The Billionaire's Cleaner
By Wasley Hadj
Date: August 26, 2024

Mark took charge of the funeral arrangements, ensuring that Bernard's mother received a dignified and respectful sendoff. He worked tirelessly to coordinate the logistics, from selecting a beautiful casket to arranging a heartfelt eulogy.
On the day of the funeral, Mark stood by Bernard's side as they said their final goodbyes. The ceremony was poignant, with friends and family gathering to pay their respects.
As the coffin was lowered into the ground, Bernard broke down in tears, overcome with grief. Mark held him close, offering what comfort he could.
After the service, Mark made sure that Bernard's mother was laid to rest in a serene and peaceful spot, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flowers.
Bernard nodded his gratitude, his eyes red-rimmed from crying. "Thanks, Mark. You've been a true friend through all this."
Mark's expression was somber. "That's what friends are for, Bernard. We'll get through this together."
As they walked away from the gravesite, Mark knew that the road ahead would be tough, but he was determined to support Bernard every step of the way.
After the burial, Bernard couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt that had been weighing on him. He had been carrying a secret for weeks, and it was eating away at him.
As he walked with Mark, he finally found the courage to speak up. "Mark, I need to tell you something," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Mark looked at him with concern. "What is it, Bernard?"
Bernard took a deep breath before revealing his secret. "I've been working for Larry Johnson, Mr Mark. I know he's been involved in some shady dealings, but I needed the money."
Mark's expression changed from concern to shock. "Bernard, what have you been doing for him?"
Bernard hesitated before answering. "I've been helping him with some of his... deliveries. I didn't know what was in the packages, but I had a feeling it wasn't good."
Mark's face fell. "Bernard, why didn't you tell me? We could have figured something out together."
Bernard shook his head, feeling ashamed. "I was too proud, Mr Mark. I didn't want to admit that I needed help. But now... now I don't
Mark felt a mix of emotions as he walked away from Bernard. He was angry, disappointed, and worried all at once. He couldn't believe that Bernard had been secretly working for Larry Johnson, a man he knew was trouble.
As he walked, Mark's mind raced with thoughts of how he could have prevented this. Should he have been a better friend? Should he have noticed the signs earlier?
He felt a deep sense of betrayal, not just because Bernard had lied to him, but also because he had put himself in harm's way. Mark had always tried to protect Bernard, and now he felt like he had failed.
Mark's anger slowly gave way to concern as he thought about Bernard's well-being. He knew that his friend was in over his head, and he needed help. Mark decided to give Bernard some space, but he vowed to keep a close eye on him.
As he walked away, Mark couldn't shake off the feeling that their friendship had been shaken to its core. He hoped that they could recover from this, but he knew it wouldn't be easy.
Mark took a deep breath and tried to clear his head. He needed to think of a plan to help Bernard, and to get him away from Larry Johnson's influence once and for all.
Just as Mark was trying to process his emotions, he heard a gentle voice behind him.
"Mark, wait!"
He turned to see Diana hurrying towards him, a concerned look on her face.
"Hey, what's wrong?" she asked, noticing the tension in his body.
Mark took a deep breath and tried to explain. "It's Bernard. He's been working for Larry Johnson behind my back. I feel like I've failed him as a friend."
Diana's expression softened. "Oh, Mark, you can't blame yourself for this. Bernard made his own choices."
Mark shook his head. "I should have seen it coming. I should have been a better friend."
Diana placed a calming hand on his arm. "You're an amazing friend, Mark. Bernard knows that. This isn't your fault."
Mark looked at her, feeling a sense of gratitude for her presence. Diana always knew how to calm him down.
"Thanks, Diana. Just talking to you makes me feel better."
Diana smiled. "That's what friends are for. Now, let's go talk to Bernard and figure out a way to get him out of this mess."
Mark nodded, feeling a sense of determination. With Diana by his side, he knew they could face anything.
Diana's expression turned thoughtful as she gazed into the distance. Mark could almost see the wheels turning in her mind.
"Mark, I think I have an idea," she said finally, her voice laced with a hint of excitement.
"What is it?" Mark asked, his curiosity piqued.
Diana's eyes locked onto his. "Let's use Bernard's situation to our advantage. Let's use him against Larry Johnson."
Mark's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What do you mean?"
Diana's smile was sly. "Think about it. Bernard is already in deep with Larry Johnson. What if we use that to our advantage? What if we feed Larry Johnson misinformation through Bernard?"
Mark's eyes widened as he grasped the plan. "You mean, use Bernard as a mole?"
Diana nodded. "Exactly. We can use Bernard to gather intel on Larry Johnson's operations and bring him down from the inside."
Mark whistled softly. "That's genius, Diana. But are you sure Bernard will go for it?"
Diana's expression turned determined. "We'll make sure he does. We'll convince him that it's the only way to make things right."
Mark nodded, a plan forming in his mind. "Alright, let's do it. Let's take down Larry Johnson once and for all."
Bernard sat in his darkened room, his mind consumed by thoughts of guilt and shame. He couldn't believe he had betrayed Mark's trust by working for Larry Johnson. The weight of his actions crushed him, and he felt like he was drowning in his own regret.
"How could I have been so stupid?" he muttered to himself, his voice laced with self-loathing. "I've ruined everything. Mark will never forgive me."
As the hours ticked by, Bernard's thoughts grew darker. He felt like he had no way out, no way to make things right. The shame and guilt were suffocating him, and he began to contemplate the unthinkable.
"Maybe it's better if I just end it all," he thought, his mind whispering cruel lies. "Maybe that's the only way to escape this pain."
Bernard slowly got up from his bed and began to pace around the room, his eyes scanning the space for a way out. He stopped in front of a drawer, his hand reaching for the knife he knew was inside.
But just as he was about to open the drawer, he heard a knock at the door. It was Diana.
"Bernard, we need to talk," she said, her voice firm but gentle.
Bernard hesitated, his hand still on the drawer handle. For a moment, he considered ignoring her, but something in her tone made him pause.
He opened the door, and Diana's concerned expression greeted him. "Bernard, what's going on? Mark told me everything."
Bernard felt a lump form in his throat as he struggled to hold back tears. "I'm sorry, Diana. I'm so sorry."
Diana stepped forward, her arms open. "Bernard, we can fix this. We can make it right."
But Bernard just shook his head, feeling like he was beyond redemption. "No, Diana. I've gone too far. I don't deserve forgiveness."

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