King Raynold sat down on his throne in the council's hall, and all the council members of Axrax and the Kings from the four kingdoms with their prime minister sat down in front of the great King, on chairs.
King Raynold said to everyone ''am sure we all know the reason why we are all here, so there is no need to beat around the bush.
I and the council of Axrax have made our decision so I will like to know what the other kings have decided with their council''.
''Your royal majesty'' said King James to King Raynold as he stood up and bowed his head ''I king James and every member of my council have decided to raise more armies and improve the standard of the army''.
''Is that true, prime minister of Lythridite?'' King Raynold asked the prime minister of Lythridite.
''Yes, your royal majesty'' said the prime minister of Lythridite (with a bow).
Every King and the prime minister agreed for more armies to be raised and to improve the standard of the army except King Josh and his prime minister.
Since King Josh was only the one that disagreed, King Raynold permitted that every Kingdom is allowed to raise an army of 500 thousand and improve the standard of the army, and if King Josh doesn't want to he may not.
Zussorender was about to prepare dinner for the two royal princes since they don't know how to cook then he found out that there was no firewood to cook.
Zussorender called the two princes and said to them ''I want you both to go to the forest to fetch firewood so I can be able to cook for you both''.
Noah smiled and said ''master, do you think we are going to fall for your trick again''.
''What are you talking about?'' asked Zussorender (confused).
''We know you are only trying to send us to the forest so we can go stop another spears'' said Noah with a smile.
''Sometimes I wondered who is dumber between the both of you. Go to the forest and get me firewood or else you aren't eating tonight'' said Zussorender (annoyed) to the two royal princes.
''But master, don't you think it might be dangerous out there in the forest it is very late, why don't you go with us'' said Noah.
''Nothing is going to happen and besides can't you both fight?'' asked Zussorender.
''We can but....'' said Ramsay.
Ramsay was cut short of words as Zussorender cut in ''now get going and don't stay too long'' said Zussorender, then the two royal princes left.
The two royal princes picked all the wood they saw in the forest and stick to each other so they won't get departed from each other.
After picking enough wood in the forest they began their journey back home. As they walked through the forest returning home, they both suddenly heard growling sounds and stopped walking.
Noah (scared) asked Ramsay ''what the hell is that?''.
''I don't know and I don't want to know, but you will do exactly as I say'' said Ramsay pretending not to be scared.
''Okay'' said Noah (scared).
''Run Noah'' said Ramsay
Ramsay and Noah ran then 10 wolves jumped out of nowhere and ran after them. As they ran they looked back and saw the 10 wolves coming after them. They ran as fast as they could and even dropped the firewood they were carrying.
A wolf get close to them and jumped at Ramsay's back making Ramsay fall on the ground and the wolf on his back.
Noah became scared and stopped running as he saw what happened but couldn't do anything then he looked around for something to use to hit the wolf.
The wolf used its claws to cut Ramsay at his back, Ramsay shouted in pain.
Noah saw a wood and took it then he used it to hit the wolf away as the wolf was about to bite Ramsay. Noah dropped the wood and saw blood coming out of where the wolf used its claws to cut Ramsay in the back, Noah called Ramsay's name but he gave no response. Noah turned Ramsay as he kneel beside him and saw Ramsay had fainted. Noah became scared and worried, he called Ramsay's name wanting him to wake up but Ramsay didn't. Then Noah looked around them to see they have been surrounded by the wolves (snarling). Noah didn't know what to do as they were still surrounded by the wolves, he knew there was no way he could escape with his wounded brother from the wolves then a wolf ran to Noah.
The wolf opened its mouth to bite Noah as it get to Noah but Noah used his arm as a guard and the wolf bit his arm, Noah winced. The wolf didn't want to let go of Noah's arm as Noah struggled to free his arm from the teeth of the wolf. The wolf still didn't want to let go of Noah's arm and the pain was becoming unbearable for Noah, then Noah shouted out in pain. Suddenly Noah felt a great strength enter his body and his eyes became yellow.
Noah stood up raising the wolf which won't let go of his arm, Noah hit the wolf with his fist (as hard as a rock) and the wolf fainted. Noah took control of his arm and saw his body growing an animal scale, his fingers changing into claws and his back growing a wing.
As this happened, Noah screamed in pain then all the wolves came at him at once, Noah had to forget about the pain he was feeling and fought the wolves.
Noah killed all the wolves by taking out either their hearts or breaking their necks, and when he was done killing all the wolves he realized he could no longer feel the pain he was feeling and that he now has a wing, claws, and scale of an animal all over his body and face.
