By Seraphina
Date: August 31, 2024
Ch. 11. He's Back



"Prepare positions at the exit, now!"

Gunshots echoed loudly throughout the empty building. The police had just raided a kidnapping carried out by a mafia organization.

"Secure the victim!" shouted one of the police officers. But at the same time, an explosion occurred, causing the police still at the scene to die instantly.

From the explosion emerged a man walking elegantly. He clapped his hands to clean off the dust. A slow-motion scene occurred as the man removed his sunglasses, revealing eyes as sharp as an eagle's.

Thanks to him, his members were safe once again. He was Jack Edward, the most ruthless and heartless mafia leader ever. If he had to choose between surrendering or dying, he would definitely choose to die.

As the man opened the car door, his phone rang. He paused for a moment and then answered the call. "Release my child, I'll give you whatever you want."

A thin smile appeared on his face. "Where have you been hiding all this time? Do you want to wait until your child dies?"

"No!" A scream was heard from the phone. The man sounded panicked. "Please don't do anything to my child. I'll give you everything you want. Money, house, wealth, position, whatever you want."

Jack casually played with the gun in his hand. "Too bad. I only offered one chance and you missed it by sending those police officers." This time he straightened up with a serious expression. "Did you think I was joking when I said if any police were involved?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense. The man then signaled with his hand for his men to approach with the boy they had brought. Slowly, Jack touched the tip of his gun to the child. "Do you want to see your child for the last time?"

"No, please. Don't hurt my child, I'll do whatever you want as long as my child is safe," said someone on the phone.

The child continued to struggle with his mouth tightly gagged. He recognized his father's voice. Then Jack smiled slyly and switched the call to a video call, pointing it at the child. "Sweetheart, say goodbye to your father."

"Release his mouth," Jack ordered the person holding the child. Only then could the child speak.

"Dad! Dad, help me, help me, Dad!" The child cried hysterically. He was only 7 years old and already had to endure all this suffering.

"William! William, calm down. You'll be fine, son, I promise I'll save you."

Meanwhile, Jack just smiled and shook his head. "Too bad your father won't be able to keep his promise to you, kid."



Jack smiled triumphantly. He actually felt a bit sorry seeing a father witness his son's death. But it was very satisfying for him.

For Jack Edward, other people's suffering was a pleasure that couldn't be replaced by anything.

"Damn you! You devil! I will never forgive you! I will make sure your life is miserable and you never find happiness! One day you will feel what I feel right now!" The person on the phone kept cursing.

Meanwhile, Jack just picked his ear, intending to mock. Even so, Jack still didn't show his face to the caller. The screen continued to show William's body lying with four gunshot wounds to the heart. "Are you done? That curse only applies to humans. And you should know that I am not human. I am death to those who mess with me."

After that, Jack slammed his phone. He then lit a match and burned his phone. This was Jack Edward. His every move was never detected by the police because he was so meticulous.

Amazingly, until now, no one knows that the leader of this Italian mafia is Jack Edward. He then looked at his two subordinates. "Take care of this child. Make sure all his organs generate money. After that, burn the useless remains and throw the ashes into the sea. Remember, don't leave any traces."


"What are you doing?! Get out of my house! Get out of this house!" A disheveled woman glared sharply as Jack set foot in her house.

If Jack usually displayed a cruel and fierce expression, this time we could see Jack looking at his mother with an indescribable gaze.

Jack then extended his hand and touched Kate's, his mother's, hand. "Mom, it's me, your son."

But a second later, Kate immediately brushed Jack's hand away harshly. "I don't have a murderer son! You're a murderer! You killed my son! Get out of here, go! I don't want to see the face of my child's killer. Go!"

A woman dressed as a nurse then immediately hugged Kate. She then looked at Jack. "Sir, I'm sorry. But Madam's condition always worsens when she meets you. Please, for a few days, don't meet Madam."

"But she's my mother."

"I know, Sir. But this is for Madam's recovery. You can see Madam but not meet her. You can always watch her from a distance. Meanwhile, I will take good care of Madam. You don't need to worry," explained Emily, the nurse.

Jack turned his face away so Emily wouldn't see him cry. He then nodded. "Alright. I entrust my mother to you, please take care of her. If you need anything, whatever it is, tell me."

After saying that, Jack then stepped out. He immediately got into his car and stopped at a beach in the middle of the city. He took a deep breath, then bowed his head. His shoulders shook.

Jack Edward, known as a ruthless mafia, was actually just a form of disappointment with fate because it was so unfair to him. Jack had long suffered, even until now. So he didn't want others to be happy either.

Jack only wanted justice. If he couldn't be happy, then neither could others.

Then a pat on his shoulder made the man stop. Shortly after, a voice was heard. “It’s okay, just cry. You know? I think this place is specially designed for people like us.”

At that moment, Jack turned. Then beside him stood a girl in a black dress with long hair blowing in the wind. But her lips smiled, feeling the breeze on her body.

The girl stretched out her arms. Shortly after, Jack wiped his tears roughly and walked away. "You might have the wrong person."

"Hey, wait!" The girl shouted. She even ran and caught up with Jack. "I think we have the same fate. Don't you want to share?"

"No," Jack replied indifferently. He kept walking quickly, and the girl continued to follow him closely.

"Listen, my mother always said that nothing happens without God's will. If you experience suffering, it means God chose you because you are strong. That's why I--"

The girl's words were cut off when Jack turned and grabbed her shoulders roughly. "Can you shut up and close your mouth! Or I'll tear your mouth right now."

Jack pushed the girl away and walked quickly. Meanwhile, the girl named Ava Lynn Carter stood still. A second later, a smile appeared on her face. "Oh, I like rough men."

With her slender legs, Ava ran and caught up with Jack. "Hey, you! I don't know your name yet! Wait!"

"Hold on," Ava held the car door as Jack was already inside.

The man snorted, still looking straight ahead. "Go away."

"I need a job."

"I don't need employees."

"But I was just kicked out by my family because I refused to follow the arranged marriage they set up. I have no place to stay and, moreover, no money. I didn't even bring my phone."

"Do you think I care?"

After saying that, the car door closed hard, surprising Ava and making her jump a little. She just watched Jack and his car leave.

But at the same moment, Ava ducked because she heard a gunshot. "Oh my God, I don't have a weapon!"

At the same time, a black car stopped in front of her. The window rolled down, revealing Jack looking straight ahead. "Get in quickly! I don't want to be a suspect in your death."

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