I have a big surprise for you but you must bribe me before I let it out. Charity said, still with a huge smile..
I should bribe you first, with what exactly?
Rex asked, looking all serious and curious.
I don't really know for now just tell me.. let's say ice cream? Rex smiled.
That sounds like ice cream date right?
(Rex nodded with a smile)
Okay ice cream is fine….
Dear tell me, the suspense is killing me already. Rex sounds overwhelmed.
Charity opened his back and brought out a paper and gave it to Rex to read.
Dear what is, is this another letter again?. ( Charity smile without a word)
Oh my God! Babe this is big. Two weeks pregnant?
(Charity's face still beaming with smile, she nodded and smile again)
Rex shouted and leap for joy, although his dancing is awkward but he was seen doing something like dancing. Charity laugh to a point she started coughing.
Please give me water, you will not kill me with laugh this man. She said in between laughter!
Oh dear, I am very happy, so very soon I am going to be a father. Oh God, thank you.
Rex and his wife began to chant praises and thanks to God.
Dear am really grateful to God for how long we have come. You see I told you that time that we don't really need any therapist to make our marriage work. Now see ours is even far better than those therapist's own out there ...both of them laugh.
But dear is like you hate therapists, I mean you have never welcomed any Idea to relate anything with them why.. Rex asked, trying to get clarification.
(Smile) no dear I don't hate them, in fact I respect their office. Their fair and constructive criticism to resolve issues between couples and the likes, I really respect their office.
Is just that I have involved a third party in my home. I believe we are both mature and as adults we can always fix things and make things right even without anyone subjecting us to questions and answers.
Impressive! You are just too smart and that's why I love you. Rex chuckled
So you love only my smartness, you mean that's the only thing you love about me?
How about my dramas?
Huh babe I love everything about you, I mean everything including your dramas. As a matter of fact I love drama.
Rex quickly rephrased his word,and both of them laughed.
So what kind of drama will my beautiful wife give to me at this time?
Rex began to touch her in a compromising manner, trying to get Charity into the mood is what he can easily do since both of them understand their body language.
Babe stop what I you doing I need rest.. Charity manages to speak in a weak voice full of emotion.
Baby finds rest in me as I am in the mood to travel with you into another world of satisfaction beyond.
(He began to caress her breast and her tummy)
How do you feel now..Rex sounded in a low tune…
What else, am all yours baby beside the doctor said we should have sex more often.. Charity replied in a sweet and romantic voice.
Dear do you know we all like sex, Rex went on in his most alluring voice..That sweaty feeling of unguarded passion
running through your brain, the way our heart beats faster, the unimaginable sensation we feel when we are about to and when we cum, it is like flashes of heaven and the addiction is what keeps
us coming back for more.
At this point Charity's body is only available to do the ride with him, Rex's charming words have thrown her off balance yet balance for Rex to rest on him…
Their foreplay deepened and they made love.
Babe that was good.. Charity speaking from the heart of satisfaction..
Oh dear you can say that again, meanwhile I promised you an outing. Let's begin to dress up, let's start going or what do you think?
Yes of course but where exactly are taking me to this time?
Don't worry but you will love the place trust me. Rex assured…
Okay oh if you said so let's go then.
Rex and Charity hurriedly get prepared for the outing. Few minutes the couple are set, looking so neat and beautiful. Rex on the driver's side while Charity on the passenger side. The white 4matic GLK is ready to convey them to their destination, after a while Rex ignite the car engine
and they zoomed off.
Dear, this location is not familiar. Where are we really going?
Charity asked, although still enjoying the fun of the journey.
Dear don't worry we are almost getting to the place. Rex answered with a smile.
Okay o!
Few minutes the couple successfully arrived in a Spa.
In a spa, various services are typically offered, including massages, facials, body treatments (scrubs, wraps), manicures, pedicures, waxing, and sometimes even acupuncture or other holistic therapies. Each service aims to promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being.
A spa, oh dear this place is beautiful. She said feeling excited.
Beautiful right, I told you that you will love it. Meanwhile go ahead to choose which of the treatments you will like to have.
Everything baby I need almost all the treatment, I need manicure, pedicure infact body treatment. She said laughing at his excitement.
Woman (Rex laugh) very well then let's go inside.
Welcome sir, welcome ma…the receptionist greeted politely.
(The couple replied almost in unison)
How can we be of help sir?
Body treatment, including pedicure and manicure. Charity replied with a smile.
Okay, that's nice ma.
Please follow me..
(She led the road to the room while Rex and his wife followed her)
Rex careful watch all the different exercises being carried out on his wife and the different products applied on her body..
When Charity came out to meet him,the image Rex saw coming close to him was superb, so tantalizing that Rex screamed.
Waaaaaoo what a beauty, this is magical. Dear you look so stunning. Rex added!
I know thanks dear.. Charity's voice makes her more beautiful.
Dear I really love this place please we will come again next time, dear the treatment is really awesome, look at my nails, my hair..they are beautiful right?
Dear beautiful is an understatement, they are sexy and captivating I really love it.
The couple are set to return back home. Rex offered they should stop by to say hi to Jack)
Dear would like us to stop by at Jack's place, it has really been a while..Rex requested politely.
Okay dear know problem but please we will not stay long, I really want to relax.
Yes ma!...
You are not serious ( both of them laugh)
Rex make use of the next turn leading to Jack's duplix.
Few minutes the couple arrived at Jack's resident.
Huh who's in my house, husband of the year.. Jack chuckled, they laugh as they shook hands while Charity let out her usual smile
My friend you are welcome, Jack called Stella to greet their visitors.
Oh mr Rex welcome sir, I guess this your wife. Stella asked with a smile.
Yes as you can see…. I cannot be shy Charity said in her heart.
She's very beautiful, Stella walked closer to her, wao I love your hair and your nail infect everything.
Don't love everything, I am here o..Jack chuckled…
And everyone of them burst into laughter.
Thank you dear, your husband is so funny.. Charity said. (Both of them laugh).
About the hair, I really love it can you connect me to your stylist?
Of course that shouldn't be a problem at all whenever you are ready you notify me.
My brother I can see that these gender want to sell us, by the time they will start mentioning bow straight, Ghana weaving and Nigeria weaving will Will be lost completely… Jack said with a smile.
Exactly infact let's leave them let's go outside to have men's talk. Rex suggested.
Better you guys can go, they laugh as Jack and Rex actually leave them to continue the Chelsea March upstairs.
My brother I was really going to call, I want to officially marry Stella atmost two months from now. Jack said with a smile.
Oh this is good, am happy for you and congratulation in advance.
Thank you my brother.!
That remainds me, I have been seeing you and your wife's picture every where on social media. I really like the way things are flowing with you people. Jack said!
My brother I am really happy that I was able to rescue my marriage. Remember I told you the whole story in our chats, so she was actually reacting base on what her mom went through in the hands of her Dad….
I see, I really understand but it was always obvious.. Jack claimed.
Yes but I thank God all of that is in the past now, Even as I talk to you now he's pregnant ( Rex whispered to him)
Sharp guy, wao this is a good news congratulations. Jack is happy for his friend
Thank you my brother. You are part of this success remember, once again thank you.
That's nothing, what matters is that you will soon be a father.
Both of them laughed Stella and Charity came to meet them they watch Tv show together till when Rex and his wife returned home.
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Good news