The Billionaire's Cleaner
By Wasley Hadj
Date: August 26, 2024

Diana walked out of the mansion's gates, unnoticed by the staff or Charles. She made her way to the nearby bus stop, where she waited for a few minutes before boarding a bus headed towards her hometown.
As the bus rumbled along the winding roads, Diana gazed out the window, watching the scenery change from opulent mansions to quaint suburban homes. She felt a sense of nostalgia wash over her, remembering the countless times she'd taken this same route with her family.
At the next stop, a few passengers got off, and Diana moved to an empty seat near the front. She sat down, taking a deep breath, and began to collect her thoughts. She had no idea what she'd find when she arrived at her childhood home, but she knew she had to try.
The bus continued on its route, passing through bustling streets and quiet neighborhoods. Diana's mind wandered, thinking about her past, her parents, and the life she left behind.
After about an hour, the bus pulled into the final stop, just a short walk from Diana's childhood home. She gathered her belongings and stepped off the bus, feeling a mix of emotions: excitement, nervousness, and a hint of fear.
As she walked towards her home, the familiar sights and sounds brought back a flood of memories. Diana's heart raced, wondering what lay ahead, but she steeled herself, ready to face whatever she found.
Diana's eyes widened as she gazed at the familiar image on the wall. It was a painting of her mother, captured in vibrant colors and intricate details. The same bright smile, the same sparkling green eyes, the same mischievous glint in her expression.
Diana felt a lump form in her throat as she reached out a trembling hand to touch the canvas. She had forgotten that her father had commissioned this painting after her mother's passing, as a way to keep her memory alive.
As she gazed at the image, Diana felt a wave of emotions wash over her. She missed her mother dearly, and the pain of her loss still lingered. But seeing this painting brought back fond memories, too - memories of laughter, of adventures, of quiet moments shared between mother and daughter.
Diana's eyes welled up with tears as she stood there, frozen in time, lost in the memories that the painting evoked. She felt her father's presence behind her, but she didn't turn around. She couldn't. Not yet.
"Mom," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I miss you so much."

Diana's eyes scanned the room, taking in the familiar surroundings of her father's study. She had always loved this room, with its dark wood paneling and rows of dusty bookshelves. But today, she was on a mission.
She walked over to her father's old oak desk, where he used to work on his papers and documents. The desk was cluttered, as always, but Diana's eyes landed on a stack of files and documents bound together with a rubber band.
Without hesitation, Diana pulled out the documents and began to flip through them. As she read, her eyes widened in shock. The documents revealed a web of shady deals and transactions, all linked to her father's name.
Diana's mind reeled as she realized the extent of her father's involvement in these illicit activities. She felt a wave of nausea wash over her, followed by a surge of anger.
Without thinking, Diana stuffed all the documents into her bag. She knew she had to get out of there, to process what she had found and figure out what to do next. She turned and walked out of the room, leaving behind the only home she had ever known.
Diana hailed a cab on the street and gave the driver the address of the mansion. As the cab pulled away from the curb, she couldn't help but look back at the house she had just left. She felt a sense of unease, knowing that she had just uncovered secrets that were meant to remain hidden.
The cab ride was quiet, with only the sound of the engine and the occasional passing car breaking the silence. Diana's mind was racing, trying to process everything she had just read. She couldn't believe that her father was involved in such shady dealings.
As the cab pulled up to the mansion, Diana paid the driver and stepped out onto the driveway. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She knew that she had to confront Charles about what she had found, but she was scared of what might happen.
Diana walked up to the front door and pushed it open, calling out to see if anyone was there. The only response was the echo of her own voice off the marble floor. She walked inside, her eyes scanning the empty hallway.
"Hello?" she called out again, her voice a little louder this time. "Is anyone here?"
Still, there was no response. Diana felt a shiver run down her spine. Where was everyone? And what was going on?
As Diana walked into the mansion, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was her birthday, June 14th, 1995, and she had hoped to spend it with some sense of normalcy, despite the chaos that had been unfolding around her.
But now, as she stood in the empty hallway, she felt a sense of isolation. She had uncovered secrets about her father's past, and she knew that her life would never be the same.
Diana took a deep breath and tried to shake off the feeling of unease. She told herself that she was strong, that she could handle whatever came her way.
As she walked further into the mansion, she noticed that there were no signs of celebration. No balloons, no streamers, no cake. It was as if her birthday meant nothing to anyone.
Diana felt a pang of sadness, but she pushed it aside. She knew that she had to focus on the task at hand, on uncovering the truth about her father's past and the secrets that he had kept hidden for so long.
With a newfound sense of determination, Diana made her way to the library, where she knew she could find more clues. She was ready to face whatever lay ahead, on her birthday and beyond.

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