It was still holiday time and Blessing and Victoria refused to go home to see their grandma who had been waiting for them to come see her. Blessing and Victoria stay in school enjoying their lives with Blessing's Father Atm which contains a lot of money in the account that Blessing's father left behind for them before he left.
Blessing and Victoria lavish the money anyhow they want and before they know they make so many friends, and they are called the rich kids. Blessing the introvert suddenly starts to become the extrovert Blessing with Victoria leading the way.
Even though Blessing is now making friends and can now communicate with people well, he still refuses to take off his mask and let anyone see his scar or full face.
The friends Blessing and Victoria made had implored Blessing many times to take off his mask so they could see his full face. They said to him that seeing his full face and scar wouldn’t change anything about their friendship and they just want to see his full face and how handsome he is without his mask.
Everyone knows Blessing is handsome even though he has the mask covering half of his face so they are all eager to see what he is going to look like without his mask but Blessing refuses to take off his mask saying he doesn’t want to.
Realizing even after making Blessing who he is now, Blessing isn’t still courageous enough to take off his mask because he is afraid, Victoria decides she has to work on that to make him live without the mask which is part of the past he has to let go.
Victoria sits down Blessing on her bed and sat in front of him in their room then Victoria asked Blessing why he didn’t want to take off his mask and Blessing replied to Victoria was that “I just can’t. I have been wearing this mask for a long time so the mask feels like a part of me I don’t wanna let go”.
Victoria said to Blessing “I understand how much you have got attached to the mask but you have been living with your scar before the mask came so you can do without the mask”.
“You don’t understand. Before I began to wear the mask, my parents abandoned me. My brother doesn’t wanna play with me. The kids mock me with my scars and everyone just wanted to stay away from me. All because of the scar. It is not like it stopped when I got the mask but the insult can not be compared to that of when I don’t have the mask” said Blessing.
“I get it but that is all in the past now. You still wearing the mask shows you have not moved on. You haven’t got over the past because this mask is part of your past. You still think you are that kid that got bullied and insulted all because of your scar and the only way to protect yourself is by wearing the mask. You need to understand that you are no longer that kid, you are an adult now. You have to live with responsibilities and that includes your scar.
You have to be a man and live with your scar. Live with it like you own it and that is when you will know how people truly feel about you. Live with your scar like you are not afraid of anything and the scar is part of you and then you will realize how it feels being yourself without having to hide it. Trust me”.
“I don’t know if I can do that. It is not as easy as you think. It is like letting go of a part of me in the quest to achieve a new me. I don’t think it can work. I can't let go of my mask” said Blessing.
“There is nothing that can’t work unless you are not determined to get it done, and I know you can do this. A journey of a thousand miles began with a first step. The step to overcoming the fear of living without your mask starts with me. You have to be courageous enough to show me your full face if you are going to be able to show it to the world” said Victoria.
“Now you get it. I can’t even show you of all people my full face and scar, and you want me to show it to everyone. I am not ready for this” said Blessing in disagreement.
“Yes, you are. You will always be ready for anything as long as I am next to you. You don’t need to be afraid as long as I am next to you. I will always be there in your journey in life. Right next to you is where I will always be so you don’t have to look for me to find me. Together we can do it, you just have to trust me and give all your fear to me” said Victoria.
“I trust you, Victoria, and I know you can get me through all things. It is what you have been doing, but this…… This is different. This has been the whole me all this while. The mask is me and I am the mask. The mask is Blessing” said Blessing.
“And I am telling you that it is time to let go of the mask. Your fear is what made you the mask is you when it is not. The mask hides who you are, and underneath the mask, you feel safe when it is not. That is being a coward. Give that fear to me and I will take care of everything else. Let me in, Blessing, and we can get over this together. You and I can shock the world” said Victoria with a smile, and Blessing smiled.
It has always been Victoria guiding the course of his life while he followed willingly, and it was Victoria that made him change to become who he is today so Blessing has no trouble trusting Victoria since he was also in love with her.
Even though it takes a while to answer questions about the reason why Blessing was feeling that way toward Victoria, Blessing later finds out that the strange feeling he was always having about Victoria was because he was in love with her and wasn’t even aware of it.
Blessing doesn’t even know how he fell in love with Victoria but all he knows is that he doesn’t want to spend a day or minute without her and would do anything for her which is why he always agrees to everything that comes from Victoria.
Blessing knows that Victoria isn’t aware of his love for him and he is going to keep it that way until they graduate before he tells her how he feels about her. Though Blessing was afraid Victoria might not feel the same way about him even though she acted like he is her everything.
Blessing had wondered how he came to fall in love with Victoria which had made him think the reason why he fell in love with Victoria could not be any other reason than Victoria was too attached and clingy to him making sure she is in every aspect of his life.
Victoria was his everything when he thought he had nothing and she was the one who turned around his way of living and thinking. She changed his personality and made him let go of his pain to be able to forgive. Victoria was his whole who had told him that he is stuck with her till eternity so Blessing thought that was how he fell in love with Victoria unknowingly.
Now that Victoria wants him to take off his mask and live without it, Blessing has no reason not to trust her and believe her even if he doesn’t want to. Blessing was willing to let Victoria lead the way this time too and he would follow behind since Victoria promised she would be with him always and everything would be fine.
Blessing agreed then Victoria told Blessing that he had to agree to show her his full face first. Blessing agreed to show Victoria his full face first and to do that, Blessing had to off his mask.
Blessing closes his eyes as Victoria brings her hands forth to take off Blessing's mask. Immediately Victoria's hands touch the mask, Blessing holds Victoria's hands to stop her but Victoria says silently and softly to Blessing “trust me”.
Blessing let go of Victoria's hands then Victoria took the mask off Blessing's face. The mask was taken off and placed on the bed but Blessing refused to open his eyes.
Victoria understood why Blessing wasn’t opening his eyes so she said to me “I get it but I am the only one here. Let go of that fear, Blessing. You know I have always loved you regardless of the scar. Let me in and give your whole to me, Blessing”.
Hearing that sparked a flame in the heart of Blessing and Blessing didn’t know when he opened his eyes to look at Victoria. Immediately Blessing opens his eyes, Blessing eyes and Victoria's eyes locked and they could be seen staring into each other eyes.
Victoria touched Blessing's scar softly and said softly to him “you are handsome with it. Don’t anyone tell you that you are not”, as she moved her hands around the scar spot.
Hearing that made Blessing's heart flutter and Victoria got her hand off Blessing's scar but the staring continued. As the staring continues, Blessing and Victoria don’t know when they both lean their heads forward toward each other to kiss each other.
At the moment Blessing and Victoria were about to kiss, someone banged on their door which made both of them regain consciousness of reality and stop what they were about to do as they moved away from each other.
Blessing took his mask and put it back on his face while Victoria went to check on who was at the door. Victoria opened the door and saw it was their friends who had come to tell them that they were going clubbing.
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