After the night Blessing's Dad came, Victoria never said anything to Blessing concerning what she discussed with Blessing's Father and they both acted like nothing happened. Blessing and Victoria went on with their lives, partying and going to places with every chance they had got.
Blessing and Victoria had just come back home one evening after having fun with friends and they were halfway drunk and smile could be seen all over their faces which said how happy they were. Blessing and Victoria lay down on their bed each and the both of them could be seen staring at the roof of their room even though their mind was someplace else.
Even though they were half drunk, Blessing and Victoria engaged themselves in a conversation that made the both of them smile and laugh until Victoria changed the subject of the conversation by asking Blessing “do you hate your father so much?”.
Hearing that dulls the lively moment and kills the smiles, making both of them dull but neither sad nor happy. Blessing heard Victoria but said nothing then Victoria said to Blessing “I guess your silence tells how much you hate him”.
“Let not talk about him, please” said Blessing.
“We can’t keep avoiding it like he doesn’t matter in your life. He is your father. Regardless of what he had done, it is still who he is. And you will need him one day” said Victoria.
“He doesn’t matter, Victoria. He has never mattered. He is not my father and I will not be needing him” said Blessing.
“I know why you said that. He was the one who hurt you the most” said Victoria.
“He wasn’t just the one that hurt me the most, he was the one that made everyone abandon me. He was the one that threw me away like I was nothing. He was the one that made my life turn out like this” said Blessing with anger in his voice.
“If you think he was the one that orchestrated your life this way then I should be grateful to him because if your life wasn't like this then I wouldn’t have met you” said Victoria.
“Don’t make this a joke. Let's even stop talking about him” said Blessing.
“Everyone makes mistakes in life, Blessing, and I am sure you know that. People act impulsively not worrying about the future and by the time they realize their mistakes, it is always too late to reconcile. That is even for some who realize their mistakes because some don’t care about them and live the rest of their lives in regrets. And whosoever realizes their mistake shows they care and they are sorry for what they had done. You……..” said Victoria.
Victoria was cut short as Blessing cut in asking “you wanna become the judge and advisor like you did with Mum? You want me to forgive my father right?”.
“I think you know this was where the conversation was going on since we started it. He is your father, Blessing, you can’t change that. I know how much he hurt you but that doesn’t mean I can feel your pain. He has realized his mistakes and I think you should hear him out even if you don’t want to forgive him. Hear what he has to say” said Victoria.
Blessing smirked and said “I hate the fact that fate brought you my way. I should be left alone. Saying no to you is like looking for trouble. If I said I wouldn’t see him, you only be stressing me until I agree so it is not like I always have a choice with you. Without you, I will be taking my anger out on everyone”.
“I am glad you agreed to listen to him. He…….” said Victoria
“Victoria was cut short of words as Blessing cut in saying “enough, Victoria. If you don’t feel like sleeping, I want to. Good night”.
Victoria reached out to Blessing's Dad and arranged how he and Blessing were going to meet. Blessing and his Dad meet in a restaurant one night because Blessing's Dad insists that he would like to have dinner with Blessing. Blessing and his Dad sat opposite each other in the restaurant and Blessing watched as food was being placed on the table in front of him and his Dad by the waiters.
After the waiters were done arranging the food on the table, Blessing's Dad told Blessing that they should eat but Blessing said bluntly to his Dad “I am not hungry. Let's just get on it, I have somewhere to be”.
Blessing Dad sighed and said “okay”.
Blessing was expecting his Dad to talk after saying okay a few seconds ago but then his father said nothing and couldn’t even look at Blessing. Blessing said to his Dad “I knew it. You have nothing to say because you don’t even deserve to be seated in front of me. I shouldn't have given you this audience”.
Blessing tried to stand up to leave but his Dad stopped him by holding his arm and saying to him “please wait”.
Blessing got his Dad’s hand off his arm and sat down well then said “I am listening”.
Blessing's Dad sighed and said “how are you coping with the mask?”.
“My mask? Is that what you wanna say?” said Blessing with a smirk.
“Look, I am sorry. I am sorry for everything that had happened” said Blessing's Dad pitifully.
“You are sorry?”, (Blessing smirked), “how long has it been, Dad? 5 years or 7 years? Why do I even call you that? You are no father of mine” said Blessing with a smile.
“I know I messed up and did nothing for you to acknowledge me as your father. I failed you and thrashed you. I do not even deserve to talk to you or want your forgiveness but I am sorry, Blessing. I am sorry for everything that had happened. I am sorry that I let my greed and the devil get the best of me. I am deeply sorry for my incompetence, I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me” said Blessing's father pitifully.
