Wrapped In Love
By Swift Zizi
Date: September 1, 2024
Ch. 1Chapter 1

I slowly pushed the door open and found the little figure already asleep peacefully on his bed. I walked in, gently shutting the door behind me not to wake him up.
He must have probably got tired of waiting for me and slept off. I wish I can make it up to him for everything.
I sat on the edge of the bed staring at his cute little face and recalling how time flies so fast.
He has grown up so fast in the space of five years. If only his mother was here with us to see how grown up and handsome he had become just like his father she would have been the happiest.
We miss you so much Amanda. I miss you every single day and can’t stop blaming myself for your death.
If only I had known that accident was meant for me. I would have gone instead of her but fate was cruel towards my love for her.
It took away the love of my life and left me shattered, heartbroken and a single father of an innocent kid who knows nothing.
“Good night son.” I murmured and kissed his forehead before making my way out of the room.
I was heading back to my bedroom to get some rest when I heard my name from behind.
“Jayden! Is that you?” The voice I recognized asked.
“Yes aunt.” I replied, turning around to see the old figure coming into view.
“Oh, dear! How have missed you, son!” She cried out and rushed towards me.
“I miss you too, aunt.” I confessed, embracing her warmly.
“Why did you leave like that without saying a word to me? You had Max and I worried. It was really hard persuading him you’d be back soon.”
“I’m sorry aunt. I had to deal with something really urgent.”
“It’s okay, son. I’m so glad you’re finally back.”
“Me too.” I responded as she pulled away from me.
“Have you had dinner?”
“Not yet.”
“Come with me. I’ll make you something myself since it’s been a while since I made you a meal.”
“You don’t have to, aunt.”
“Come on, boy. I just want to because I’ve missed you so much.”
“Alright.” I agreed and trailed after her to the kitchen.
“Make yourself comfortable while this chef prepares your favorite delicacy.” She stated which got me chuckling.
“I’m so happy to see you, Jay.” She added with a warm smile.
She has been doing every possible means to make me smile ever since I lost Amanda who was my source of happiness and everything.
I never thought my position as the underworld mafia don would put an end to the life of my beloved wife being the most feared and powerful mafia king in New Orleans.
I changed completely from being the cold and ruthless mafia king I was after Amanda came into my life. But as things would turned out, an unknown b*** had the guts to eliminate her.
I promise I won't ever spare the person behind her death. I'll make sure he pays for every single tear and pain he had cost me for taking her away from me.
“What’s on your mind, Jayden?”
“Nothing aunt.”
“You can’t say nothing, son. I know you better than anyone Jay. I watched you grow into the man you are today. I know you're missing her, isn't it?"
“Yes aunt. I miss her every single day yet I can’t seem to find the culprit behind her death. I keep blaming myself every single day knowing the killer is out there watching me suffer in agony.”
“You don’t have to keep blaming yourself, Jay. And about the killer, I’m sure you’ll catch him at hand like you always do to your enemies.”
“When exactly? It’s been five years now, aunt. I can’t wait any longer. Each time I set my eyes on Max, all I feel is guilt for making him lonely without his mother by his side. I can’t seem to fill in Amanda’s absence in his life no matter how I try.”
“I think it’s time I tell you what I feel will make him not feel the absence of his mother anymore.”
“And what’s that?”
“He needs a nanny to be around him all the time.”
“A nanny? Hell no! We both are there for him so I don’t think he needs one.”
“Trust me, Jay. He really does. You just can’t see how sad he feels when playing alone but if you find him a nanny, I’m sure he will be happy.”
“I don’t know aunt. I do need to think about this suggestion. I don’t want any danger lurking in his way just like I let my guts down towards his mother.”
“Nothing will happen, Jay. You just have to be positive.”
“I still have to think about bringing a nanny into this mansion.”
“You can give it as much thought as you want but don’t delay the matter.”
“Okay aunt.” I responded and with that she began to prepare my favorite dish while we kept talking about random matters.
The following morning I got a call to deal with an urgent matter relating to the mafia family.
I got ready in one of my expensive tuxedo suits making me look smart and powerful as always.
Being a mafia don hasn’t been an easy thing for me. It’s one of the most dangerous yet beautiful and fantastic experiences.
Your life is always in danger and you're almost surrounded with enemies more than friends.
I walked out of my bedroom and found Henry, my right hand man and adviser waiting for me.
“Good morning boss.”
“Morning Henry. What’s the latest update on my schedule after the meeting?”
“You’ve an arranged meeting with Mr. Adams on the new project. Also, a dinner date with Miss Fiona, daughter of HITZ Group.”
“Okay. Forward their time to me.”
“Okay boss. Your son is awaiting your presence at the dining.”
“Let go.” I responded, while we proceed downstairs to the dining area.
“Daddy!” My son called out, rushing towards me.
I picked him up instantly with a smile on my face.
“Hello champ. Did you miss me?”
“Yes, I miss you but I’m really angry at you.”
“What did daddy do, champ?” I asked with knitted brows.
“Can you drop me down first?”
“So, tell me, what did daddy do to make little champ angry?” I inquired, after putting him down.
“You left me for a month without saying anything. I’m very upset.”
“Oh, that’s right, champ. Daddy had to go take care of an important job.”
“Okay. I forgive you this time.” I said, pouting his mouth.
“That’s my champ. I won’t be able to have breakfast with you today because I’ve to take care of a job right now but I promise to be back, okay?”
“Pinky swear?”
“Pinky swear, champ.”
“Where is your godmother?” I added.
“I’m right here.” We heard her voice before he could respond.
“Good morning aunt.”
“Good morning Jay.”
“Champ, why don’t you follow Henry to the dining. Godmother and I have something to discuss.”
“Okay daddy.” He replied and rushed back to the dining area while Henry trailed after him.
“What’s the matter Jay? Are you leaving again?” She asked.
“No, aunt. It’s concerning the discussion we had last night. I’ve given it a lot of thought. You can begin the search for the nanny.”
“That’s great. I promise to find him the best nanny. You don’t have to worry about anything.”
“I know, aunt. I need to go now. I’ve an urgent matter to handle.”
“Alright. Take good care of yourself.”
“I will.” I assured her and signaled Henry who rushed towards me before we both strolled out.
I just hope the nanny will be good enough to take good care of my son.

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