Wrapped In Love
By Swift Zizi
Date: September 2, 2024
Ch. 2Chapter 2

I was sleeping so peacefully on my not so comfy bed when I felt a splash of water over my face which made me rush off the bed only to come in contact with my step mother’s frowning face.
“Get your sluggish self-up and join your father and I in the living room this minute.”
“Alright. I’ll be out in a bit. I just need to wash up.”
“I mean right now!” She screamed out, which made me grumble in a low tone.
“Okay.” I murmured and got on my feet, wiping off the water on my face with the tip of my palm.
We got to the living room and found my father who I’ve long disregarded as my family along with his favorite step daughter seated right next to him.
“She’s here.” My step mother said and joined them on the sofa while I stood still on the spot.
“She’s been a bad omen ever since she moved in with us after her mother’s death. Who knows if she’s the cause of the poor woman’s death?” Eva, my step sister grumbled, loudly.
“That’s enough Eva. Sarah, a job just came in and I want you to take it.” My father stated.
“What job father? I already got a job that pays me just fine. I don't need any job at the moment."
“What good is that delivery job anyway? I don’t have the means to spend any expenses on you anymore.”
“But I do give all my earnings to you just to please you. What more do you want me to do?” I responded, at the verge of breaking down in tears.
“Well, it’s not enough and I just lost my job so you’ve got to take this job if you still want a roof under your head.”
“I don’t think I really want to change my job right now.”
“You have to and you will because I said so. Don’t you see it? This new job offers a lot of money which will be enough to get me back on my feet.”
“I don’t care how much is involved. I’m doing really well with my current job and I feel happy with the job. I see no reason why I should suddenly pick up another? Eva, is there. She can take up the job instead."
“That’s it! I’ve had enough of your rude attitude. You will do just what I've said and I mustn’t hear a word from you again. Get yourself ready and meet me right here in less than thirty minutes.” He stated sternly.
I felt bitter and angry that I can’t do anything to fight back this injustice coming from my own father. This is one of the problems I’ve been facing ever since I moved in with them.
I just wish there’s a way to escape all this bitterness and pain. I’m extremely tired of this ill treatment from him and his new family.
“Don’t just stand there! Go get yourself useful.” My step mother reckoned in disgust.
The moment I left their presence, the droplets of tears I tried to control streamed down my cheeks uncontrollable.
I leaned against the iron railings of the stairs and slowly went on my knees in tears, crying out all my frustration and anger.
I got back to my room after regaining myself and headed to the shower to get ready.
I wonder if my life will ever be normal again without the presence of my mother.
I highlighted from the cab, while my dad stayed behind giving me a cold look.
"You must get the job at all cost." He stated and instructed the driver to drive off leaving me in front of the magnificent mansion.
I have no idea where to start from. I'm just tired of my life.
How am I sure they've gotten someone for the job? I just don't know how to deal with this situation at all.
I held on to my credentials and took a deep breath before making my way towards the giant gate with about four hefty men holding long guns around their shoulders.
With every step I took, I felt shivers run down my spine but I fought every urge and approached them.
"What do you want?" One of the men asked in a thick tone.
"I'm here to apply for the nanny job." I answered almost in a whisper.
"Get in." He stated, opening the gate for me.
I couldn't stop admiring the beauty of the mansion when one of the female staff was instructed by the guard to escort me inside the mansion.
The mansion must have cost a lot of fortune to look this beautiful and flawless. I can't even imagine how the interior of the mansion will look when the exterior is spectacular.
"This way, miss." The lady said, following a corner which looks like a garden on its own with a swimming pool at the far end of the way.
I caught a glimpse of a little boy playing with a ball along the pool side which I feel is dangerous for him.
I kept a close watch on him until I saw him heading towards the pool which alerted me and made me rush to the pool.
Before I could get there, he was already inside the pool battling with the water as I dropped off my bag and credentials on the floor and jumped in.
I quickly pulled him out as the staff who was escorting me inside along with an elderly woman, four staffs and three guards rushed towards us.
"Oh, my God! Max! Are you okay? Contact the doctor immediately!" The elderly woman yelled, taking the boy from me and rushing inside the mansion.
I remained on my spot not knowing what else to do. After a while, I got up with my wet body to pick up my bag and credentials when two female staffs, approached me as one of them had a towel with her.
"Here you go before you catch a cold." The one with the towel said, wrapping the towel around me while the other helped with my bag and credentials.
"Let's go inside and get you cleaned." The other lady said and walked ahead of us while the first lady helped me as we made our way inside the luxurious mansion.
I just hope the boy is okay? If I hadn't made it on time, I wonder how serious the situation would have gotten if I wasn't there.

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