Sacred Bonding
By Shakthi5555
Date: August 31, 2024
Ch. 3Chapter Three

Jay PoV:

"Are you drunk yesterday?"

"No. I won't drink. I quit drinking long back."

"Then how could you forget everything you said at the night?"

I remembered my words.

"I am sorry, Vidya. You no need to do any work. But if you love to do a job, you can do it. If not no need. My mom taught me to respect girls and dad taught me how to behave with a wife. They are perfect couple. I didn’t mean to talk to you like that. I did it for a reason.

But you should remember one thing, until you follow my orders I won’t hurt you. Give me your mobile. You are not allowed to use it. You should not meet or talk to anyone especially to your father," I said.

"I love my father a lot," she said with tears

"That's obvious because you u know nothing about him. If you know his originality, you will hate him," I said.

"He never does anything wrong," she said angrily.

"I love your trust in your father but I hope one day you will have the same trust in your husband too. Now I have to leave. Bye, sweet heart," I said.

I went close to her and removed hair falling on her face. I am about to kiss her on the cheek but she got scared of me and moved back. I smiled and got away.

"I am your husband. How long are you going to stay away from me?"

"I need some time to accept you."

"Cool. But it's better for you to accept me before I force you."

You are different from your father. I am unable to trouble you. But I should force me to be rude towards you.

"Is this what your parents taught you? To forcibly marry a girl and then to force your wife? What kind of parents you have?" She said making me angry. I hate anyone disrespecting my parents.

"Shut up. Don’t talk even a word more about my parents. Otherwise will kill u," I shouted at her.

"When you are angry at me for commenting about your parents, how do I feel when you blame my dad? I too can’t bear someone blaming my dad. Sorry for talking wrongly about your parents. I just did so to make you understand how painful it is to hear someone blaming our parents," she said shocking me.

"Bye. I will send you lunch in the afternoon. Breakfast is on the way to come," I said and left to the office.


In the evening, Jay reached home and opened the room door. I saw him. Jay threw a sari at my face and his eyes were filled with anger. The sari was so untidy and was torn here and there. I didn’t understand what he mean.

"Wear it," Jay said.

"How can I wear this type of sari?"

Jay caught my hair and I got shocked as he is so cool in the morning but now he is so rude. I screamed with pain.

"You should do what I say. You are my servant and from today you are going to wear only this kind of sari. Go and wear it," Jay said.

My eyes filled with tears. I wore that sari.

"Take off your jewellery," Jay said.

I took off all her jewellery.

By that time, I heard the knocking sound of the door. Jay asked me not to come out and opened the door. Hearing the voice, I recognized that my dad visited me.

"Jay, I want to see my daughter once," My mom said.

Jay called me and I went there. My dad shocked seeing me in that dressing. I was about to go but stopped by Jay. He held my hand and glared at me.

"Didn’t I tell you that you need my permission to meet anyone?

"I am sorry. Please allow me to talk to my parents," I said.

"No. Go and bring a coffee for me, only for me," Jay said.

I went and brought the coffee for him. I saw my dad pleading Jay not to show his anger at me as I am innocent. Jay smiled seeing him in that condition. I gave the coffee to Jay. He sipped it and threw on the floor. He got up and caught my hairs. He threw me on the floor rudely making my mom cry.

"Don’t you know even to prepare coffee?"

"Jay, if you are angry with me show it at me but please don’t hurt Vidya," my father said.

"You no need to teach me how to behave with my wife."

Jay turned towards me and pulled my hair to make me stand. I was crying and requesting him to leave me, but Jay showed no mercy for me.

"Should I tell you to clean it?"

I cleaned the floor.

"Jay, please don’t hurt my daughter. She will learn everything slowly."

"You don’t worry, Mr. Anand. I will teach her everything in my own way. Just wait and see."

Saying this Jay grabbed my hand and took me to the kitchen. He ordered me to prepare the coffee again. I prepared and Jay forced me to catch the hot vessel with my hand. I shouted with pain and my father reached there.

"Now your daughter learnt how to prepare the coffee," Jay said smirking at him.

"I am the one whom you hate. Why are you suffering her?"

"It's just a beginning, Mr. Anand. Soon I will make her life a living hell," Jay said.

My dad slapped Jay frightening me. Jay caught my hair and I screamed again.

"Get last from here or else you will see her death."

My dad moved from there with tears. Jay dragged me to the room and threw me on the bed. He left from there. I cried a lot remembering how I was treated by my family and friends.

Why is he behaving like this? This is not the Jay whom I know. How much should I bear?

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