My Mate is Little Wife
By Queen girls212
Last Post: September 7, 2024

Do you believe in beings like werewolves, vampires, or other creatures that are often considered myths or folklore? It turns out they might actually be real, existing right around you without your knowledge. This is exactly what I am experiencing now, a handsome man with a tall, muscular build and numerous tattoos covering his body has called me "mate." Of course, I freaked out and felt scared about becoming one.

I am Elvina Beax, a 20-year-old woman who has lived in an orphanage since I was 10. My mother died giving birth to me, so I never really knew her. My father and I lived alone until he had an accident when I was ten. At that time, I was left with no one. My aunt, who was only 16 years old, came to take me in but ultimately decided to place me in an orphanage. She had no job and lived in a school dormitory, relying solely on her scholarship.

I am Alcander Waerbacky, an Alpha in one of the world's strongest packs, known as Pack Black. One distinguishing feature of our pack members is that every baby boy born bears a tattoo, with more added as they rise in rank. There's no need to ask about my age, I have lived long enough to know. Unlike vampires, werewolves do not have pale skin, we have light brown skin, similar to that of most humans. I have yet to find my mate despite searching for a long time. That was until I spotted a petite girl, whose scent was intoxicating enough to drive the wolf within me wild.

"You're mine," I said suddenly, not concerned about the consequences. The way she reacted was adorable, and it only intensified my desire for her.