“I would call the hospital,” Astra said wanting to run out of the room when he grabbed her hand.
“I am fine, I just need my phone, no need to call any ambulance," he said, already coughing again.
“But you don't seem fine, I have to do something”, Astra said trying to free her hand.
“So you do care about me, " Knight said, smirking.
“I am not laughing Knight, you are not fine I need to call the hospital.
“Just get me my phone let me call the family doctor he said breathing In.
“You need a hospital Knight”, Astra said, already holding his hands.
“I am fine Astra, I am very fine I just need to see the doctor and everything will be fine again.
Knight has been for two days now, I have been working for him both at home and in the office.
I cook, clean, work, and stay with him most of the time.
“Mrs. Astra”, the doctor called, Mr. Knight is fine he just needs rest for another day.
“Thank you, doctor,” Astra said, shaking him and entering Knight's room.
He was asleep so she decided to go cook, after cooking she went back upstairs and saw that he was awake.
“Hi, how are you doing?”Astra asked, sitting at the side of the bed.
“I never told you I was sick Astra. I am perfectly okay. I just needed some rest. I am feeling a lot better now”, he said.
“Well I am done with cooking I would go bring your food.
Astra walked out of the room, went to the kitchen, and served his food.
She went back to his room and found him sitting up on his phone.
“Here is your food,” Astra said.
“Should I feed it to you? “she asked.
“Yes please," he replied, smiling.
She hadn't expected him to say yes, she was only joking.
She looked at him and figured he was serious, she took the food bit by bit and fed it to him.
When she was done she cleared the plates and sat with him.
She stirred and figured she fell asleep on him.
Astral tapped him but he was fast asleep. He stared and put his hands under her T-shirt mistakenly and she wore nothing underneath.
She didn't know what to do then his hand moved and she froze.
His hands went to her breast and he squeezed it, murmured her name, and opened his eyes.
They stared at each other, not knowing what to do.
“Your hands, Astra said.
He squeezed her breast not knowing what it was then his eyes widened in realization.
I am so sorry he said removing his hands quickly.
She nodded and stood up straight.
“What were you dreaming about?” she asked.
“You don't want to know it”, he replied, shaking his head.
“Well I do, I wanna know what you were dreaming about because you mentioned my name”, she said looking up at him.
“Are you sure you want to know Astra?”, he asked.
“Most definitely”, she replied.
I was dreaming of you in my hands nacked and I was fucking your brains out you were screaming my name, Astra.
She looked at him dazed, not expecting what he said.
“Why would you say something like that? ”, she asked, tapping his hands. I want to know what you dreamt about, not the lies that you thought of.
Okay, yes I have thought of you in my hands while fucking you before but for real I dreamt about it.
She looked at him dazed at what he said.
You shouldn't say such things you know and it doesn't matter, you already made it clear from the beginning that you would never share the same bed with me”, Astra said.
Standing up and putting her clothes in order
“Oh, I remember I said that”, but I would gladly take back my words now Astra”, he said.
“And why would you do that, Knight? Astra asked him.
“Because I like you”, he replied.
“You can't like me, remember this is more of a contract than a marriage”, Asrtra said.
“Yeah, just wanted to see your reaction, can't imagine myself liking you”, Knight said clearing his throat.
“Good, now I would like to excuse myself and go to the mall”, Astra said standing up.
“I want you to cook dinner today”, Knight said.
“No problem I will I gotta go”, she said.
“Yeah, cool, can you get some apples for me?” “Knight asked.
“OK, no problem Astra said walking out the door.
Astra decided to take a shower before going, after showering she boarded a taxi and went to the mall.
“Sorry, don't you guys have apples?" she asked the attendant at the mall.
“No ma'am it's finished”, replied the young woman.
“Oh, okay thanks”, Astra replied.
Astra spent another fifteen minutes shopping for other things, then she decided to leave.
“Hi”, someone said, tapping her.
“Astra looked up, annoyed that the person touched her.
She was met by a pair of blue eyes almost like Knights own but this one was looking nice instead of cold.
“Hii, you dropped this”, he said, handing her the tissue papers that were dropped mistakenly.
“Ohh thanks, I didn't know”, Astra said smiling.
He smiled back his smile looking kind. He was handsome but not a knight. She couldn't figure out why she kept comparing him with Knight.
“What is a pretty woman like you doing alone in the mall?” he asked.
“I just came to get some things, it's no problem”, Astra replied.
“Well I still think you shouldn't be alone, your beauty will draw people to you.
I will get going now”, Astra said smiling.
“I could walk with you beautifully, can't leave you alone now”, he said.
“Okay then cool you could walk me I was already done anyway”, Astra said.
Astra paid for the things she bought while chatting with the guy she just met.
“Well thank you for the company,” Astra said.
“It's my pleasure my name is Grey, you didn't bother to ask,” he said.
“Oh God I forgot, my name is Astra, nice meeting you again Grey”, Astra said.
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