I know you don't like hearing truths like this about yourself, but man, you really have to work on so many things if you must experience lasting happiness," Wiska concluded courteously.
"Okay, now it's beginning to sound like my father. Inasmuch as I need things to be done in my own way, that doesn't make me a bad person. Nevertheless, I have heard all you said. Thanks for your advice," Jeff replied, acting defensively.
"Like I said, what do we do now?"
"What else other than going in search of your woman? Man, you're not getting me. I said she has blocked my number and on all social media platforms. Where are we going to start from?" Jeff asked rhetorically.
"Calm down, man. Trust me, we will find a way through this. Only assure me that you will treat her better this time when you finally have her back."
"Cross my heart, man. I will treat her like the queen she is," Jeff exaggerated.
"Okay then, first let's go to the supermarket you said you bought for her. Who knows, we may get tangible information from there."
"Supermarket? But she has relieved all her workers of their duties and she submitted the key to me before leaving the house," Jeff protested.
I know, but we may get some information there. Don't worry, let's go," Wiska insisted.
Jeff finally gave up, and the two friends set off on their journey to Steelix supermarket in Jeff's car. While on the way, Jeff's driving was not pleasing to Wiska, so he demanded to drive instead.
"Man, do you see the way you overtake that trailer?"
"Don't worry, man!"
"If you don't mind, please, can I drive instead?" Wiska offered politely.
With a short smile, Jeff agreed. He stopped the car and moved out from the driver's seat for Wiska. Wiska took the steering wheel, and Jeff sat beside him as they continued their journey.
In less than 20 minutes, the two friends successfully arrived at the supermarket. Lo and behold, it was still locked, and they couldn't see any of her workers around the vicinity. They took a walk to a hotel close to the supermarket. Jeff and Wiska approached the security man in charge of the hotel, asking if they could get concrete information on Stella's whereabouts.
"Good afternoon, my brother," Jeff and Wiska greeted the security man respectively.
"Good afternoon, sirs. How may I be of help?"
"Please, we are looking for the owner of that supermarket," Wiska pointed at Stella's supermarket.
"Oh, that's Madam Stella. As you can see, she has moved out from this location," the security man answered politely.
"Yes, but please, do you have an idea of her whereabouts? I mean, where can we find her?" Jeff added.
I don't know, oh. I hope all is well," the security man asked politely.
Jeff, already feeling angry, snapped, "My friend, stop asking nonsense questions! You just said you don't know, yet you are asking if everything is okay. Does everything look okay to you?"
The security man, still in shock, didn't utter a word.
"Come on, Jeff! What's wrong with you? What's that outburst about?" Wiska chided his friend.
"A man seeking for help must control his temper," Wiska added sternly.
"Oh, you are Jeff! I guess you are the same Jeff she told me about. Jeff the bully," the security man shouted.
On hearing this, Jeff and Wiska paused, exchanging glances, then turned back to the security man.
"What did you just say?" Jeff asked in a calm voice.
"With this character you have displayed here, I have to believe everything Stella told me about you, because obviously you have confirmed it all," the security man exclaimed.
I apologize, sir. A man in search of the lady he's madly in love with can be unreasonable sometimes. Please don't punish us because of what my brother said," Wiska pleaded politely.
The security man remained silent, engrossed in his phone, attempting to reach Stella without success.
"Please forgive me. I don't know what came over me. If you know where I can find Stella, please direct me there," Jeff added, humbly asking for forgiveness.
The security man, feeling pity for them, replied, "You don't have a manner of approach. You should work on your manners, otherwise you will keep running from pillar to post."
"Yes, sir," Jeff replied, acknowledging the advice, while Wiska smiled, seeing his friend humbled for once.
"Sir, please, can you tell us where we can find her now?" Wiska pleaded.
"Alright, I'm doing this just because of you," the security man said, pointing at Wiska. "Although I don't know exactly where she's residing currently, she told me before leaving that she would be going to Linda's house with her friend."
"Linda? The seamstress? I know her place. Let's go!" Jeff exclaimed excitedly.
"Oh, I didn't say she's there now. I only said she told me she will be staying at her place for the meantime," the security man clarified.
"We understand. We'll head there now," Jeff replied, apologizing once again and offering the security man three thousand naira in appreciation.
As they walked towards Jeff's car, Wiska couldn't contain his laughter.
"You're funny, man. So, love could humble you like this?" Wiska teased, amused by Jeff's behavior.
"You need to see your face when you were apologizing to that security man," Jeff chuckled.
"I don't blame you. You're still a small boy; you don't know what true love looks like," Jeff retorted, defending himself.
"Says the old man that's still single," Wiska countered, teasing Jeff.
"I don't have your time. Meanwhile, you need to see your face when you were telling me how your father slept with—" Jeff paused abruptly.
"What?" Wiska asked, curious about Jeff's sudden pause.
You see this journey, it is very important to me. I want you to behave yourself. Remember, the goal is to get Stella back," Jeff warned as they headed towards Stella's house.
Wiska chuckled, "This man, you will never cease to amaze me. So you are now teaching me morals? My friend, start this car; let's leave here."
Jeff joined in the laughter before starting the car and making their way to Stella's house.
"My guy, I am hungry. Can we stop by to eat before continuing?" Jeff pleaded.
"See who is telling me to be serious. Man, you can eat when we come back," Wiska protested.
"I'm really hungry, in fact, I am famished. Please, I will stop before the next turn," Jeff insisted.
"Very well then," Wiska agreed.
As they crossed over the lanes to their chosen restaurant, Wiska reminded Jeff about the importance of being discreet.
"I know you will always have something to say, but please, next time, don't do stuff like this," Wiska advised.
"Yes, sir," Jeff jokingly answered, leading to another round of laughter.
"Can we go now?" Jeff asked.
"Yes, sure," Wiska replied, quickly finishing his drink.
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I guess this journey will not
I guess this journey will not worth it