Blessing said to Victoria "Didn't know you have a nice name", upon hearing the girl's name.
"Thank you. And you have a girly name" said Victoria with a smile to Blessing.
"You can blame my father for that" said Blessing.
"But it is a nice name" said Victoria.
"To you. Can you tell your story and forget about my name?" said Blessing.
"This is my story. I came to find out that those who I thought to be my parents weren't and they chose to adopt me which makes them my foster parents. It was fun and lovely at first having them as my parents but I was later shown the kind of person they are. I was being maltreated until you came and saved me from them" said Victoria from them.
"Your story sounds sad. But what about your biological parents?" said Blessing.
"I don't know them. It seemed my foster parents adopted me when I was a kid and it has been them until now. I won't lie, they were nicer to me and showed me love until everything just suddenly went sideways. They stopped being the parents I knew and chose to always maltreat me" said Victoria.
"I guess am your messiah then" said Blessing.
"You are not my messiah. You only helped me and am thankful for that" said Victoria.
"Helping people, isn't that what the messiah does?" asked Blessing.
"Okay, have heard you. And don't think you only know about me because I already asked your grandparents about you and they told me all about you and why you do wear your mask" said Victoria.
"I think they have been wanting to tell someone about me for a long time so don't think that makes you special" said Blessing.
"I never said I was special. Can't you just be yourself for once not this weird you" said Victoria.
"What do you mean weird? This is me. I don't fake me. This who I have always been" said Blessing.
"That is what I thought until I heard about you from your grandparents. What I heard from your grandparents, made me deduce that the way you think and act is you being fake. And indeed, you always want to push people away from you. I also think I know the people who you said you hated. You said this is who you are and who you have always but that is a lie you have always told yourself because everything about you changed when the accident happened. Since then you have become this new person whom I am not sure you wanna be but had to be which is why I have decided to help change back to who you truly are. I want to change you to the real you, Blessing" said Victoria.
Blessing smirked upon hearing that and said "I guess that is why you said you know all there is to know about me. Just because my grandparents told you about my parents, my burnt face, and my life doesn't mean you know me. You don't know me and what makes you think all you heard from them is the truth about me? You don't. There is also no changing me because this is who I am. I have never faked or pretended to be someone else. I have always been me. So you don't need to give yourself false hope when it comes to me".
"Okay, let's accept that I don't truly know you but your reaction and attitude toward things and people is another thing that made me believe this you, is a pretending to be and fake you" said Victoria.
"Does one attitude truly define one or tell stories about one? If you don't like my attitude, it is fine. I never want anyone to anyway. And this is me, Victoria. Sooner or later you are gonna have to accept this is who I am, not me pretending to be anyone" said Blessing.
"Whether you believe me or not, I have seen the real you because you have shown me" said Victoria.
"What are you insinuating now, Victoria? Or because I took you home now means that is me showing you the real me?" said Blessing.
"Then why did you choose to take me home and make your grandparents accept me into your home when you could have just ignored my pain and cry?" asked Victoria.
"I told you I don't know why. I think it is because of these damned feelings I feel when it comes to you that am unable to shut off or maybe because I was in the mood to. So don't think me helping you was out of kindness. Am even regretting that I did it because you had done nothing than make me inconvenient" said Blessing.
"Keep lying to yourself that this is who you are and I will be here to make sure you realize who you truly are. I have seen and know the real you that is why I am here to stay and I promise to bring you back" said Victoria.
"Good luck with that. Remember to always stay away from me because our staying together doesn't make us friends and I will never be your friend" said Blessing.
"You and this your annoying words. You are also stubborn too. I don't think I can stay away from you as long as we live together and I don't think there is anything you can do about it. You are stuck with me till I change you, only then if you still don't want me will I stay away from you" said Victoria.
"There is no changing me, get that. Am serious about you staying away from so do so" said Blessing.
"I only hear you. I want to see your burnt face. You mind showing me?" said Victoria.
"I would take that as a joke" said Blessing.
"But am not joking. Am serious about it. I want to see it" said Victoria.
