The Billionaire's Cleaner
By Wasley Hadj
Date: August 25, 2024

Throughout the week Diana had felt nothing but pain, she had thought of everything she could do but none had been positive enough, her father doesn't even call her or even demand to see her, the thought of killing Mark Thomas is always in her mind and the wish of resurrection came coming always because she believed that if her mother 'Hannah Hendricks' hasn't died from the Stage 2 Cancer she wouldn't have been here ever since after her graduation.
The sky is black you can only see your movement with light and Everywhere was silent no more birds singing that melodious songs again, Jack kept on barking like he has seen a ghost but that has Been his every day routine, he barks almost throughout the night.
All the workers in the mansion has slept even though Mark Thomas is yet to be back from the office, he has went out very early in the morning with his escort led by Frank Richard to his office, he has left an order that Diana must work throughout the whole day and Camara Einstein was out in charge.
Camara whom has been an Antagonist to her, Camara had made sure she performed different kind of jobs even the one not appointed to her by their boss. She called her every 1 hour to do different chores.
"Eh! Skiny bitch!! What the fuck have you been doing? Get over here and clean this premises the boss won't be happy to see the dirt's."
She does that throughout the whole day and that kept her on her two legs all day, she's still feeling the pain from her last encounter with Mark, her legs still hurts because she has hit her leg on a glass table while she was about falling when she was hit by Mark, she has to bandage it with only white cloth.
After completion Diana was still outside mimicking to herself words of consolation, none of the worker wants to be with her, Camara Einstein has made all of them hates her too much, only Charles has ever shown her love and he has alot of work to do in the Mansion.
"I still remember the Folktale story he told me and I could use one right now, am so unhappy right now. Mother your death left nothing good but pain, my hasn't been the same since you die the so called father you left me with doesn't bother about me and he has forgotten about me, is it a crime not to get married to somebody I don't have feelings for, I was forced to get married to him but I refuse to love him... Mother I miss you and I wish to see you even if it's in my dream when I sleep now."
In few hours, the sound of the strong iron which the Mansion gate was made off cracked opened by the security man at the gate, Mark's three Black SUV drove in at the same time. Frank Richard stepped down from the front SUV to open the door for his boss. He opened the door of the Black SUV for Mark, in his black shoe he stepped out with his right leg touching the ground of the mansion, workers awake came straight to welcome him.
"Camara Einstein: welcome sir."
"Emma Haumer: you are welcome sir "
"How are you all doing and where is that stinking Diana?" Mark Thomas asked.
"Camara Einstein: she must be sleeping right now sir."
"Sleeping!!! How dare her? Go inside there now and call her for me before I lose my temper right now."
Mark, removed his suit and hand it over to Frank while he walked inside the mansion majestically and he sat on a golden chair which is father has imported from Mississippi, he crossed his legs and he ordered his cook to bring him a Tray of fruits and a bottle of Tequila while waiting for Diana to come.
It takes them like 5 minutes then they arrived, Diana was already sleepy that her eyeball was red and she was walking sluggishly to him along side Camara to the centre of the Mansion where Mark was sitting.
"When they got there Mark asked Diana why she went in to sleep after knowing fully well that he hasn't come back from work, as a good worker and propose wife aren't you suppose to wait outside even if it's raining you must be outside waiting for me, I never wanted you to become a Cleaner but you said yourself that to be my wife you prefer to be my Cleaner, so act like one do the house chores tiredlessly."
She stood there looking at Mark and wasn't able to say anything at all, she stood like a statue of liberty with full grown anger inside her and couldn't pour anything out from it but instead she wasn't saying anything.
"I want you to go inside my room pack all of my fucking Clothes and Iron them and you must complete it ontime to resume tomorrow's duty, no excuses with me Diana Hendricks don't try any fucking shit with me this night I want you to move now and stop stearing at me like a mother fucking shit."
Camara was happy with the way Mark was abusing Diana, she was excited to show her to Mark's room pack all the clothes he has ordered her to wash and Iron, she threw everything at her face that she nearly fell down from here she was standing.
Charles was ordered not to even try to assist her and if he does he will forever lose his job because of her, Emma also gave her direction to the washing room where she taught her how to operate the washing machine properly to her washing.
"Diana was so tired that her eyes was blurry as if she's gonna faint yo the ground and died but she didn't instead she summoned her courage that for her to marry this wicked man I'll rather do the washing like he commanded."
She washed the cloth throughout the night without being help by anyone and then the next morning she wasn't able to wake up as early as she normally does.
In the morning Mark Thomas woke up very early took his coffee and went to the sitting room, At the sitting room wall is a long 85 inches Flat screen Television attached to the middle of the wall facing a four sitter long chair where Mark was sitting on, he was watching the CNN NEWS MORNING NEWS, on the news it was broadcast that there are six missing girls, all kidnapped at the same spot and sametime, in which their parents has been searching for them since last week and the Broadcaster continued by saying that if they weren't found ontime it might result in the same case that occurred last year whereby some girl are also kidnapped but we're later found dead at a lake.
"This is now getting too serious this days, I know this girl even though This picture is still her young face, she looks familiar just like Camara Einstein's sister."
"Emma are you there I want you to get me Camara Einstein Right now I need her to confirm something for me immediately."
Emma ran straight to Camara which was Cleaning the other part of the Mansion's room.
"Camara, Boss need to see you right now and it's very urgent follow me right now."
" Okay! Let's go now."

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Diana's struggles multiplied