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Allyson is working her way through college. After a series of bad relationships, she's not looking for anyone new, but then Ryan Arch, the bad boy billionaire walks into her work and into her life. She knows that he's nothing but bad news, but she can't stay away. How tangled...
Ashley couldn’t control her sexual urges, luckily her husband was willing to experiment with her. However Ashley wants to do more than just experiment. This horny wife wants more than just a foursome with another couple and to cheat with other men. No she wants more, a whole lot...
Sleeping with her husband’s best friend, a man that she’s craved since college is one thing. Nothing more than a fling, even if her husband endorsed it, didn’t make it right. Fucking a coworker is another. She would have to see him every day and he would know all of her secrets...
Back in college Ashley wasn’t what you would call a good girl. She had her fun and enjoyed getting to know the male population of her campus. After college, she thought that she had that out of her system. She found what she thought was the one man that could satisfy her and...
Arthur may be king, however, Guinevere wears the crown. But a domineering wife is not his only worry. He is convinced that she is having an affair with the dashing Lancelot, this despite having firsthand experience that Lancelot is a raving homosexual. On top of this Arthur has...
In the twenty years since Charlene Watts lost her cherry to Jun Tagpuno, men have come and gone. The hot guitar player turned out to be a loser, the successful businessman turned out to be a player, but in their own ways they taught Charlene the meaning of carnal pleasure. While...
Kayla, an intern has the man of her dreams. Senator Kevin Todd, one of the most powerful men in politics, if not the sexiest. However, things aren’t all roses. She’s never experienced sex this satisfying, but the levels of his kinkiness are hard to keep up with and now she...
Kayla is a good girl. She’s about to gradate from a good college, even made it on to the Dean's list every semester. She’s starting a highly coveted internship that could lead powerful career in politics. She has dreams of starting a career, raising a family and buying a house...