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Robert was the Prince of the Kingdom of Western Wind. And he had everything. The crown. The adoration of the people. The utmost respect of noblemen inside and out of their borders. But amidst all the riches and privileges given to him by birth, Robert was unhappy with his life....
Jean and Marie studying at Liberal International School became classmates and shared something more than what just friends would share. They stood their ground of being best friends, but they were on the way to becoming something more. Because their country had certain...
Not everyone is born strong,
Some are soft like the cotton candy clouds, like the first rays before dawn.
Some are unaware of the dark thoughts and the cruelty that exists.
Like an enchanting pearl in an oyster..protected.
There comes a day they realise that even the sweetest...
Aurora's world turns upside down when she gets stuck in the midst of an unwanted pregnancy and the quest for 'The Heart of Magic.'
Dragons, werewolves and witches; all are in a bid to trap, lure and use Aurora to obtain the stone.
How will Aurora protect herself and her baby...
"A monster, an ice cold heart, an abomination...." He stared right into my soul as my eyes filled with unshed tears.
"You are all this Medusa.." he whispered in my ear, his lips tracing it's outline. "....and so am I." my eyes snapped to his in surprise.
"But then you are so...
Dark locks of hair were sprawled on his forehead dripping like molten honey.
His eyes so full of life yet of death, their colour grey-a fallen angel, a king, liquid silver swirling with sweet nectar or was it poison?
Those dark cherry lips were the sweetest forbidden pleasure....
A Celtic Love Story about a Woman that finds herself drawn to a Scottish Rogue. Will she follow her heart or follow her father? She will not follow her tyrant of a Father out of love. But rather of fear for the wrath he could bestow upon the man she loves. Especially since he is...
After the death of her father, Lady Victoria is at the mercy of her betrothed, the cruel and wealthy Lord Byron. She thinks her life is doomed, and can’t imagine how it could get any worse. All that changes when she is beset upon by a group of rogues, who want to use her for a...
Sabastian Jones has always been a player, never staying with the same girl for more than a few late night booty calls and for good reason; he doesn't belong in the human world. But when he meets Olivia Miles, a hot young nurse, at the club during one of his hunts, he is left...
From setting foot in Asia to waltzing with Yul Brynner in glorious technicolor, Anna Leonowens and her romanticized experiences as the only Westerner behind the walls of Nang Harm (the walled harem of the king of Siam) have had a long, colourful, and often controversial...