Lily is an ordinary young girl living in London, but one Christmas Eve, her life takes an extraordinary turn. After a surprise visit from her grandfather, who has a secret connection to Santa Claus, Lily embarks on a magical adventure across London. Alongside Santa’s sleigh and Dasher, the reindeer, Lily helps deliver presents to people in need and learns that the true magic of Christmas isn’t just in the gifts or decorations, but in the love, kindness, and joy we share with others.
As she journeys through the iconic streets of London, from Tower Bridge to Buckingham Palace, Lily discovers the power of believing in something bigger than herself and the importance of spreading the holiday spirit throughout the year. With the help of her grandfather and the Christmas magic that fills the air, Lily learns that the magic of Christmas doesn’t end when the decorations come down—it lives on in every act of kindness and love.
In this heartwarming story, Lily’s unforgettable Christmas Eve adventure teaches her that the greatest gift of all is the belief in magic, kindness, and the spirit of giving. Believing in Magic Forever is a timeless tale for readers young and old, reminding us all that the magic of Christmas is always within reach, as long as we choose to believe.
Publisher: Mybard
Publication Date: November 28, 2024
ISBN: 978-1-68302-114-8
Language: English