in London, but one Christmas Eve, her life takes an extraordinary turn. After a surprise visit from her grandfather, who has a secret connection to Santa Claus, Lily embarks on a magical adventure across London. Alongside Santa’s sleigh and...
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Tessa used to love fantasy novels, but she doesn't have time for them anymore. Now she works a mind-numbing computer repair job in San Francisco that leaves her no time for dreaming big. On an otherwise normal day, Tessa starts to see things and people that don't seem quite...
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Deep below the ocean surface, hidden from the world, lies the city of Atlantis. The people of Atlantis left the surface world many years ago for the safety of their people. They pride themselves on logic and science as a way of life. Things are not done for vanity or...
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Senna has spent her whole life hating the privileged magic users that live in the Silver Palace. When the king dies and the prince must marry so he can become king, a contest is held like nothing the kingdom has ever seen: a contest for non-magic using girls where the winner...
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Jim grew up in Quig manor in the lap of luxury. He is the only son of his Lord father and sole inheritor of his estate, but Jim feels he is too soft to take over for his father and grows sad as time passes. He asks his parents’ permission to kill himself for he feels he has...
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Two best friends and, possibly, something more. A clock ticking down to disaster. An ancient, buried secret. Maureen McDougal seems to have everything. She’s smart, popular, and an amazing athlete. Everyone wants to be her, but they wouldn’t if they knew the truth. Maureen’s the...