The Billionaire's Cleaner
By Wasley Hadj
Date: August 25, 2024

Charles was startled at first, his heart almost pop out from his broad chest, this was something he wasn't expecting at all so he moved forward to see whom has hit him, when he turned his forehead and his two eyes were facing Frank Richard. Frank Richard is the head of security In the Mansion and he was sent by his boss Mark Thomas to call on him.
"Charles Mr Mark has been searching everywhere for you and you are here with this thing, what the hell is wrong with you, ever since she got here you don't do your daily duty properly again, the boss has been waiting for you since he woke up and you are nowhere to be found knowing fully well you are the only one that can enter into his room."
"Frank! I'll rush to him please is not like you think, have been helping in the stable."
" What are you doing in the stable you lazy being?"
"Juliet gave birth to a baby horse."
" Wow!!! That's cool but what is she doing here?"
"she's also helping me out, the name of the horse is Apollo."
Charles tried to cover up Diana, so he took Diana by her hands and they left frank standing, then he told her to go and finish up with her chores while he walked straight to the Mansion door, he opened the door gently trying to sneak to his boss room without being seen by him or any worker in the mansion.
Unfortunately Mark Thomas was sitting at a corner with his white night wears on him, he crossed his two legs and in front of him was a glass cup and a bottle of America Wine, he poured some of the wine into the glass cup and sip it gradually while he was waiting for him after sending Frank call him, when he got there Mark was so furious at him.
"How dare you Charles, I gave her chores to do and you went ahead to assist her whereas you fucking have your own work to do, you are aware that I can't go out without my Tuxedo fully ironed and properly packed, what the hell is wrong with you tell me now?"
"Am so sorry sir, I promise not to do that again."
"you better not and I want you to go into room right now and bring out my Tuxedo suit iron it and I want you to send Camara to get that thing called Diana for me right away."
"Okay sir."
Charles quickly went ahead to do as commanded by his boss, he came across Camara Einstein while he was searching for her in the mansion and he informed her that their Boss asked her to call on Diana and he also warned her not to do anything bad to her.
Then Charles left to Mark's room on getting inside the room he opened the door to the wardrobe and he saw the Smooth Tuxedo hanged in the wardrobe, he brought it out and take it to the a room mean't for only ironing of clothes in the house.
About few minutes after Charles had informed Camara to get Diana for the boss, she finally saw Diana cleaning the stable trying to help the helpless mother who just gave birth 'JULIET', when Camara saw her she shouted her name Skiny bitch Diana your boss is calling you right away at the Mansion, you better move your Ass now before I whip it for you.
She was so Annoyed because of what she was called, she reminisce when one of her colleague called her that in New York college.
She was in the class room when the spoilt brat of a Rich man in New York Rachel came in to force her out of a sit which I refused and she slapped her after calling her a stupid bitch. Diana stood up pretending to stand up from the when Rachel was about to sit on the chair, she wasn't aware that Diana had placed a very sharp object on the chair using her right hand.
Rachel sat on the Object, immediately she noticed she has something stuck in her butt she jumped up shouting so loud in pain and water started gushing out from her two eyes and Diana was just smiling and walking away from her without showing any remorse for her pain.
But this is different she can't just misbehave with her she needs all the friend if she really needs to escape one day from the cage she found herself in, so instead she honored the calling and went straight to Mark Thomas the biggest Billionaire' in New york.
"Whom do we have here Diana Hendricks, my beautiful cleaner how are you doing this morning my object, I hope you had a nice sleep yesterday after the party, I could see you working so hard to gain my trust."
"I wasn't impressing anyone am just doing my job like you've commanded."
"Diana, do you know you can be more than that with me, I wish to make you my wife but you chose to be a servant instead, your father has agreed to our union, so what could be the hindrances again?"
"Union my foot!!!"
Mark Thomas moved closer to her, trying to be romantic with Diana but as he was approaching her she moved back a bit, making sure he doesn't try anything funny. Mark told her to come closer but she refused, then he quickly held her by the hand unexpectedly hugged her so tight she tried all her best to break free from his strong tight grib but all wasn't futile, he was too strong for her.
When their body has gotten closer he then tried to kiss her, Diana whom was trying to break free tried everything she could but couldn't until she remembered the movie she had watched the Tomb Raider' how the female actor had kicked a man in the middle to get him weak, Diana did the same thing as the kick hit on Mark's im between his two legs he became weak and he released Diana from his arm.
"What the fuck Diana!!!"
"I told you to release me but you wouldn't listen, what else could I do am not your whore that you can do whatever you want with, am not cheap like those girls your members were all sleeping with during your party, I have my own dignity if you don't have."
Then there was a sharp stinging crack landed on her face and she fell to the floor that she almost hit her head on the Marble Tile, her eyes became red that she couldn't see properly for some minutes.
"How could you do such a thing to me, what the hell!! You are an ungrateful bastard. I was only trying to assist your life but I guess if I put you on the bed you will definitely slip down to the ground again, from now onward I'll make your life a living hell you fool."
Diana was on the ground and Mark was just looking at her helpless body without showing any sign of pity for her, he was still holding is Man**od because he was feeling the pain from the leg hit she gave him.
"Bernard!!! Come here right now, you fool."
" Sirrr!! Am here."
"Get me a block of ICE as soon as possible I need it right now."
Bernard ran as far as he can to get the Ice block when he saw the way his boss was feeling the pain in between his two legs, after few seconds Bernard warren came back with a Tray of ICE Blocks he wrapped it in a clean white cloth and gave it to Mark.
Without hesitation he collected it and placed it on his Pr**k immediately and he was relaxed and calm but he left the room without saying anything else to Diana whom is still on the floor.
Diana kept on crying silently her legs has been hurt and her face had started swollen that it almost cover her right eyes...

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