By Moni Sky
Date: September 25, 2024
Ch. 2Chapter 2

Nonetheless, in spite of what his uncle had said, he continued to maintain his aversion to having a personal assistant.
After that, his uncle expressed his displeasure to him and asked, "Scott, you don't want a Personal Assistant to help you in the company, what has come over you, Scott?" The response that Scott provided was, "Uncle, there is nothing wrong with me; I just don't want anybody to interfere with my private life." After that, he stormed out of there in a huff of anger.

In spite of everything that Scott had said to his uncle, his uncle nevertheless went ahead and accepted Emily's application, which she had emailed to the company, and he asked Emily to start working again as soon as possible. This happened behind Scott's back.
After getting the news that she had landed a job, Emily was overjoyed and relieved at the same time.

Emily resumed her job as a secretary and was heading to her duty post happily when Scott accidentally bumped into her, causing all of her resumption files to fall to the floor.

Emily became angry and was quarrelling with Scott for not looking his way, and after she realised that it was the same man that saved her, she decided to apologise; however, Scott did not stand to look at Emily nor accept Emily's apologies. Scott then became angry and said, "Some people are born to be

After Emily had finished arranging the items on her office desk, she looked up and saw Scott approaching her. She remained still, thinking that Scott had come back to apologise to her, but to her surprise, Scott went into a room and shut the door. When Emily approached the room, she saw something written at the top of the door that read "Dir. of Robinson Group of Companies." Emily went closer to the room and read the inscription.

Emily was taken aback and cried out to one of the officials working there, pleading with them to "please! Who is that gentleman that has just walked into that room??
Is he a member of the clientele or a member of the staff? The individual in question laughed and responded, "He's neither of them, he is our director, and he is a strict guy he neither laughs nor smiles with anybody and I'm so surprised to see you here because he never wanted a P. A and you're the first P. A to the director of this company and I hope you get used to him and he too will get used to you because almost all of the working officials are afraid of him." "Welcome to our company, young girl, and best wishes for a successful future."
"Thank you, sir, and I'm going to do my absolute best to be the Best Secretary that the Director will not only appreciate but also feel my presence."

As Emily had finished her response, she discreetly went back to her duty post.
Emily came in, welcomed Scott, and then asked, "Sir, it's time for lunch. Will you go for lunch today?" Scott is still at his office at this moment. Emily entered and greeted him. She inquired once more after receiving no response. His response was then, "I'm not going for lunch, and I'm leaving my office as soon as possible" (he said rudely).

**** ****

Emily left the workplace in a state of embarrassment and sobbing, and this behaviour persisted for several more days.
Up until the day that would change their lives forever, Scott called Emily and said, "Would you go for lunch with me if you were done?" Emily said yes. At first, Emily was taken aback by his statements, and she responded with "Ye..s I'll go" while stuttering. She had the impression that they were going to have a more productive conversation, such as the resolution of disagreements.


Scott placed an order for his meal, and then he asked Emily what she need, after which she placed an order for a bowl of instant noodles from Raymond and a beverage. The waiter appeared with the entrée in fewer than five minutes after the order was placed.
Emily was eating with her stomach growling and was shocked at how much Scott had improved although Scott's only dish was a soft drink. After they had finished their meal, Scott began the conversation by saying, "I didn't call you here to only eat but give you a warning."

At this point, Emily was speechless and confused, and Scott continued by saying, "I never wanted anybody to come close to me not even to have a Personal Assistant so the point is that you should not do what I didn't tell you to do and don't ask me for anything or to do something I didn't instruct you to do okay and therefore I have paid you

Emily was in such a severe state of shock that she was unable to speak; the only thing she could do was cry, and Scott was also there in the surroundings at the time.
Yet despite being a horrible person, he actually has a heart, so when he asked Emily out to lunch, he had already paid for the meals that had been ordered before she could come, which is to say that he had arranged everything.
After he had witnessed Emily sobbing, he then departed the location feeling satisfied that his plan had been successfully carried out for the time being.
Emily was unable to control her tears, so the waiter approached her and asked her "Ma'am, please stop crying and go home." Emily was unable to.
Emily thanked the waiter without expressing a single word, and then she walked away, dejected.
Emily mustered all her strength and returned to work the following day, oblivious to the fact that there was still a sad scenario in store for her.


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