Footsteps can be heard deep inside the forest as two sisters are seen running barefooted in the forest, they ran as if their life depends on it tearing through the thorns of the trees as it cut deeply into their flesh
"Ahhhhhhhhhh,,," came the voice of one of the sister who is heavily pregnant as she whippers in pains
"I don't think I can go on anymore" she whispers barely able to say the words out
"Please Mara do it for the baby's sake" begged the younger sister
Suddenly everywhere became quiet,as if the birds in the trees are waiting for this moment, thurderstorm sounded as rain begins to pour heavily
" Ahhhhhhhhhh,,," came the voice of the pregnant woman as she screams out in pains as tears flowed freely from her eyes like ocean,she gave one final shout and a cry if a baby is heard.
As if it's a sign from nature,the birds begins singing, even the very earth rejoice.
They sisters froze as the heard a snap of a tree,they both turn slowly to look at their pursuers,the half animal half human creature as it's close up on them
Weak the sister hands our baby to the younger sister urging her with her eyes to run, even looks could speak better than words
" Please protect the prince" she whispers weakly as her sister took to get heals with the baby in her arms determine to survive...
The nine year old Emerald looks at the sky with his hands lifted above,his eyes close, blood dripping from his nose and eyes and great walls begins to grow out of the soil dividing his people and the creatures
Who is he???
Prince Emerald
The prince of Liliaton, the future heir to the throne and Liliaton a planet of magic