What A Vampire Loves
By Black Ivy
Date: August 24, 2024
Ch. 4She Has Someone

Lolita’s POV
With my lower lip bleeding, and the damages he had caused with the SUVs, the rescue team easily believed my story of the unknown creature in the cave that killed everyone except me.
“You are safe now ma'am, let's get you to the hospital for further check up.” the medic that had attended to my injuries said, as he led me into the helicopter.
For a second, I took a quick glance back at the entrance of the cave and saw the swarm of police officers parading the whole place in search of him.
But I knew they wouldn't find Him.
He was already long gone.
“How do you plan to find me?” I asked him, and in his usual smile, and a crazy seductive wink, he replied.
“You know your beauty is very hard to hide.”
At the hospital, his words kept playing over and over in my head nonstop. Nothing I did to stop myself from thinking of him worked.
Shame on you, Lolita, I tried to condemn myself. But it didn't work.
Not even for a second.
I finally got discharged. No concussion, no internal bleeding. Just a swollen temple caused when I had hit my head against a rock, and a cut on my lower lip caused by him.
By seven forty-five in the evening, I finally got home, and the first thing that greeted me was my voicemail machine blinking to notify me that I had messages.
Sixty-six messages, all from my family, friends and relatives of my team.
They all had questions, no doubt.
“ I am deeply sorry. But whatever the news tells you is what you'd get for tonight.” I muttered as though they could all hear me.
Then with the last of my strength, I got rid of my clothes, took a quick bath, and then crashed on my bed without eating a thing.
Gambino's POV
The moment I stepped into her apartment, the first thing that hit me was the scent of her.
If I had any doubt that I had entered the wrong house, it had certainly proved I wasn't lost.
Now where was she?, I wondered, sauntering across the place she called home.
As I moved, my eyes counted
each and every twenty-something number of teddy bears she had neatly arranged all over the place.
“Funny, stubborn, breathtakingly beautiful, and a neat teddy bear lover?” I counted her personalities with a smile on my lips, “Fate, whatever you are planning. I think I'm gonna like it.”
Suddenly, my eyes caught the image of something.
Pausing, I retraced my eye's path back to where the image was. I noticed the studio. I noticed the canvases and paint brushes. Then I saw what I had seen.
A painting.
Almost completely covered by other paintings. Slowly, I began to venture closer, but then out of nowhere, I heard a door creak open.
My head turned towards the direction just in time to catch her sleepily stepping out of her room.
I opened my mouth to call her. To tell her I was right there. But then, my eyes saw something that made my mouth pause.
“ Damn!” I managed to mutter as I watched her fumble toward her kitchen.
Dressed in a loose thin-strap shirt that was doing a bad job in holding her breasts underneath, and cream coloured panties covering her shapely rear, the only thing I could do was swallow the saliva that had gathered in my mouth and watch on.
It was bad enough, those lips made me hungry for a kiss. Now how do I forget this image?
For the love of mortality Gambi, stop looking!
Must you be such a fool, Gambi?, a voice in my head condemned me.
After using all of my strength into overcoming the dirty thoughts going through my mind, I faked a small coughing sound to get her attention.
She shrieked and jerked out of fear. Then her arms instinctively crossed over her chest, trying to stop me from seeing what I had already seen and can't unsee.
“ Relax, it's me Gambino.” with my eyes staring at anything but her devilish hot body, I tried to assure her, “ I told you I'd find you, remember?”
“What are you doing here? How did you get in?” she yelled and I could hear the anger in her voice.
“ I let myself in.” I explained, still fighting hard not to look.
“ How?” she queried,“The doors were locked.”
“Yes, they were. But the windows weren't.”
“ What! You can't just let yourself into my house without my permission. You have no right to do that!”
Raising my hands slightly above my head, I acknowledged my wrongdoing, “ I know I shouldn't have, and I'm sorry I did. But I had no choice.”
“ What do you mean you had no choice.” she fired almost immediately.
To explain better, I began to walk toward a window, “ Finding you was actually a bit more difficult than I thought. I spent the whole night doing it. Fortunately, your sweet scent led me here.”
I paused when I reached the window and then stretched out my hand toward the glimmer of the sunlight penetrating through her curtains. Instantly, my skin began to burn, “ But unfortunately, It was already sunrise. So I had no choice.”
It took a second, but then she finally saw reason. Slowly, her creased brows relaxed and then her frown turned to concern.
“Don't you want to get your hand out of there.” she asked, motioning at my outstretched arm.
I could tell she knew I was in pain. And knowing she was concerned please me in a way I couldn't describe.
“ Only if I have been forgiven.” I said, making her arch her brow at me.
For a second, I caught a smile on her lips. Never had I seen anything as lovely as hers.
But deep down, I was kicking myself for being stupid. I was letting my hand get incinerated all because I was trying to impress her.
Stupid, foolish, idiot fucking fool you are Gambi, I silently cursed myself, att the same time praying she could see through my fake smile.
“ Alright, alright you have been forgiven.” she finally blurted out.
The speed in which I took my hand out was so fast, she chuckled.
“What were you trying to prove,” she asked in-between giggle, watching as I massaged my sore healing hand.
“What's going on here?”
Totally out of nowhere, a male's voice came, making the two of us turn toward the direction. I had been so engrossed that I hadn't noticed him coming into the house.
The first thing I noticed was the flower in his hands. Then the look he was giving me her.
It wasn't hard for me to figure out who he was. Even though he had a different perfume on him, I still caught her scent on him.
“ I said, what's going on here?.”
he asked in a louder, much angrier tone. From his heart beat, I could tell things we're about to go south.
One glance at his face, and I knew what was going through his mind.
His girlfriend, almost naked, standing in front of a strange guy in the early hours of the morning.
“ Denzel.” Lolita started to explain, “ It's not what you think.” she tried to move closer to him.
But he disappeared before she reached him.

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