It has been a while now since Victoria noticed something was off about Blessing. Victoria noticed Blessing always left school early rather than closing time to a place that she had no idea about and Blessing always came home late by the time she would have slept off while waiting for him. Blessing also always goes to school early before she wakes which she knows that it can't be school that Blessing was going to at such times. Victoria also had been trying to see him for the last few days but it hadn't been working out. Even in school Blessing hardly talks to Victoria and always finds somewhere to hide so she wouldn't be able to talk to him or trouble him.
Victoria now realizes that Blessing has eventually found a way to distance himself from her and stay away from her, and if she continues to let this happen then she won't be able to fulfill her mission and make Blessing realize there is a real him. Victoria decided to know where Blessing always left school to go before closing time.
Victoria decided not to talk to Blessing in school that day so he wouldn't get suspicious about her plan to know where he always goes and act like she doesn't care about him or his presence which would make Blessing free so he would not try to hide from her. While Victoria acted like she was ignoring Blessing, at the same time she was also keeping her eye on Blessing in the class where he sat down and where he always sat down during break time.
As usual, a few minutes before the school closed for the day, Blessing lied to the teacher who was in the class that he would like to use the toilet and he was given permission by the teacher. Immediately Blessing left the classroom, Victoria also lied to the teacher that she wanted to use the toilet and was given permission.
As thought and known, Blessing didn't go to the washroom but out of the school building and he didn't know that he was being followed by Victoria. Victoria continued to follow Blessing and she saw how Blessing followed a pathway to an abandoned gate that led outside the school which was how Blessing always got out of the school unnoticed.
Victoria continued following Blessing till he got to where he always goes and she saw Blessing had joined a gang which is why he always leaves school early and comes home late. Victoria was surprised to see Blessing as part of a gang and she wondered why would Belssing join a gang or if maybe he was already part of the gang before she knew him.
Victoria spent time watching what Blessing does with the gang and saw they sell drugs. Victoria was surprised that Blessing could sell drugs and decided to come up with a plan to stop Blessing from continuing to sell drugs knowing if she confronted him she wouldn't listen to him, and before he got caught by the police.
Victoria went home that day thinking of what to do concerning Blessing knowing even if she reported to his grandparents they wouldn't be able to stop him from doing what he wants now that he thinks they are always taking her side. Victoria later concludes on what to do concerning Blessing.
The next day Victoria got to school late because she went to the gang and told them to stay away from Blessing threatening them but the gang also warned her not to ever come to them again threatening her.
That day, Blessing and Victoria had an argument and disagreement between them because the gang told Blessing about the girl who came to threaten them telling them to leave and stay away from him. Blessing told Victoria to stay away from him and anything that had to do with him but Victoria refused saying to Blessing that Blessing was hers and that she would never stay away from him until she accomplished her mission. Blessing threatened to hurt Victoria if she refused to back down from him but Victoria said she wouldn't no matter what.
Blessing's grandparents heard words exchanged between Blessing and Victoria but chose not to interfere knowing they both liked each other even though they didn't know yet.
A few days later, Blessing didn't change nor did he stop going to the gang, then Victoria went to the gang's hideout without Blessing knowing or being present. Upon getting to the gang's hideout and seeing the gang, Victoria confronted the gang about why they didn't stay away from Blessing and instead of them to answer her they only laughed at her. Seeing them laugh at her made Victoria angry and she attacked the gang which made the gang beat her.
The gang was angrily beating Victoria when Blessing got to the hideout and saw what was happening. Blessing saw that Victoria was wounded because of the beating she was receiving from the gang and told the gang to stop hitting her asking why they were beating her but they didn't answer Blessing and continued beating Victoria. Blessing became angry seeing they didn't stop beating Victoria even though she was wounded and weak, and the only choice for him to make to save Victoria was to do what he didn't want to.
Blessing attacked the gang to save Victoria beating them all but he was also wounded in the process. Blessing made sure he beat every member of the gang before he carried Victoria who was already unconscious and made his way to the nearest hospital.
Blessing and Victoria were treated in the hospital after lying that they were attacked by some unknown guys. Blessing sat down with bandages wrapped around where he was wounded (now feeling okay) on a chair close to the bed Victoria was seated on top with bandages wrapped around where she was also wounded (now feeling okay) in the hospital where they were admitted.
There was silence between the both of them as they decided not to look at each other or talk to each other until Blessing broke the silence saying to Victoria "why did have to attack the gang?".
