My Arranged Bride, Unexpected Love
By Jackie Wayne
Date: August 3, 2024
Ch. 2The Contract

But I don't like you, I never even knew you, and from the looks of things I am not looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you.

He brought a paper and gave it to Astra, “this is our contract he said, I don't know how we ended up getting married but I don't want this marriage, neither do you so I decided to help both of us.

So this contract says you will do anything I say and outside of this house, we are nothing but strangers.

I can't be more than a stranger to someone like you.

“What does that mean?”Astra asked, glaring at him.

“Well since I said it once and you didn't understand I don't think you can comprehend”, Knight said glaring at Astra.

And also after three years, we are going to get divorced”, he continued.

“So this is more like a contract marriage, than a real one,” Astra said.
“Well obviously since that's what I said,” he replied.

“So you are giving me permission to go out with other men?”, I asked

“Do I look like I care if you fuck around, you were already doing it before our marriage so u are sure it will be hard to stop,” he said.

“I will appreciate it if you mind the way you talk to me”, Astra said glaring at him.

“Or what Astra, what can you do?”, let me answer that for you, you can't do anything”, he said.

“Now I would like to leave the room because, in the face of things, your presence is suffocating,” he said and left the room.

Astra just sat on the bed looking at the papers so she would be free from this cage after three years she thought.

She sat up thinking Knight was going to come back and talk about the wedding night but he didn't so she decided to go down and check for him.

On getting to the door she heard moaning sounds from the other room confused and wanting an explanation she decided to check.

On opening the door she saw Knight on another woman having sex on their wedding night.

“Knight”, she screamed.

“Knight”, Astra shouted, shocked at what she was seeing.
“How could you do this on our wedding night without any shame? she asked him.
Knight faced her sluggishly without bothering to cover himself.

“Well if I can remember perfectly I told you that I don't like you so I can't consider sharing the bed with you, and yet you came to disturb my pleasure time,” he said standing up.

“I would like you to excuse the room and Astra,” he said standing up.

“You are so shameless, you are having sex with another woman on our wedding night. that makes sense to you, does it?”, Astra asked, already close to tears.

“Well I didn't know you cared about my business, this is my life and I can do whatever I wish, you don't need to cry because I had sex, I did, not you so why the hell do you care?” knight asked, smirking.

“Well it became my business the moment you put this ring on my finger I don't care if you sleep around but don't do it near me, I have emotions and feelings too, and the fact that you are doing it on our wedding night is so disappointing, we just have three years together you made sure if it and yet you expect me to watch you sleep around to do it outside not near me”, Astra said walking out and slamming the door.

Knight started at the door shocked that a woman just shouted at him and he felt the impact.

“Get out” he shouted at the woman on the bed and watched her with uninterested eyes as she hurried to pack her clothes.

Astra woke up feeling tired and sad, since she got married to Knight she has been trying to make the marriage work. She has done all she could but all he did was push her away.

She turned to her side and found him sleeping, his dark hair was scattered on the pillow, his lashes were long for a man, and he was breathtaking.
Then he opened his eyes and she went still, they looked at each other for some time she was lost in his eyes.

“Stop staring and move,” he said.
Then she realized she was towering over him, she blushed and moved away.

“I want to talk to you Knight, I don't like this house. It's not peaceful and joyful. We fight every time.

I know we didn't marry willingly but we could make this marriage work for the three years that we are going to be together, Astra said.

“I don't want to have any conversation with you, the only reason I share a room with you is that this is my bedroom and I am used to sleeping in it if you don't like the way the house has been then moved”, he said entering the bathroom.

Astra sat on the bed looking at the door of the bathroom, she had tried she thought but this couldn't work.

After Knight went out of the room she decided she was going to look pretty today. Maybe if he saw her as beautiful he would change towards her.
She took her bath and brought out the sexiest gown in her closet, she applied makeup and put on a lot of perfume.

Then she went down the stairs and saw a knight at the table and joined him.

“Where are you going all dressed up ?” he asked slanting a brow
“Nowhere just decided to look pretty”, she said
She felt his gaze from her face to her breast which gave the gown freedom to be seen by the eyes.
His eyes lingered on her breast a little before talking the whole of her body.

She pretended to continue eating and noticed that he was staring.

“I would like to be the one to cook”, Astra said, coughing.

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