The Billionaires Wrath
By MuchoCutie
Last Post: June 30, 2024

I was known as the Miss Prim and Proper of our university. Always wear long-
sleeved shirts, pants, or a skirt that is always below the knee in length. My hair was always tied
up, and I never wore bangs. Bangs are just too much of a nuisance on the face, especially when
they hit the eyes.
I always carry books with me. Especially when I'm inside the university. I earned
respect from the teachers because of that. Also, I was always at the top of the class. So I take
care of my title of Miss Prim and Proper. Because that's the only way I get respect.
Many were annoyed, but nobody dared to oppose me. Why? Because I am the best
friend of the most beautiful and hottest girl at the university.
    Artemis Gallagher.
She has the power, the beauty, the fame, the money, and whatnot. She's like the
epitome of beauty. Many men admire her but cannot form a bond because of her two brothers.
She was the only girl of the Gallagher siblings, so it would be terrible if her brother could protect
And since Artemis is my friend, no one tried to fight with me, even though many were
jealous. Many girls want to take my place, but they can't do anything.
"I hate Apollo."
I looked at the speaker who just sat in front of me while I was reading alone here in
the library. It was my best friend, Artemis. And her face is frowning again. And for sure, her twin
is probably the reason she looks like this.
"What now?" I asked, looking back at the book I was reading.
"He saw me talking to Joshua and just pulled me out of there! I left Joshua there! I
mean, I was only talking with him! What's wrong with that?"
I put down the book I was reading because I'm sure I wouldn't understand anything
there either. I arranged my scattered things and stood up to leave the library. With Artemis's
noise, I'm sure we'll be scolded inside, so it's better if we talk outside.
"He's annoying!" Artemis continued as we got outside. "I don't say anything when he
changes from woman to woman, but I'm just talking to the man; will he be banned? That was so
A lot of people we meet greet her, but she doesn't pay attention because she's busy
ranting to me about her brother. When we entered the cafeteria, I immediately looked for a seat.
"You know what, Daphne? Why don't you seduce my twin brother? Maybe he'll stop
with me when he falls in love with you."
I looked at my best friend to see if she had grown a third eye. What the hell was she
    "Are you kidding me? You know I don't like playboys," I said, and as if on cue, we
saw his twin entering the cafeteria with a new girl.
    "That bitch is a slut. I hope he at least chooses a decent woman, right?" Artemis
complained. Well, what does she expect? A playboy is for sluts only.
When I got home, I stood outside the gate of our house for a few minutes. I don't
want to go inside. I don't want to go home, but I have no choice.
"Is Mama there, Manang?" I asked Manang Rosi when she opened the gate for me.
She smiled sadly at me and nodded. I held my breath.
The usual day, huh?
When I entered the house, I was immediately attacked by the smell of alcohol. I
sighed even more. I saw Mama in the living room, and it looked like she was drowning herself in
alcohol again. When she saw me, he laughed out loud.
"Ah! The devil's daughter is here!"
I froze at what she said. Even if you say it every day, I still can't avoid being hurt. I
approached her to steer, but she shook my hand.
    "Don't touch me!" She tried to stop me, but because she was so drunk, she was no
longer pointing directly at me. "You're the reason why my life is ruined! You! You two and your
demon father!"
I sighed for the ninth time. I turned my back on her and went to my room. I know she
will never stop saying hurtful things about me.
    I did my routine. I showered and got ready. I put on my red lipstick and a smokey
eyeshadow for my eyes. Then I blow-dried my waist-length hair and curled it. Then I wear a red
halter dress that almost fits my body.
Then I got into my car and drove to the bar where I often go. The bouncer outside
didn't even pay attention to me, and I continued to enter. I immediately went straight to the bar
counter and ordered a Bloody Mary.
I was prim and proper at the university, but at night this bar filled me up.
I don't want to be at home. I don't want to see Mama. She always blames me for
what happened in her life. She is angry with me, I know. and if it was possible for my parents to
shop, I would have done it.
Want to know why my own mother hates me?
She was raped, and I was the result. Her then-boyfriend break up with her because of
what happened. She can't put my father in jail because he's rich. And to make up for what he did,
he sent us money every month. That Mama only consumes when she drinks alcohol.
    God. I hate my life.
    "Hi, miss. Can I buy you a drink?"
I looked at the man who spoke to me. He's good-looking. but I'm not here to hook up.
I'm not new to being approached by men when I'm here at the bar.
"I'd love a drink, as long as you're not under the impression that offering me one will
entice me to hook up with you later." I said it flatly, and the man frowned as he just left without
saying goodbye.
    I shook my head. Boys and their pick-up lines