"Stop it. You are getting me annoyed" said Blessing.
"Why can't you just show me?" asked Victoria.
"And why should I?" asked Blessing.
"Okay, please show me" pleaded Victoria.
"Maybe I will show you if you agree to stay away from me" said Blessing.
"No, no, no. Am not bargaining with you" said Victoria.
"Then am not showing you my face" said Blessing.
Victoria stood up and tried to forcefully take the mask off Blessing's face so she could see the part of his face that was burnt which is where the mask covered but Blessing prevented her and threatened her. Even though Blessing threatened Victoria as she tried to take off his mask, Victoria refused to listen and still tried to take the mask off Blessing's face so she could see the burnt part of his face. Victoria later stopped trying to take the mask off Blessing's face when Blessing promised to show her the burnt part of his face but didn't give her a specific day or date because he knew he only lied to her so she could let him be.
Blessing and Victoria left the building and returned home late in the night. Upon getting into the house, Blessing walked straight toward his room. Blessing was about to open the door to his room when he noticed Victoria was still standing behind him looking at him as he was about to open the door and asked her "what are you doing?".
"Nothing" said Victoria.
"Then go to your room. As you can see I want to go to mine so I can sleep" said Blessing.
"I don't want to" said Victoria.
"Why?" asked Blessing.
"Because I want to sleep in your room" said Victoria.
Blessing was confused to hear Victoria say that and asked her "why is that?".
"Because I want to" said Victoria.
"Don't give me that. Why must it be my room?" asked Blessing.
"Why can't I sleep in your room? You are my step-brother and I already slept in your room once so why can't I sleep in it again?" asked Victoria.
"I only allowed you to sleep in my room because you had nowhere to sleep that night. You can no longer sleep in my room now that you have a room of your own which am sure my grandparents would have shown you. So go sleep in your room" said Blessing.
"But I still want to sleep in your room" insisted Victoria.
"No, you can't. Can't you hear I said you can't sleep in my room" said Blessing, now getting frustrated.
"Then why I can't sleep in your room?" said Victoria.
"I already told you why you can't so go to your room" said Blessing.
"But I want to sleep in your room" said Victoria.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Victoria? You have your room for a reason. I thought I told you to stay away from me. Can't you understand that and let me be? Go sleep in your room" said Blessing.
"I find your room comfortable and peaceful that is why I want to sleep in there" said Victoria.
"And what makes you think your room is not...….." said Blessing.
Blessing was surprised and cut short on words as Victoria suddenly began to cry out loud but Victoria knew that she was faking the cry. Seeing Victoria crying, Blessing said to her "what the hell is wrong with you? Can't you see that my grandparents are sleeping and you might wake them up with your cry?", wanting her to stop crying.
Victoria gave no response and continued to cry then Blessing asked her "what do you want?".
"I want to sleep in your room" said Victoria, as she continued to cry with no tears.
"Okay stop crying" said Blessing, and Victoria stopped crying, and then Blessing said "all you have done ever since you got into this house is frustrate me. Am regretting that I took you in", while Victoria smiled.
"I will let you sleep in my room only if you promise to do anything I say," said Blessing with a smile.
"Am no longer interested" said Victoria hearing that, knowing Blessing would only tell her to stay away from him, and she left to her room.
Blessing smiled as he watched Victoria walk to her room because she knew Blessing was going to tell her to stay away from him if she agreed to abide by anything he said. Blessing realizes Victoria now has a weakness he can always use to persuade her.
Blessing was sound asleep in the middle of the night when he suddenly could feel an arm on his forehead, another arm on his belly, and a leg on his legs. Blessing wondered what those could be and opened his eyes. Upon opening his eyes, Blessing was shocked to see Victoria on his bed next to him and it was parts of her body that were placed on his body. Blessing wondered how Victoria was able to get in and realized he hadn't closed the door which was how she got into his room. Blessing tried to get Victoria off the bed and out of his room but all his effort was in vain because Victoria pretended not to hear him.
Blessing stood up from the bed and went to sleep on the floor. Blessing was half asleep when he noticed Victoria was next to him again.
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