The unwanted mates secret child
By Arian
Date: October 16, 2024
Ch. 5a new danger arises

Alex and Drake rushed to report Ryker about me, their hearts racing with excitement and anticipation hoping to bring joy and happiness.

“We have found her"...Alex said with a smile his excitement was infectious , putting Ryker with ease and filling him with happiness.

“Give me the address or location so we can prepare to invade such a town".

"I also observed that their resources are blessed with fertile soil and they have more food to feed on”.

“Prepare yourself when it's nightfall we’ll take our leave".

Drake and Alex spoke in unison, their voices blending in harmony. “Ok Sir" they declared united in their acceptance of Ryker's request.

As we went about our day we were busy planning a visit to Patricia's grandmother whose 80th birthday was just a day away.

Felix entered the room, saw us knitting and asked with a startled tone.

“What are you two pretty ladies doing and what's the bag meant for?".

"Darling have you forgotten”..

"Forgotten about what?”. He responded by racking his brain to recall the information.

“Tomorrow is Grandma's birthday”..

He was shocked when he finally realized that tomorrow is Grandma's birthday and he quickly apologized to his wife Patricia for his forgetfulness.

“I'm sorry it really escaped my mind, a lot of things on my head".

"Yes I know you've been thinking alot thank God you weren't drunk today. I would assume it was the influence of alcohol that made you forget such things”.

We all burst out laughing at Patricia's remarks and Felix took the opportunity to request permission to leave.

“Excuse me ladies, let me go and get something for Grandma as well".

Once Felix had excused himself Patricia and I continued our conversation enjoying some quality time together.

“I would like to meet your grandma".

“Sure you're invited you're also coming with us less I forget just guess".

"Am not good at guessing”.

"Just make a try”..

"You want to surprise your Grandma with something big”.

When I made that statement I thought it would be the correct answer based on my guess but it turned out to be incorrect.

“That's not correct but let me tell you what you need to know. My Grandma is a soothsayer. I believe you've to meet so she could reveal some prophecy about you".

She spoke with a warm smile and I felt a spark of happiness and curiosity eager to meet meet her grandmother.

“I'll be glad to meet her".

“No problem then let finish with what we are doing tomorrow will pay her a visit".

She spoke with a smile as we finished up the knitting project packing the bag and preparing for the day ahead.

The following day was a Joyous and happy one with calm and lovely weather. As we prepared to celebrate Patricia's grandma's birthday. I felt grateful for the sunshine and the opportunity to spend the day with her.

We packed some luggage and gifts excited to visit her and make the day special.

Finally arriving at Grandma's place after a few hours of travel, we knocked on the door and we're greeted with a warm smile.

Grandma's ushered us in her eyes twinkling with warmth and her strength and beauty still evident despite her age.

We couldn't contain our Joy as we stood there singing a happy birthday song to Grandma. She was overjoyed to have us here and her excitement was palpable.

“Thank you so much you all made my day”. She spoke with a warm smile opening her arms wide to embrace us all.

“Thank you so mummy as well Grandma and happy 80th birthday to you".

“I'm grateful I never expected this, wait a minute who's she?". She paused and turn to Patricia asking about me seeking to know my identity.

“Oh! I always forget things easily, sorry Grandma she's a friend to me".

"A friend?”.

"Yes Grandma, she had been a good friend infact she save my life from an attack”.

“Really! That's nice what's her name?”. She asked in anticipation.

"Her name is Aurora”.

Aurora, sounds familiar”. She spoke as she reached out, taking her hand in hers to read my palm. She paused for a moment studying my lines.

“Indeed fate had brought you here and the prophecy must be fulfilled”

“How, I don't understand, what prophecy?". I asked my eyes wide with shock as I eagerly awaited her response.

"You're pregnant right?”

"Yeah, it is now five months since I carried this pregnancy".

“You are carrying the future that will avenge your pain in the Nightshade pack".

"You know about Nightshade?”. My jaw dropped as I gazed at her, my eyes frozen in disbelief and astonishment.

“I know more than what you don't know there you were rejected by Ryker an Alph who was supposed to be your mate and this same Ryker will come after you" .

"Come after me?, for what? I don't need him”.

She smiled warmly and placed her hands on my shoulders offering a comforting touch to soothe my frazzled nerves.

“Don’t be frightened you have someone that will help you out?”

"Someone, who are they?”.

"Your twins of course you're carrying a twin”.

"A twin?”. This news left me stunned but Patricia was overjoyed quickly wrapping me in a warm and congratulating me with a big smile.

“Congratulations Aurora lets celebrate this in a special way".

She exclaimed excitedly as she hurried to the kitchen to prepare a meal and I followed her in to lend a helping hand.

“Indeed your Grandma can reveal things"

“She's born with it, don't worry you will know more about her and she will tell you more things you needed to know".

With a warm smile she prepared and serve the food we all gathered to celebrate our Grandma. As we chuckled and walked together.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and curiosity about what the future held for me.

It was truly a remarkable day filled with joy and anticipation.

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