"Did it hurt?"
With surprised eyes, I looked at the man who had asked me before.
    "Did what hurt?" I asked, completely confused.
"When you fell from heaven,"
I was literally tormented by what he said. Lines like that have been scratched. Is
there anything new?
"I dug my way up from hell." I said this while smiling sweetly at him. The man looked
    "Oh. Well, this is awkward," he said, and just like before, he just left.
I saw the bartender smiling and shaking his head at me. He always sees how I reject
men who approach me. I raised my glass at him before I emptied it and decided to go home.
On my way out, I was stunned. I saw Apollo Gallagher sitting on the couch with two
women by his side. I got nervous. I don't want anyone at my university to see this look. That's
why the bar I go to is far away, but why is he here? I am Miss Prim and Proper. And if someone
sees me, my reputation will surely be ruined.
I quickly walked away, especially when I passed the couch where Apollo was sitting. I
didn't look back when I passed, and he might still see me. I drove my way home and
immediately got dressed and went to sleep.
"Daphne, I have a date with Joshua later."
I was surprised when Artemis said that. She knows she can't go on a date because
she's a closed guard, especially with her twin. But what can I do? That's her life.
Speaking of her twin, did he see me last night?
"When my twin asks, it's up to you to sneak in, okay?" She said, which surprised me
"Don't blame me for the mess in your love life, Artemis." I said that and looked back
at the book.
"Go ahead, please, Daphne," she begged, but she stopped when someone texted her
cell phone. "Joshua is waiting for me at our meeting place. It's up to you, Daphne? Bye!"
I wanted to scream and chase her, but I was in the library. What the heck! That one is
also reprimanded! I will still sympathize! This Joshua is becoming a bad influence!
I have my own problems, but it looks like my best friend's love life is even worse. I'm
I saw Apollo enter the library, so I stopped complaining in my mind and pretended to
be reading. I almost caught my breath when he sat in the chair in front of me.
"Where's Artemis?" he asked, using hard words.
"I do not know." I answered because I couldn't think of an excuse. How brilliant of me!
"Liar." he said. "I saw her come out here, so I'm sure you know where she's going."
I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. And I saw it. his piercing blue eyes that
everyone in the Gallagher family is obsessed with. And now that I saw the man's eyes up close, I
couldn't help but be amazed.
"Done admiring me?"
I blinked and saw his smile at me. Shame! He caught me staring at him!
I immediately tried to hide my embarrassment.
"You saw your twin come out here. Why didn't you just follow her instead of asking
me?" I asked him bluntly, and I saw amusement in his eyes. Then he chuckled before shrugging
his shoulders.
"Because I mean you," he said while still wearing his smirk.
    "Yes, you. Miss Prim and Proper, who goes to the bar every night,"
I immediately got a nervous attack because of what he said. Confirmed! He saw me
last night! And I don't know how I can get through it!
"I'm not what you saw." I tried, but I knew he didn't believe me because he laughed.
    "Alright. Try to deny it as long as you can, Miss Prim and Proper." He leaned
forward, so I could almost smell his fragrant breath. "I'll surely get you out of your shell," he said
before leaving me there alone.
My fists are clenched. My secret is out. Someone already knows my secret. And the
bad news is that Apollo Gallagher knew then. And I'm scared that everyone will know that I was
a product of rape.
How doomed am I?

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Chapters Date
Ch. 2626
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2525
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2424
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2323
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2222
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2121
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2020
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1919
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1818
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1717
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1616
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1515
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1414
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1313
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1212
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1111
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1010
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 99
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 88
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 77
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 66
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 55
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 44
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 33
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 22
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 11
Jun 30, 2024

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