My friend you see what I was telling you, this is what I passed through in this so-called marriage. I literally have to beg for everything, she turned me into what I don't know in my own house. What kind of bondage is worse than this?
(Jack couldn't utter a word, he feel bad for his friend, he began to imagine what he usually go through and how he's coping with her)
Rex was still lamenting when Charity walked in again angrily.
Can I ask you a question?
Are you happy with this marriage? Jack asked her, expecting her replies.
Yes my marriage is good and we are happy thank you.. Charity answered rudely.
Then you are insane, you must be very stupid to say that I am enjoying this hell called marriage with you. Rex went on
This wasn't what you promised me, you treat me and talk to me as you like without considering the fact that I am your husband. Yes I know you sponsored me in school, you paid the bills, you offered different kinds of help to me. I appreciated all of that and still appreciate it till now. But how long will I remain in your bondage. Haven't I appreciated it enough?
I love and respect you, and I have been faithful to you. When am I going to get my freedom, my happiness? Because I am really tired, I fade up. Rex cried out.
What exactly is my offense now? What have I done?
How do you expect me to be happy when you have refused to perform your duty as a man, oftentimes you treat me as if I am your fellow man. Look at this marriage are we not supposed to have at least a kid by now?
But now because you are bent on ruining me, when was the last time we made love can you even remember that?
How will I make love with you when we are not cool with each other, I should make love with you when I am emotionally drained when it comes to anything that has to do with you. Besides, I will not raise a baby in this hell called marriage because it will not be easy on the child. Rex stated.
Jack at this juncture was swimming in the ocean of bewilderment, he marvels at the way the young couple are just spewing everything out without considering the fact that he was still with them. He hated Charity for her ill treatment towards his friend.
Obviously I have to say this Jack went on…Charity if you continue like this you will lose your marriage. You are a married woman now you have a responsibility to respect and be submissive to your husband. Forget money and the fact that you saw him through schools. You did all of that for love and I thank God you guys are doing well so why not agree together and fix this marriage.. Jack advised.
Inasmuch as I appreciate your coming and your concern, like I said you should be watching your words. Just look at the way you are sounding, you are victimizing me already. You are now labeling me as the bad person here while your friend is the saint, really that's what all is about. Charity went on in agitation…
Did he tell you that he slapped me in the presence of his secretary simply because I interrupted their compromise moment and he banned me from coming into his office. How about the secret calls, the chats and the unnecessary happiness and the impromptu meeting, night keeps. See I can go on and on.
Did he tell you any of this?
Okay maybe you are the one behind all of these.
Hey inasmuch as I have to tolerate you certainly not to this extent, do not insult me okay because I won't take it from you…Jack rebuked her immediately. .
You are sick, obviously you have eaten from an insane tree. Your assumption is another thing that will take you to your early grave if you are not careful, I came from a very poor background doesn't doesn't mean I lack home training. I am very responsible and I am proud that otherwise known man will dare tolerate all this nonsense. And guess what it has all stopped, you can calculate everything you spent on me, just calculate everything you want you can even take everything all to yourself let me have peace. But if you choose to remain in this marriage with me then you have to wait to hear from my lawyer before going to see a therapist. Meanwhile my lawyer will be here by the weekend. Rex concluded in anger.
Bullshit! Is obvious you have grown wings. Don't dare me I am warning you don't dare me because I will deal with you mercilessly. Is obvious you are forgetting who my father is, or maybe you want to waste your life in jail.. Nonsense.
You are telling me about your lawyer, who's scared of your low life incompetence lawyer. Charity concluded in a most annoying and devastating manner.
This is really getting out of hand. What is wrong with you.who cares who your father is?.
Is it because I am trying to maintain a low profile since, do you know who I am?
Do you have an idea of who is in your house?
Here we are trying to settle things once and for all yet you are not willing to use your head.
You must do as your husband has said otherwise the next action will shock you. Don't dare me, go and ask questions about me…anger is boldly written all over Jack's face.
My friend don't mind him, how she know when she has been running her mouth since like a loose two..(Rex face her)
Am really sorry for this mess, please let's go..Rex requested (both of them Walk away while Charity kept staring at them like a psychiatrist patient.
My brother I am sorry about what happened out there, I told you charity is very annoying and hard to deal with. At Least you have just confirmed it by yourself. Rex said blamelessly…
Is obvious I have really seen it all, how do you cope?
Being in Same house with that kind of woman is really annoying and frustrating. Jiz!
My brother, what can I do? That's why most of the time I avoid her and her troubles. One thing she hasn't understood is that I can't be poor again in this life, even if she decides to take everything I have properties that she doesn't know about that can really fetch me money. I have a hotel in Lugbe and a duplex in Kubwa so I can easily rely on them and bounce back easily.
Wao you are a smart Brother. I love that energy and am really proud of you, you are doing extremely well…Jack praised him.
Thank you brother, once again I am sorry for how she spoke to you….
Common man, you are my friend, you don't have to apologize. I was really ready for all of that, remember you informed me earlier and I still insisted on coming, so there's no offense taken okay!
Alright thank you (they shook hands together while Jack climb his car to zoom off)
Rex returned back to the house still found his wife grumbling and complaining but he chose not to utter her a word. Later he walked up to her to have a conversation with her
Dear, why are you doing this?
(Tapping her trying to make her calm her nerves)
We love each other, when we started this whole journey remember that this is not what we promised ourselves. Please let's stop fighting please because the whole thing is affecting me can't you see it written all over me please let's stop. I believe with love and understanding we can fix this please. Rex beaconed.
Trust me I need the same thing as a matter of fact. I am not really happy that all this is happening, just that I am scared and I don't want what happened to my mum to happen to me..
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So what is this called?