Wrapped In Love
By Swift Zizi
Date: September 6, 2024
Ch. 5Chapter 5

I was puffing out smoke from the cigarette on my hand when a knock came on the door causing me to growl in dissatisfaction after instructing my men not to disturb me.
Who the hell is that? Didn't I say I want to be left alone? I yelled.
“It's me, father. The voice which happened to be of my son responded before coming in.
“What is it Steve?
“We've got a problem.
“It had better be serious. What kind of problem? I asked, puffing out smoke from my mouth.
Our leech just got exposed.
You mean that little bitch you implanted against my wish?
“Yes father. I'm afraid she might reveal my identity.
“I'd warned you when you came up with the idea but you went against my wish so you have to deal with the problem yourself.
You can also get exposed as well if I'm rattled out. You do know what's going to happen if your deepest secret gets linked out?” He said with a smirk.
“Are you trying to blackmail me? You're indeed the son of your father. You'd learned well from me but you lack the basis when dealing with a problem like this.
“Should that really be the centre of discussion right now, father?
“You're indeed a spoiled brat. I shouldn't have given you all the opportunities you've got today. I'll come up with a plan.
“When and what kind of plan?
“Its none of your business, boy. I said I'll look into the situation and get back to you. If that's all, you can take your leave, I want to be left alone.
“Okay father. He uttered and left.
I don't know why I keep taking his shit and cleaning all his mess up each time he gets into trouble. I didn't raise him to be unprofessional in the area of my business but he seems to be missing things out every single time.
I need to come up with a plan on how to get him out of the mess and also stop him from ruining my plans of seeing the downfall of that little snail who is beneath me.
I think I know the best plan for getting to the root of the problem now. I can't wait to see the total downfall of that good for nothing proud peacock.
With the devilish idea cooking in my head, I continued puffing my cigarette before making the call for action.
I was busy going through the contract deal I received from Moscow, Japan when a knock came through on the door.
“Come in. I ordered and Henry walked in.
“Boss, what should we do with the lady in the torture room?
I will deal with her later in the day. Is Max's new nanny back?
“Yes sir. She just arrived.
“Send her in right away and make arrangements for her bedroom right next to mine. I need to keep a close eye on her to see if she's worth trusting.”
Okay boss. It will be done.
“That's all. You can head back now. I stated while he bowed and left.
About the new nanny, there's something mysterious about her but I can't tell what it is. The allure I got from her feels mysterious yet captivating.
She's indeed a beauty with those pair of grey eyes as well as her long black curly hair which will definitely look slippery to hold.
What has come over me? Why am I saying all these about a mere lady who isn't up to my standards? When did these thoughts of complimenting a woman who isn't my woman started? I'm truly sorry Amanda. I don't know what came over me.
I need to get my shit together and focus only on my son and find the killer behind my beloved wife's death. I don't have time for any woman or even get to do with any of them.
A knock came over the door which disputed my thought. Knowing it was the new nanny, I gave her the permission to come in.
"Go.. Good aft.. afternoon sir." She stammered, staring on the floor with her body shaking.
"Come closer." I stated, watching every move she made.
For some reasons, I felt a deep sense of connection with her which I find mysterious. Who and why is this strange lady who I barely know got such a great effect on me?
She looks innocent but you can't tell if she's just putting on an act. I need to keep a close eye on her. I can't seem to trust everyone around me except Godfather, Henry and Lady Kathy who is like an aunt to me.
"Have you been shown to your room?"
"No.. No, I me.. mean not yet sir." She responded.
"Why are you shivering? Is there something you're not telling me?"
"Everything is fine. I just feel nervous, that's all."
"I hope so. Here is the phone in which I'll be communicating with you." I stated, moving the shopping bag containing the brand new smart phone to her.
"Okay sir. Thank you so much." She beamed, showing her radiant smile.
Why can't I seem to compliment her on everything? What's happening to me? When and how did I become this way towards a woman?
"There are certain rules I forgot to mention earlier which is a must if you're under me. I'm sure you know what a Mafia don entails?" I asked, with narrowed eyes.
"Yea.. yes sir."
"I'm someone nobody wants to mess with. If you want to live a peaceful life around me then you've got to follow every rule I impose on you no matter what." I expressed, which made her sweaty on the forehead.
"You're in no position to talk to anybody in this mansion apart from Lady Kathy, who is the head staff and I only. Also, you must disclose anything you find suspicious around that might harm my son in any way to me through the phone or in person. Lastly, stay out of my way in every possible way. I hate having women around me, especially cheap women who throw themselves around men."
I know I shouldn't have said the last part but I need to be mindful of her since it's most women' tactic of throwing themselves shamelessly around men.
"I promise to abide by every rule and I won't disappoint you in any way sir." She responded in a shaky voice.
"I hope to see it in your actions not your words only. You can take your leave now since that's all."
"Thank you sir." She uttered before leaving the study.
Keeping a close eye on her is a must for me since we're talking about my son who was the symbol of Amanda and I unconditional love.

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