“The devil gets the best of you? Like for real? Uh…..God. For many years now your greed and the devil have made you forget that you have a child somewhere you abandoned. Stupid excuses” said Blessing with anger in his voice.
“I admit to everything. I admit I wasn’t the father you want me to be and I admit I don’t deserve to be your father. I admit I can never be that father too. I admit that I fucked up and do what a father should have never done to a son. I admit that……. I am sorry, son. Nothing I can say to justify all that had happened because I messed up big time but please forgive me, Blessing” said Blessing's father pitifully.
Blessing laughed and his father wondered why he did that then Blessing said “do you why I have this mask on my face?… It was because I wondered how anyone was gonna accept me if my father rejected me and abandoned me. Who was ever going to love me if my father threw me away because of a scar?” You have no idea how I have lived those years or what I have been through. You don’t even know how I have been surviving. What I am today was because of your rejection. You made me choose this life because of a scar, Father”.
“I am sorry, Blessing” pleased Blessing's father pitifully.
“You don’t deserve to be sorry” said Blessing out loud, which made the others in the restaurant look in their direction.
Blessing continues “you know the funny thing about you being here to apologize is because I don’t think you are here on your willingness. I think it was Mum that pressurize you to be here to beg for my forgiveness”.
“No, Blessing. She realizes her mistakes before I realize mine but I am here because I put myself in your shoes and that has made me realize how much I have hurt you. You don’t deserve all I did to you, Blessing. No one did” said Blessing's father.
“You have no idea how it felt or how I feel, father. I don’t deserve this but you did it anyway. You have no idea how much I want you and Mum to at least pretend to be there for me instead of total abandonment. I was the first child and because of a scar you push me away to make Bolu your favorite” said Blessing with anger out loud, and he stood up to his feet.
Hearing that made everyone in the hall divert their attention toward Blessing and his father. Blessing's father also stood up and said to Blessing “I am sorry, son. There is nothing I can say or do to make up for those years but if you give me a chance I will try to be the best father I could. Find it in your heart to forgive me, son, because there is nothing I can say to make it all go away. I am deeply sorry”.
“The only time I want you was back then, not anymore. You threw your chance of being a father away because of a scar and you are going to have to live with that. There is no second chance for you, Father. I don’t want you in my life, and never will I. I will never forgive you so stay away from me forever. Forget the fact that you have a son named Blessing. I was dead to you many years ago so let it remain so” said Blessing out loud with water filling his eyes and anger, then began to walk away.
Blessing's father could feel how hurt Blessing was by his words and realized what he had done to Blessing was much more than what he thought. Blessing's father realizes that if Blessing doesn’t forgive him, he deserves it because he failed as a father. Blessing's father tried to call back Blessing as he walked away but he did not answer.
Blessing returns home that night and meets Victoria who asks Blessing how it goes with his father and Blessing says to Victoria “I didn’t forgive him”.
“Okay” said Victoria.
Blessing wasn’t surprised that Victoria only said okay then he said to Victoria “I know you saying okay means you will trouble me to forgive my Dad right and you just want me to calm down before you do that because you know I will be angry right now”.
“I think you know me better than I do now” said Victoria.
“Well, I knew I would forgive him one day so I guess the day is here. I will forgive him because if I don’t, I will have you to deal with it and there is also mother and grandmother at one side. But before I forgive him, I will make him suffer for a while. I will make him feel what it is like to be rejected” said Blessing.
“This is your father we are talking about, Blessing. You are gonna do this to him?” asked Victoria.
“I am glad you mentioned that it is my father so whatever I do to him he deserves it” said Blessing.
“As long as you are gonna forgive him, you can do whatever” said Victoria.
“Thank you. I need to clear my head, why do we go clubbing?” said Blessing.
“Would love to but we don’t have any money. We are broke at the moment and might need to call your mum or grandma” said Victoria.
“Don’t worry, I have got us cover for that” said Blessing with a smile, and brought out an atm card.
Seeing the ATM card got Victoria confused and asked “where did you get the ATM card?”.
“Off my Dad” said Blessing.
Victoria was surprised to hear that and exclaimed “you stole your dad's atm card!”.
“Yeah. He was busy with the forgiveness thing and I was making everything look real but at the same time, I was watching his ATM because I know how rich my father is and we are broke at the moment” said Blessing.
Victoria was surprised to hear that and said “wow, nice play”.
“So call your friends and tell them that the party is on. The money in this Atm can last us more than a year and you have nothing to worry about. See this as Dad making up for those years” said Blessing with a smile.
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