Paris, France. 2023.
That was the only thing Olivia was able to see. Her mind went into a spiral of thoughts and in fact, she acted too calm for someone who's unable to see.
Soon enough, her other senses came to life and she could feel the cold floor seeping into her bones through the jacket she was wearing. She inhaled deeply and her senses were flooded with the smell of wet earth and the faint tang of blood. She tried sitting up but discovered that her hands were tied to her back.
She moved her legs but it was tied too. Suddenly, she started thrashing widely and when she tried to talk, she couldn't. She started making weird noises while thrashing widely.
“si era svegliata.” A voice said from somewhere faraway before the door swung open.
They were speaking Italian, a language Olivia fell in love with when she was young so she understood it but can't speak it except for some random curse words.
Olivia heard footsteps entering the room before a cold voice said:
“Rimuovere il nastro.”
The tape was forcefully torn off Olivia's mouth.
“Voi bastardi. Is this how you treat anyone that boards your taxi?!” Olivia shouted as soon as she was able to speak.
The cold voice said again and Olivia heard footsteps moving closer to her.
“No. No. Are you insane?! Will you-”
A resounding slap landed on her lips making her wince in pain.
“That sure hurts for someone with a palm as soft as yours.” She said softly, clenching her teeth in an attempt to numb the pain.
“Togliere la benda.” The cold voice commanded again and Olivia heard footsteps moving closer to her again before she was forcefully flung and the blindfold untied.
Olivia was face flat on the floor, her nose having no choice but to inhale the dust covered floor. She turned and squinted her eyes from the light from the opened door before she moved her head slightly, using the shadow of the towering figure standing inches away from the door as a shield from the blinding light.
She took in his figure. From his slightly ruffled hair, down to his broad chest that was covered in a black shirt that clung body tightly to his tattooed well built arms and finally, to his long pant-covered legs down to his shiny black leather shoes. His back was facing the light so she's not able to see his facial features.
She shook her head wildly then sighed.
“Who are you?”
The man didn't answer but instead, he motioned to the man beside him who bowed, left, and after a few minutes, came back carrying a wooden chair.
“Disrespectfully, you should have asked that before you stole from me. Now, you will need to remember one name,” He started, his voice thick and cold with an Italian accent beneath it. He stretched his arm and the man who'd brought him a chair placed a shiny black gun on his palm.
“Enzo. And it will be the last name you will ever know.” He added, cocking the gun.
Olivia glanced round the room widely. The room has no window and one door; the one the man who called himself, Enzo, had came in from. And even, if she was to try to escape, her hands and feet were tied and sha can't run faster than a bullet.
‘I’m doomed for death. I've not even gotten my degree nor have I worn my new clothes.’ she mentally cried.
“Wait wait. So you are going to kill me? No torture? No interrogation? No trying to get your money back? You are not even going to try to make an example or confirm that I'm really the one that stole your money? Infact, I don't know anyone named you,not have I stolen from anyone named you. That's just lazy Enzo. I expected more from… someone like you.” She hurriedly said in an attempt to stalk time.
Olivia knew all what she'd said was false but not when her life is about to flash before her eyes.
The man titled his head slowly, his eyes flashing in amusement before he burst out laughing.
“Little Red?”
Olivia's eyes widened in horror and she started thrashing again. She felt the room spinning and her breath caught in her throat. The floor beneath her seemed to crumble as she stared dragging her body backwards.
“Untie her.” Enzo said coldly. “I love it when they run.”
The man who'd slapped her earlier moved closer to her, stepped on her thigh to keep her in place. Then, he brought out a small knife and cut down the rope tying her hands and feet.
Olivia continued moving back until her back hit the wall.
‘My life is toast.’
Enzo stood up from the chair, the shiny black gun still held in his hands as he started walking towards her and Olivia wished that the floor should part and swallow her.
“First time or not, you will suffer…”
He bent down in front of her and grabbed her face then squeezed her cheek tightly that Olivia felt her jaw will be misplaced.
