What A Vampire Loves
By Black Ivy
Date: August 24, 2024
Ch. 2I'm Now your Responsibility

Lolita POV

Hey, reader!

Let Me Go Back a Bit. I bet you have a thousand questions.
My name is Lolita De Vasquez. But you already know that by now.
What you don't know is that I am a professor in mythology, a researcher in proving myths from facts, and a bestseller of a romance novel. And in all my works, I have always come to one conclusion.
Vampires are not real.
This, I was sure of. This, I have proven thousands of times. And never had I had a single doubt.

Yet, here I am, in the arms of one.

“ I don't understand you, Lolita,” in his calm and slow tone, he began to speak again. For close to five minutes, we had stayed silent as he carried me out of the cave, “ What exactly were you expecting to find when you came knocking in the house of a vampire?.” he asked me, but I didn't reply even though I heard him clearly.
My attention was on another thing entirely.
He had changed again. This time, looking completely like a real human being. Even the way he spoke had changed.
And not for a second did I notice the change until it was complete.
What the hell is happening?, I silently asked myself.
Twenty four hours ago, If I had been told that things would end up this way, I wouldn't have believed it. I had planned everything so delicately. I made sure I had taken every precaution. Not a single thing was left unchecked. I even brought vampire repellents and holy water even though I didn't believe we would meet a vampire.
Now, because of my stubbornness, eight innocent men are dead. And the thought of it made me hate myself. Then the feeling transformed into disgust when it hit me that I was being carried like a package.
One minute I was scared of him, then next minute I felt disgusted.
Slowly, the disgust grew until I couldn't take it any longer, “ I would like to walk on my own. Put me down.” I finally blurted out, feeling infuriated.
“Only if you promise you would walk swiftly so the sun doesn't catch up on us.” he replied calmly as though he wasn't bothered by my anger.
Tempted to agreeing almost immediately, I paused to think of the reason he kept me alive. But nothing came to mind, “What do you even want from me?” I asked.
“ Told you before, you are my redeemer. So, we are bound to each other.”
A scoff tried to escape from my mouth, but I held it back, “ Look Mister man, I don't want to be binded or bounded or whatever the fuck you mean.”
“ Then why did you come for me?”
“ I didn't come for you. I came to prove that you weren't real.”
For a split second, he stopped walking like he had been caught off guard, and then lowered his eyes at me.
The first thing I noticed was the amused smile on his lips “ You came to prove that I wasn't real?” he asked, chuckling lightly, “Oh, Lolita. I wasn't expecting you to be this funny.” he remarked.
But then it hit me. Replace that ‘funny’ with ‘naive’ and I get his true statement.
Wait, does he think I'm stupid and naive for believing Vampires aren't real?.
“ Put me down, now!” I yelled, unafraid of what my yelling could cause. The next second, I was on the floor. “Ouch!,”
He had dropped me without warning.
Noticing the scowl I threw at him, he shrugged,“You asked for it.”
I opened my mouth to hurl words at him, but then I stopped myself. Just because he hasn't killed me doesn't mean he couldn't.
As I began to get back on my feet, he turned on his heels and started walking away, like he didn't care. Like he had forgotten about me or lost interest in me.
Hell, I silently prayed that it was true.
But before I could even say ‘oh Lord’, he squashed all my hopes.
“ Come on, we don't have all the darkness in the world. You promised you'd walk swiftly if I allowed you to walk on your own.” he said without looking back.
That was when it hit. Where are we even going?
“ Hey, wait, wait a minute. Stop!” I called, running after him because his quick steps were somehow faster than my runs. Then when I finally got close, I asked, “ Where are you taking me to?.”
“ Where do you think?” he asked, instead of answering me.
I threw him another frown. From being irritating, he had gone back to being annoying, “ How would I know?. Aren't you the one forcing me to follow you?.”
“Okay then, I'd make it easier for you to guess.” he glanced at me briefly, and then continued, “ For hundreds of years I have been in that cave, right?.”
It took a second for me to realize that his pause was because he wanted me to reply to his question, “ Erm, yeah, yes.” I replied, “Based on what the legend says.” I added, and it made him smirk.
I knew what amused him was that even though he was standing there, and after everything I had seen him do, I still didn't want to accept that he was a vampire.
“ And in those years that have passed, there's no way I would still have any property that belongs to me, right?.” he paused again, waiting for me to reply.
At first I decided not to answer. But five seconds passed and he was still waiting for me to reply.
He took his sweet time waiting patiently for my reply.
“Okay, yes. Yes.” I blurted out, “Must I always say yes.” I scowled at him.
“Of course. How else would I know you are following?.” he asked and paused again. For the third time.
For a split second, I caught a smile on the corner of his lips. And then it hit me. He was enjoying it.
Just then, I began to see light ahead of us that showed we were already getting close to the entrance of the cave. “Just go straight to the point. I'm tired of these Q&As.” I muttered.
“ What other point do I have to go straight to Lolita?” he glanced across at me again. This time he was visibly smiling. No hiding. No ghost smile. He wanted me to know that he found confusion amusing. “ Isn't it obvious? You brought me out of where I had been locked up. Into a word that I have nothing to call my own. Doesn't that tell you that I am now your responsibility.”

It took a second to register in my head. And when it did, all I could say was,
“ What!?”

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