"Because of you" said Victoria with annoyance to Blessing, looking at him.
"How is it because of me?" asked Blessing.
"If you had listened to me none of this would have happened" said Victoria with annoyance.
"If you had also listened to me it wouldn't have come to this. How many do I have to tell you to stay away from me? How many times to have to make you realize that you and I are different and you shouldn't be close to me? You can't change me and I don't even want to change" said Blessing.
"And how many times do I have to tell you that I can't stay away from you?" said Victoria.
"Why can't you? It is not like we are family or related in some ways. You are just a stranger I helped because I felt bored. Why can't you stay away from me?" asked Blessing staring into Victoria's eyes, who was also staring into his eyes.
"A stranger is who I am to you but that is not who you are to me" said Victoria still staring into Blessing's eyes.
"I don't care who I am to you just stay away from me and live your life minding your business" said Blessing, as he looked away.
"Then answer this question and let's see if you can stay away from such a person" said Victoria.
Blessing sighed and said "okay, I will. After that I hope you stay away from me. I don't need you".
Victoria looked straight into Blessing's eyes and asked him "can you stay away from someone who saved you from suffering, hunger, and pain? Someone who made you realize what it is like to have a real family that loves you no matter what. Someone who provided you with a nice home to live in. Someone who made you realize the world is not a bad place to be but just filled with bad and good people. Someone who made you realize you are worth more than you were said to be. Someone that made you realize the true meaning of true love. Someone who takes you out of slavery to a place where you are loved and cared for even though you are a stranger. Someone who became your first love because you have no idea how you love him even though you had a stone heart. Tell me… Can you stay away from such a person?".
Blessing was shocked by Victoria's words staring into her eyes that were now filled with water knowing it was him she was talking about but he said nothing to Victoria knowing he couldn't stay away from such a person, and he continued staring into her eyes seeing how unhappy she was. Victoria asked him again "can you?".
Seeing she was unhappy, Blessing knew it was because of him that refused to change but he didn't want to change and she was supposed to know that by now and stopped trying to change him or be close to him. Blessing looked away and said "I think you should get some rest".
"You haven't answered my question" insisted Victoria.
"I don't need to and you can't force me" said Blessing.
"Then I guess you are stuck with me till eternity" said Victoria.
"In your dream. You should forget about loving me because I can't love you and I hate you. And remember to stay away from me" said Blessing.
"I will not believe you hate me not until you show me you do. It is not possible to hate your step-sister" said Victoria.
"And who said you are my stepsister?" said Blessing.
"Ask grandma and grandpa" said Victoria.
"Then I guess I will chase you out of the house myself" said Blessing.
Victoria smirked and said "keep dreaming".
"Then stay away from me and mind your business. Staying away from me means, you got to live your life freely and happily from all trouble. And you also get to enjoy your stay in the house" said Blessing.
"There is no happiness for me without you. I will also leave you when am done with you. As long as the fake you exist I will forever be beside you trying to change you so if you don't want to get stuck with me till eternity, I suggest you change. Am accomplishing my mission that is for sure" said Victoria with a smile.
"There is nothing like the fake or the new me. You are only trying to make a new character and behavior out of me which is impossible. Am me and I can't change or be changed" said Blessing.
"Okay. Then promise me not to return to the gang" said Victoria.
"Why do you think I joined the gang in the first place? It was because of you" said Blessing with annoyance.
"In what way? I didn't ask you to join them and start selling drugs" said Victoria.
"If you had minded your business and stayed away from me none of this would have happened" said Blessing.
"You should have also changed…. Just stay away from them and I won't trouble you again" said Victoria.
"How can I return to the gang after beating them because of you?" said Blessing with annoyance.
"Oh, that is right. I guess it is me and you till death do us part. If you refuse to change you will regret ever knowing me" said Victoria with a smile.
"But I thought you said you won't be troubling me anymore" said Blessing.
"That was when I thought you had something to promise me but now you don't" said Victoria with a smile.
"If you don't stay away from me and mind your business I will kill you myself" said Blessing with annoyance.
Just then Blessing's grandparents entered the ward to check up on their kids and Victoria suddenly began to fake a cry making Blessing's grandparents hurriedly go to her seeing her crying instead of Blessing. Upon getting to Victoria, they asked what was wrong with her and she told them that Blessing threatened to kill her. Hearing that, Blessing's grandparents scolded Blessing without minding the state he was but Blessing smiled shaking his head while Victoria smiled secretly.
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