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Cassandra Johnson and her five adopted brothers are in a sexual relationship! However, Cassandra and the brothers break the one rule during their reverse harem: To not fall in love...
There was a woman who grew so jealous of Cassandra for 'stealing' her man that she planned to...
"My Aged Husband" is a gripping and provocative age-gap romance that explores the complexities of age gap romance full of love, betrayal, lust, and resilience.
Samiksha's life takes an unexpected turn when she is forced into a whirlwind marriage with Rajbeer, a man over two...
When terrorists abduct the mother of his late wife, in spite of the bad blood between them, Jason feels it his duty to go all out for her sake. His old colleagues at the FBI have picked up the wrong scent and won't listen to reason, so it falls to him to do his best.
Forcing a...
FBI Special Agent Jason Raids has his hands full at work, and a lively teenage daughter at home. For now, he thinks he has her where he wants her: under the watchful eye of her aunt. But sometimes, safety is just an illusion. Chrissie is lured out to a night party and is...
Jason thought he was out of the FBI for good. But when a convoy is attacked and the culprit is a close friend of his, the Bureau reaches out to him for help.
Convinced there's more to the situation than meets the eye, Jason sets out on his own to discover the true motive behind...
28 years old, Businessman
A man who is not used to talking much at all.
He has a habit of saying his words in very few words.
His work is worship for him, and to be immersed in work all the time is his favorite hobby.
The biggest problem in his life are his...
Devil was approaching her. His steps were slow but threatening. His eyes were digging into her soul.
"What are you doing here, You duck face?".
Angel shuddered under his hard intense devilish gazes. His deep hazel eyes were staring deeply into her angelic soul.
"Are you here...
A Smiling Demon in human disguise who has been known of man of few words, hardworking, Dangerous and Lovable but only for his family and friends.
~SAPPHIRE MARIA STONE, A teenage 18 year old girl whose world is around her...
HADES said in his bold, authoritative and demanding tone, 'STRIP' .
His eyes held anger and temper which sent fears to her.
Every Fibres of her body was shaking under his powerful and dominance gaze. She stood at her Place and didn't know how to react on his words.
This time...
He is sleeping, lying on his stomach on the bed. She is clinging to the wall in front of him. She has some unwanted guests in her eyes whom she doesn't want to meet at all but who she is not ready to accept. As they slide from her cheeks, some of them end up inside her lips,...