In the mystical land of Avaloria, where magic and reality intertwine, lived a devoted couple, Elara and Eamon. They were deeply in love, but their happiness was constantly overshadowed by an ancient curse. You see, Avaloria was under the rule of the malevolent...
In the deep wilds of secrets, there was a hidden world between Nexus and Ethereal the Krea. The world of Krea was built in the seasons of crystal keys. There is a shrine cut into the mountainside. The forest covers these shrines like a shroud. This is a quiet world,...
Devon the Alpha of Grey pack lost his mother at a young age which made him grow so much hatred for their neighboring packs because the death of his mother was an assassination of some masked werewolves from another pack.
Due to the cruel death of Luna Samantha...
The dirty alley, cloaked with darkness, hid the figure of a fragile young girl shivering in the corners of the alley. Her short breaths creating fogs in the cold Autumn season.
Her eyes darted around in fear of what might come out of the looming dark corners of the...
On the day of the coming-of-age of the royal crown prince Carrison, members of high society feasted upon a great banquet. Everyone was having fun at the feast but today turned out to be a bloody chapter for the Empire of Sleadorra and especially for the two royal...
Jessy Jenkins: 21 years old hidden mafia princess. She just graduated from college hoping she can start a career by becoming a writer. Unfortunately, that didn't happen because she's always in danger even not knowing it. But she tried to live her life as much as she...
Anthony Destiny
The very day Leo was birthed, the hands of destruction befalls on humble land, once a beautiful and peaceful kingdom. King bethel, and queen Beulah his parents were celebrating the birth of their child, the one true heir to the thrown of humble land, but Jerod and his...
Lena L Brooks
Aiden's entire body came alive all at once as the woman turned to look at him. He wanted to trace every line of the tattoos that covered her shoulder and spread over her chest. His fingers twitched to tangle themselves in her long red hair and his heart begged to be...