“... The consequences.” Enzo said, gritting his teeth. His grey eyes stared deeply into her soul.
“You want to steal from me but you stole a measly five million instead?”
As he spoke, his grip on her cheek tightened and his finger dug into her skin like a vice grip.
“Please, I'm sorry. I.. I didn't know. I would have taken more. I'm sorry.” Olivia whimpered, her voice barely audible.
She knew her ultimate demise is inevitable and she would rather remain calm as stalk it for as long as she can, just to feel the luxurious material of her Versace jacket on her skin, to feel luxury, rather than try to escape, which would make it fast.
Enzo's grip on Olivia's cheek and Olivia grabbed his inked arms in an attempt to tear him off her. Helplessness washes over her like a tidal wave, her eyes locked unto his grey eyes and burned with the fierce desire to inflict pain like he's doing to her.
Her gaze dropped to his groin, and she could almost feel the satisfaction of her foot connecting with his vulnerable flesh. Her muscle tensed, ready to strike, but before she could unleash her revenge in Fury's form, Enzo brought his other hand and grabbed her approaching knees while still squeezing her chin.
“You are not going to kick me, little Red.” He sneered, his breath hit against her cheeks which had gone red in pain and anger.
Soon enough, Olivia's temporary savinigrace came in the form of footsteps approaching the room.
Enzo let go of her cheeks, making her head hit the dust covered floor, then stood up, his figure towering over her before he gave her a kick and Olivia almost felt her ribcage crack.
He turned to the door, while Olivia continued reeling in pain. She grunted in pain, her hands clutched her stomach and her eyes fixed tightly shut.
Andrea and Alessia entered the room. Alessia gazed at Enzo nonchalantly, as if she was expecting the scene she'd met while Andrea’s eyes widened dramatically.
“Ah, Enzo. You started the party without me?” He gasped, feigning hurt and surprise. “I bought the guest of honor and you didn't even wait for me to get the drinks-”
“-I want to suggest something though.” Alessia interrupted, trying to get a view of the figure on the floor whose body was covered by Enzo's towering figure.
Enzo I my raised his brow in a question way before Alessia gave up.
“You know my reaction to dust right?” Alessia asked, making Enzo sigh. Turning to the other man who'd brought him a chair.
“Eliminate her if she try anything funny. She may be from the East side family.” He said and gave him the gun.
The man bowed. Enzo gave the reeling Olivia a glance before following Alessia out of the room.
_ _ _
“Tell me you don't really think she's from the East side family.” Alessia jeered as soon as they stepped out of the room and into a desolate hallway. “So, you think the East side family will only take five million dollars?”
Enzo dipped his hand into his pants’ pocket and leaned on a grey wall opposite Alessia, using one of his legs for support.
“I'm guessing-”
“-lexi is right.” Andrea interrupted. He crossed his arm over his chest and smiled at Alessia.
“I'm guessing you want your skull pierced by a bullet.” Enzo said threatingly, shooting Andrea who hurriedly cowered behind Alessia a glare.
His cold gaze shifted to Alessia and without a word, he turned and walked back into the room where Olivia was, her hands still placed on her stomach.
He bet down and grabbed her hair, forcing her to look into his eyes. Enzo's grip on her hair was like a vice which made Olivia wince. His finger ma twisted painfully as he forced he to stare into his eyes. His eyes were glacial, his voice dripping with malice.
“You stole… from me.” He whispered, his voice hot against her face.
“Death is too quick for you. Too easy and not a fitting punishment.” He paused, his gaze boring into hers.
“You will work for me, until every last cent is paid. Every. Last. Cent.” His words dropped with venom, his voice rising slightly at the last word. Then, he leaned in and headbutt her before releasing her head and Olivia head dropped like a dead weight.
SettingsX | ||||||||||
Please note that this is the
Please note that this is the last free chapter ☺️