By Liu Spesh
Date: August 2, 2024

Stella reluctantly accepted her fate, even though they were far from what she desired. Life has given her an offer and she's willing to accept it.
She made the tough choice to enter into prostitution, a decision that weighed heavily on her and proved to be the most difficult one she had ever faced.

Two weeks later, Stella had already begun her work at the brothel, The initial two weeks proved challenging for Stella as she encountered harassment from her fellow workers at the brothel. Despite this, Linda, one of the girls consistently stood up for her, defending her whenever needed.

Indeed, this mutual support became the cornerstone of their friendship, with Stella regarding Linda as the sister she never had. Linda often offered words of wisdom, babe stop thinking about your past, we are here because of life challenges. She emphasized that their current situation was a result of life's circumstances and urged Stella to keep pushing forward. Life generally is unfair but we have to keep pushing ok. That's because you sound so responsible and mature, how did you get here?
With her eyes wide open, Stella asked, "You want to know?" Linda nodded and replied, "I will tell you."

It all started when I lost my dad. A year after his burial, my mom became involved with a man who took her overseas, specifically to Sweden. The plan was for me to stay with my uncle until I turned 20, and then I could join them.

But that plan wasn't for my uncle, how do you mean? Stella asked out of curiosity. Linda blinked her eyes twice, tears starting to roll down, but she quickly held them back and pulled herself together as she continued.

My uncle started sleeping with me the same month my mum traveled. I will cry and complain yet know one wants to hear me out. He made life unbearable for me.couple with the numbers of abortion he forced me to do.

As he snatched my phone away, he cunningly convinced my mother that I was too young to handle such a device. It was his devious tactic to sever the communication between my mom and me, ensuring I couldn't report his misdeeds to her.

"Goodness gracious, that uncle of yours must be a real parasite," Stella exclaimed, Meanwhile, Linda wore a peculiar smile, though tears streamed down her cheeks. "Do you realize, that the last abortion I underwent because of him damaged my fallopian tubes? The doctor says I'll never be able to conceive again."

Upon arriving home, the weight of the secret became unbearable. I felt as though death would be preferable to facing my uncle's threats of violence if his wife or anyone else discovered the truth.

Each day was a torment of tears and self-pity, with no desire to go on. Summoning every ounce of courage, I finally confided in his wife. "My dear, you cannot imagine the force of the slap they delivered," I recounted. However, she staunchly defended her husband, while my uncle predictably denied everything.

Their solution? To cast me out of the house. And so, these dire circumstances led me to take up this job.

As Stella listened to her friend's harrowing tale, her ears burned with anger. Tears streamed down her face as she cursed Linda's uncle.

Linda couldn't hold back the tears; they flowed freely as she joined her friend, and together, they found solace in shared sorrow, urging one another to find strength and carry on.

Months passed, and Stella found herself settling into her work. She had come to terms with her situation and was determined to embrace life to its fullest from that moment forward.

A dramatic scene unfolded one day at the brothel, with Stella and her client engaged in a heated altercation that threatened to bring down the very roof of the building. The absence of the manager on-site exacerbated the situation, allowing matters to escalate unchecked. It was revealed that Stella's client had attempted to shortchange her, paying less than the agreed amount. Refusing to relent, Stella gripped his trousers tightly, adamant that he settle the debt in full.

Despite the efforts of her colleagues to defuse the situation, Stella remained resolute, impervious to reason or pleas, her grip on the young man unyielding.

As the tension mounted, Jeff unexpectedly entered the scene, drawn not by a desire for drinks but by the sight of Stella in distress.

What's happening here? Can you release him?" Jeff's voice cut through the tension as he intervened.

"Mind your business, Oga. Are you paying me the money?" Stella retorted sharply.

"Money issue?" Jeff asked, his confusion evident.

Before Stella could explain, Jeff requested her account details. Moments later, Stella received a notification of a 300,000 credit from Jeff. Overwhelmed, she released the young man, her face lighting up with a radiant smile. In her excitement, she hugged Jeff, who responded with a smile, "It's alright, I believe this can resolve the situation.

The young man, feeling cheeky, teased Stella, "Looks like I won't be paying my bills here for a year."

Infuriated, Stella snapped back, "You're shameless!"

Ignoring their bickering, Jeff intervened, ordering the young man to leave. "Okay sir, thank you, bye bye," the young man replied, exiting.

Feeling drained, Stella thanked Jeff before walking away. Jeff, settling into a seat, was offered a drink by the barman.

As he sipped his drink, his attention remained fixated on Stella. Her gap teeth and beautiful face captivated him, compelling him to approach her.

"Hey, miss," he greeted.

Stella looked surprised yet pleased. "Oh, welcome, sir," she responded.

"Sir, once again, thank you for the money. And I apologize for the outburst earlier," she added.

"No offense taken," Jeff replied with a smile, almost chuckling.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad I could help. And please, enough with the 'sir' already. I'm Jeffrey, you can call me Jeff. I'm the only son of Senator Benard."

Upon hearing Jeff's revelation, Stella's happiness and attraction towards him intensified. "Okay, sir, sorry, Jeff," she corrected herself immediately, both of them exchanging smiles.

"Wow, so you mean I have the son of the great Senator Benard here with me?" Stella asked rhetorically, clearly impressed.

"It's an honor meeting you, sir," she added as they shook hands, Jeff insisting on offering her a drink. They toasted to their newfound friendship.

Then, Jeff's curious inquiry about Stella's family put her on edge. Despite her discomfort, she began to speak. "I don't really like talking about my family, not for any particular reason," she admitted reluctantly.

"As you can see, this is the work I do. I'm the only child of my parents; my mum passed away while giving birth to me, and my dad is a principal in one of the public schools in town," Stella explained.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mom. But, if I may ask, is your dad aware that you work here? I mean, in this line of work?" Jeff inquired.

Stella's irritation grew as Jeff continued with his probing questions.

My dad isn't aware of where I am," Stella stated firmly. Jeff was about to ask another intrusive question when Stella interrupted.

"Excuse me, sir. I need to go now. I have something to attend to inside," she said, leaving abruptly and visibly angry. Jeff felt guilty, realizing it wasn't the right time for his questions.

He attempted to call Stella back, but she deliberately ignored him.

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