The Little Bride Of Mr. Xavier
By Karlinanovi
Last Post: N/A

Nandini Ayla Putri, a girl ostracised by her own family. She struggles to support herself by working in a flower shop. Because she is considered a jinx by her mother. She has an older brother and an older sister. The elder sister has a boyfriend. For Nandini, her brother's lover is a cold and haughty man.

Nandini's life changed completely when she had to take her sisters place. Nandini was forced to marry her sister's lover, because her sister ran away on the wedding day. Her life was destroyed and Nandini was reluctant to even live. But everything changed when Xavier began to realise his wife's existence and he began to love and care for his wife. Xavier realised that Nandini was different from her mother and brother.

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