My Possessive Billionaire Husband
By Hanabi
Last Post: June 30, 2024

"Why, Zehan?! Explain to me why you don't want to accept my proposal? Don't you want to be with me forever? Don't you want us to get married? Tell me!"

Rommel was in turmoil while holding the engagement ring in his hand. Meanwhile, his girlfriend, Zehannah, was as calm as an untouched lake after saying 'no' to Rommel's proposal. "To be together forever? Want to. Get married? No."

Rommel was even more hurt by what he heard. For this, Zehan's refusal to accept her marriage offer is proof that Zehan does not love her. "Am I that worthless to you, Zehan?"

"No. It's not about your worth to me, Rom." Zehan calmly explains to his girlfriend of a year. "It's about marriage. It's a no for me. I'm sorry."

"Why? If you really love me, you will say yes."

Angered, Zehan remained calm. "I won't say yes to a marriage just to prove I love you. That's childish and manipulative. Do you hear yourself? When we get married, will we be together forever? That's bullshit reasoning, and you know it."

"But we're at marrying age, Zehan!" insisted Rommel. "Almost everyone our age is getting married and having children."

Zehan raised her eyebrows. "Don't follow the crowd. Just don't include me."


"What?" Zehan tried to rein in her frustration. "I don't care if everyone my age is married and has children. What's important to me is helping my struggling parents and my own happiness. I'm happy with my life, Rom, even without a wife or children. My priorities differ from theirs. My life, my decision."

Rommel was astonished. He didn't realize the extent of Zehan's reluctance toward marriage. Now that he did, he felt small in front of her.

"How about me, Zehan?" asked Rommel. "Am I not a priority?"

Zehan met Rommel's gaze. "You're like a bonus in my life, Rom. I'm happy you're with me, even though I can't give you everything. But if you push marriage with the reasoning of 'being together forever,' it will hurt, but I won't stop you if you leave."

Rommel was stunned. Zehan didn't enjoy hurting him, but she refused to compromise on her beliefs about marriage. To her, it was a binding contract with no viable exit, and that scared her.

"If I said I'd break up if you don't accept, would you still refuse?"

Zehan nodded. "If you love me, you won't force me."

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Chapters Date
Ch. 2525
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2424
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2323
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2222
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2121
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2020
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1919
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1818
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1717
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1616
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1515
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1414
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1313
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1212
Aug 24, 2024
Ch. 1111
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1010
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 99
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 88
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 77
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 66
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 55
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 44
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 3Chapter 3
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 2Chapter 2
Jun 30, 2024
Ch. 1Chapter 1
Jun 30, 2024

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