By Liu Spesh
Date: August 3, 2024

The relationship between Jeff and Stella teeters on deceit and pretense, despite their frequent encounters in bed. Stella acknowledges the charade they're both playing.

Jeff finds more enjoyment in the company of his numerous paramours.

"Hello, babe," Jeff knocked.

Stella purposefully ignores him, her mind swirling with thoughts.

Jeff knocked again, louder this time. "I know you can hear me. I just want to talk."

"Please go away. I'm not in the mood to talk," Stella retorted.

"Can you at least hear me out?" Jeff pleaded.

Go away, I don't want to talk to you," Stella's voice rang with determination.

Frustrated, Jeff retreated to his bar, drowning his sorrows in alcohol. After about 30 minutes, Stella finally mustered the courage to open the door to Jeff's room, only to find it empty.

"Where could he be at this hour?" she muttered softly.

Venturing to the bar, Stella discovered Jeff, already intoxicated and talking to himself.

"This is serious. Could it be my fault?" she wondered as she struggled to guide Jeff back to his room, his words slurred and nonsensical.

The following morning, Jeff awoke to the realization that he was supposed to meet Becky that same night. Checking his call log and Instagram, he found messages from Becky, attempting to reach him about their meeting.

He seethed with resentment, blaming Stella for his inability to meet Becky. "Why should this nobody's daughter dictate my life? Gone are the days I begged you to stay. You can leave for all I care because if you choose to stay, I'll make sure to deal with you. Even if you run, I'll find you. I'm your shadow; you can't escape from me. I remember the day I picked you up, transforming your lowly existence, something your father and family couldn't do for years. Yet, you remain an ungrateful wretch."

To an outsider, Jeff's mental instability was evident as he engaged in heated monologues.

Meanwhile, Stella had gone to the market, leaving the maids to prepare Jeff's food, which he refused to eat, adding to Stella's burdens.

Minutes later, Becky's call interrupted his brooding. "Hey, madam, you're better off when you're silent," he retorted.

Becky, taken aback, asked, "What's wrong with you? How dare you speak to me like that?"

Jeff dismissed her concerns. "This is just one of your problems, always crying over everything. If I respond, you cry; if I don't, you still cry."

It's better and possible to do without this gender, but not for me," Jeffrey remarked bluntly.

"I called to tell you I'm on my way to your house," Becky finally revealed.

Jeff let out a deep breath. "I wasn't expecting the odd," he muttered.

"What did you say?" Becky inquired.

"Don't worry, just come," he replied before abruptly ending the call.

A few minutes later, Becky arrived at Jeff's house, fortunately finding Stella absent as she hadn't returned from the market.

"Hello!" Jeff greeted. "Beautiful damsel, are you always this beautiful, or is today different?" he chuckled, feeding Becky's pride with his compliment.

Jeff happily ushered her into the room, but his major fear loomed: Stella's potential return. The thought of Stella catching them in bed filled him with dread, although he held onto the belief that she wouldn't be returning anytime soon.

A few minutes later, Jeff began caressing Becky, which escalated into her giving him a blowjob. They were still in that intimate position when Jeff abruptly stood up, carrying Becky to the bed as they commenced lovemaking.

Midway through their passion, Stella returned from the market, catching them in the act. She stood there, frozen, watching them in disbelief, pinching herself to ensure she wasn't dreaming. Reality crashed down upon her, and she screamed at the top of her lungs, her eyes wide with shock and fury.

Becky, unable to withstand the intensity of Stella's gaze, hastily grabbed her dress and began dressing, eager to flee the scene. She didn't even wait to put on her shoes before running away in haste.

Jeff, dumbfounded by the turn of events, felt no remorse, despite expecting a different outcome. As Stella prepared to confront him, he quickly warned her, "Don't you dare touch me! What do you think you're doing, you daughter of a bitch? Lay a finger on me, and I'll send you back to your dead mother's nonsense.

Jeff's voice echoed through the room as he yelled at her, his words laced with anger and disbelief. "Did this just happen?" Stella questioned, her voice filled with disbelief and hurt. "So, what you did now didn't mean anything to you at all? You know I asked you this question before, and I'm asking you again now. What did you really want from me? When I left you and all your madness alone, I was experiencing all the happiness life could offer. Why did you come back, begging me to return home? I knew you could be promiscuous, but I never imagined it had reached this point where you'd entertain anything under the skirt. You can go for all I care. Remember, you've done it before. In fact, going into that house to beg you to come back was my greatest mistake," Jeff concluded, his tone dripping with disdain.

Unable to contain her tears, Stella cried out, "I don't blame you, shameless man. Yes, just like your father. Foolish man!" Her tears flowed uncontrollably, the depth of her pain evident in every sob.

You better shut your mouth before I do it for you," Jeff warned, his tone menacing.

Knowing Jeff didn't make empty threats, Stella retreated to her room, tears streaming down her face.

After the incident, Becky sent Jeff a text: "Meet me at First Life now." First Life was a hotel close to Jeff's estate. Jeff couldn't deny that Becky must have been furious with him, but he reasoned it wasn't entirely his fault. Despite his misgivings, he left the house to meet Becky at the hotel.

Stella had cried so much that anyone who saw her would know she had reached her breaking point. The saying "money is power" was a stereotype Stella had heard often, but it meant little to her as she had never had much money. However, witnessing Jeff's transformation and the events that unfolded made her realize the devastating impact of that stereotype.

Haunted by Jeff's hurtful words, Stella blamed her father and her impoverished background for her current predicament.

At this point, Stella wasn't willing to seek advice from anyone, not even Linda. Hastily, she packed her belongings and walked away from the house. At the gate, the security guard, who was aware of Stella's situation, couldn't bring himself to stop her. He watched her cross the compound, admiring her graceful walk, slim hips, and straight posture.

"In case your Oga asks, tell him I've gone," Stella struggled to leave a message.

"Yes, ma'am," the security guard replied, feeling a pang of guilt as he watched her leave.

He blamed Jeff for being unreasonable towards everyone around him, muttering to himself as he did. The other three maids approached him, and they began to engage in gossip about Jeff's behavior and treatment of his staff.

"I'm even considering quitting," one of the maids said.

"I'm not going anywhere. Can't you see this man pays us very well and doesn't mistreat us? We should bear and tolerate these occurrences," another maid countered, expressing her reluctance to leave despite the challenges.

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