The Billionaire's Cleaner
By Wasley Hadj
Date: August 26, 2024
Ch. 23Rescuing

Diana had always been fascinated by martial arts and self-defense. While in college, she secretly began training in Krav Maga and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, sneaking away from campus to attend classes at a local gym.
Despite her growing skills, Diana kept her training a secret, even from her friends and family at the mansion. She didn't want to draw attention to herself, especially from Mark, who had a history of belittling and manipulating her.
Instead, Diana practiced her moves in private, honing her skills and building her strength. She became proficient in hand-to-hand combat, learning how to disarm and disable opponents quickly and efficiently.
But despite her newfound confidence and abilities, Diana continued to play the role of the timid and submissive daughter at the mansion. She didn't want to rock the boat or give Mark any reason to lash out at her.
It wasn't until Mark's maltreatment became too much to bear that Diana finally found the courage to stand up for herself and reveal her secret training. And now, she was using those skills to help rescue Amber and take down Mark once and for all.
Diana, Charles, and Camara Einstein stood in the mansion's grand foyer, their faces set with determination. They were about to embark on a daring rescue mission to save Amber, Camara's sister.
"Let's get moving," Diana said, her voice firm. "We don't have much time."
Charles nodded, his eyes scanning the room. "We'll take the SUV. It's the fastest way to get there."
Camara clutched a small backpack containing supplies and a first-aid kit. "I'm ready," she said, her voice shaking slightly.
The three of them made their way to the garage, where a black SUV waited. They climbed in, Camara taking the backseat, Diana driving, and Charles riding shotgun.
As they pulled out of the mansion's gates, Camara felt a surge of adrenaline. They were really doing this. They were going to rescue Amber.
Diana's eyes met Camara's in the rearview mirror. "We'll get her back, Camara. I promise."
Camara nodded, her throat tight with emotion. She knew the risks, but she also knew they had to try.
The SUV sped through the night, heading towards the warehouse on 5th and Main. They were a team, united in their mission to save Amber. And they wouldn't stop until she was safe.
Diana wore a black leather jacket, a white tank top, and dark jeans, her hair tied back in a ponytail. She looked fierce and determined, her eyes fixed on the road ahead.
Charles wore a black hoodie, a pair of rugged cargo pants, and scuffed up combat boots. He looked like he was ready for battle, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a keen sense of awareness.
Camara wore a simple white t-shirt, a pair of black leggings, and a pair of sneakers. She looked nervous but determined, her eyes fixed on the back of Diana's head as they sped through the night.
All three of them wore backpacks with supplies and equipment, ready for whatever lay ahead. They were a team, united in their mission to rescue Amber, and they were determined to succeed.
Mark arrived at the Thomas Tower, a sleek and modern skyscraper that served as the headquarters of his family's business empire. He stepped out of the car and gazed up at the building, feeling a sense of pride and ownership.
As he entered the tower, Mark was greeted by the familiar sight of security guards and bustling employees. He made his way to the elevator, nodding to the guards as he passed.
Once inside the elevator, Mark pressed the button for the top floor, where his father's office was located. He was determined to make sure everything was okay, to reassure himself that his family's business was still secure.
As the elevator doors opened, Mark stepped out into the plush carpeted hallway. He walked towards his father's office, his footsteps muffled by the soft flooring.
But as he approached the door, Mark noticed something strange. The door was slightly ajar, and he could hear a faint noise coming from inside.
Mark's instincts kicked in, and he pushed open the door, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of trouble.
And that's when he saw it. A figure, huddled over his father's desk, rummaging through papers and files.
Mark's anger flared, and he took a step forward, his fists clenched. "Who are you?" he demanded. "What are you doing?"
I'm glad you think so! I'm having a great time continuing the story and developing the characters. If you want more, I'd be happy to keep going!
The figure looked up, startled, and Mark saw that it was one of his father's assistants, Alex. "Mark, I can explain," Alex said, holding up his hands.
Mark's eyes narrowed. "Explain what? Why are you snooping through my father's papers?"
Alex took a step back, looking nervous. "I was just looking for some information. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."
Mark's instincts told him that Alex was hiding something. He took a step closer, his voice firm. "Tell me what you're looking for, Alex. Now."
And then, just as Alex was about to answer, Mark's phone rang. He hesitated for a moment before answering it. "Hello?"
It was Diana. "Mark, we're on our way to the warehouse. We have to move fast."
Mark's heart skipped a beat. He had completely forgotten about the rescue mission. "I'll meet you there," he said, his mind racing.
But as he hung up the phone, he saw Alex slipping out of the office, a guilty look on his face. Mark's instincts told him that something was off. And he was determined to find out what.
Mark's eyes widened as he realized what Alex was looking for. "You're looking for the documents of ownership, aren't you?" he accused.
Alex hesitated, then nodded. "I was just trying to... verify some information," he stammered.
Mark's grip on his phone tightened. "Who sent you?" he demanded. "Was it my father's business partner, Victor?"
Alex's eyes darted back and forth, then he nodded again. "Yes, larry sent me. He said it was urgent."
Mark's mind raced. Why would Larry want the documents of ownership? And what did he plan to do with them?
He took a step closer to Alex, his voice low and menacing. "Listen, Alex. I don't know what game you're playing, but I'm not going to let you get away with it. Tell Larry that Mark Thomas is onto him."
Alex's eyes went wide, and he backed away slowly. "I-I'll tell him," he stuttered.
Mark's eyes never left Alex's face. "Good. And Alex?"
"Don't think about trying to leave the city. I'll have my eyes on you."
Alex nodded and quickly exited the office, leaving Mark to wonder what larry was planning. But he didn't have time to dwell on it. He had to meet Diana and the others at the warehouse. The rescue mission was still on.

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