The Superstar Rebirth : Viona Amethyt
By Syiera Aquila
Date: October 15, 2024
Ch. 4The Awards - 03

Viona held her microphone and gracefully approached the table where the two people who had broken her heart were sitting.

I don't start it, but I can tell you how it ends...

Don't get sad, get even...

So on the weekends I don't dress for friends...

Lately I've been dressing for revenge...

Viona sang the song while staring intensely at Revan, who looked like he might faint at any moment.

Viona let the music fill the silent room and didn't sing a certain part that she felt had no relevance. She let the choir sing that part.

She don't start it, but she can tell you how it ends...

Don't get sad, get even...

So on the weekends...

She don't dress for friends...

Lately she's been dressing for revenge...

This time, Viona sang those lyrics right in front of Queena. Her icy gaze succeeded in making the teary woman even more embarrassed. Unfortunately, they couldn't leave the room before the event officially ended.

Ladies always rise above...

Ladies know what people want...

Someone sweet and kind and fun...

The lady simply had enough...

Viona returned to the stage. She smiled at the audience and then gave Revan a threatening look.

While he was doing lines...

And crossing all of mine...

Someone told his white-collar crimes to the FBI...

And I don't dress for villains...

Or for innocents...

I'm on my vigilante sh*t again...

For a moment, only the sound of music could be heard. The hosts, who had started the event, returned to the stage and thanked the audience for coming. Then they invited the invited guests to leave the room one by one.

I don't start it, but I can tell you how it ends...

Don't get sad, get even...

So on the weekends...

I don't dress for friends...

Lately I've been dressing for revenge...

Viona closed the song, leaving a menacing look at some of the artist assistants from her agency. She challenged them to do something she didn't want. The assistants immediately approached their respective artists and left the room.

Viona then closed her eyes, stopping the live stream and spreading the promised data.

Suddenly, the internet was filled with photos and videos of Revan and Viona in intimate but still appropriate moments. There were also documentation of the engagement event between Revan and Viona, attended by people from their agency. Additionally, there were videos of Revan's intimacy with Queena during the just-concluded Grammy event.

Viona walked outside to the waiting agency-provided car without waiting for the driver to open the door. With her eyes closed, she felt how messy her physical and emotional conditions were just because of a kissing scene.

Viona tightly clenched the ring on her finger. She felt a heavy emotional burden for exposing the wrongdoing of her ex-friend and ex-fiancé to the public. Initially, it might have felt like a sense of satisfaction for upholding justice, but now she realized that her actions only worsened the pain she felt.

Tears began to trickle slowly from the corners of Viona's eyes, falling gently onto the car floor. Each tear drop was a representation of the deep wounds she was experiencing. She felt lonely, betrayed, and shattered by what had transpired. It turned out that her efforts to expose someone else's malice couldn't heal her own emotional wounds.

As she gazed out of the window, Viona reflected on the relationship that had ended so tragically. She missed the happy moments they had shared, the times when everything had felt so perfect. But now, everything had changed. The pain was so profound that it made it difficult for her to even breathe.

Viona realized that true happiness would never be found in tarnishing someone else's reputation. She needed to find a way to heal herself and embrace the process of recovery. With trembling hands, she removed the ring and discarded it out the window, watching it fall into the river beneath the bridge her car was crossing. She decided to give herself a chance to start anew, even if it meant leaving behind grudges and hatred.

In the midst of deep serenity, Viona allowed the tears of sadness to flow. She knew that the journey of healing wouldn't be easy, but the first step had been taken. With newfound determination, she embraced the hope that someday she would be able to look at the past with greater wisdom and find the peace she had long been searching for.

The warm faces of her family appeared on the transparent screen of her watch. Their gentle smiles and loving gazes warmed her heart. Even in moments of sadness and recovery, their virtual presence provided invaluable support.

Viona felt as though she could sense the warmth of their embraces through the screen. She knew that her family was always by her side, even if distance physically separated them. Their warm voices greeted Viona from across the screen, inviting her to talk and share her feelings.

"Hello, fams~" Viona greeted softly.

"Vii, don't worry about those two wicked villains. We will made sure they won't live peacefully for the rest of their lives!" Dad exclaimed fervently.

Her older brother, Angkasa, looked at his phone screen with a furrowed brow. Meanwhile, the twin brothers, Galih and Gilang, seemed to be whispering, plotting something. Mom was wiping away her tears. Viona gave a faint smile and said, "You're right, Kak Ang. I should've seen the facts right in front of me. He always hurt me, whether he realized it or not. But I still went back to him, even though I knew it was painful."

"Vi... you know you're not alone, right? We'll always be here, fully supporting whatever you do," Angkasa replied, adjusting his glasses.

Viona nodded. "I know. I'm not a teenager anymore, Kak. I'm an adult, and I understand what I want. Of course, I won't let this disturb me. I just... feel so foolish for believing in something as complicated as love," Viona said with a faint smile.

Her family looked at Viona with teary eyes, and she smiled, feeling lucky to have such a loving family.

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