Noah was still taking a closer look at his body and suddenly felt very weak. Noah fell on his kneel and his body began to change back to human, his wing entered his body back and his vision became a blur as he lay down on the ground, then he heard the flapping sound of wings and looked up to see a dragon coming to him, he fainted.
Zussorender realized he has been waiting too long for the return of the two royal princes and they haven't then he went to the forest to look for them. Zussorender searched the forest and later came to a place to see bodies of dead wolves scattered on the ground, also blood. Zussorender became scared of seeing the dead wolves and wondered if the royal princes hasn't been hurt, Zussorender continued his search for them. Zussorender searched the forest till morning and couldn't find the royal princes then he returned home packed some food and water, and set out to look for the two royal princes by creating a magical ball that is going to lead him to wherever the royal princes were.
Ramsay opened his eyes and saw he was in a room on the bed, he looked beside him and saw Noah sleeping. Ramsay sit up and looked around the room then he realized they were in a strange room. Ramsay tapped Noah and said to him ''get up, where the hell are we?''.
Noah woke up but didn't open his eyes and said ''what is it, brother? where can we be if not our room''.
''This is not our room, why don't you get up and look'' said Ramsay confused about how they got there.
Noah opened his eyes as he sit up. Noah looked around the room and saw they were truly in a strange room. ''Where the hell are we?'' Noah (a little bit scared) asked Ramsay.
''That is the same question am asking you'' said Ramsay.
Just then a guy and a girl around their age and four men entered the room. The guy and girl sat down on a chair placed in front of Ramsay and Noah as Ramsay and Noah were still sited on the bed wondering who those people are and the four men that stood behind the guy and the girl.
''Who are you, people?'' Noah asked the guy and girl.
''And where are we?'' Ramsay asked the guy and girl.
''I am Lord Benjamin of Shape Town and the person next to me is my sister Ryn, and you are in shape town'' said the guy two royal princes.
''Shape town? Have never heard of this place, where is it located?" asked Ramsay.
''Well, can't tell you that and it is not a new thing that most people that ended up here somehow, don't know about this place'' said Benjamin.
''Can I ask how we got here?'' asked Noah.
''Ethusa brought you here'' said Ryn.
''Ethusa? Who is Ethusa and please don't tell us you can't tell us who Ethusa is'' said Ramsay.
''Ethusa is the one that healed your wound and the one that brought you both here'' said Benjamin to Ramsay.
''My wound?'' said Ramsay (confused).
Ramsay remembered the wolves last night and how one of them hurt him, he touched his back and didn't feel any pain or the wound but his torn clothing.
''My wound is gone'' said Ramsay surprised and shocked.
''What wound?'' Noah asked Ramsay.
''The wolves last night when we went to fetch firewood'' said Ramsay to Noah.
''What wolves and firewood are you talking about?'' Noah asked Ramsay.
''Don't you remember what happened last night?'' Ramsay asked Noah.
''Nothing happened or did something happen'' said Noah (confused).
''Oh god, you have lost your memory again. Let me remind you, the master sent us to the forest to get some firewood but we were attacked by wolves and one of those wolves hurt me, and I blackout, that's all I remember'' said Ramsay to Noah.
''What about me?'' Noah asked Ramsay.
''I don't know and you seem to have lost your memory just like the last time which means... nothing'' said Ramsay to Noah.
''No, you just short the words'' said Noah to Ramsay thinking Ramsay has more to say than just that.
''No I didn't'' said Ramsay to Noah.
''Yes, you did. It means what, you have to tell me'' said Noah to Ramsay.
''There is nothing to say'' said Ramsay to Noah.
''Are you both done talking to each other'' Benjamin asked the two royal princes.
''Who is Ethusa really?'' Ramsay asked them.
''Ethusa is a dragon'' said Ryn.
''Oh it can't be'' said Noah (surprised).
''What can't be?'' Ramsay asked Noah.
''It is the dragon that fought alongside King Damon, the light army, and the wizards. The story of King Damon that Father told us about'' said Noah to Ramsay.
''Yes I remember, but wait, why did Ethusa save us and brought us here?'' asked Ramsay.
''We don't know about that but for Ethusa to do that means you both must be special in some kind of way because Ethusa cares about no one'' said Benjamin.
''How did you know Ethusa because we heard no one has seen her after the death of King Damon'' asked Noah.
''We just know her and I wondered why she left the light castle because of you both'' said Ryn.
''What is a light castle?'' asked Ramsay.
''You both don't know anything. Let's forget about that, what are your names?" asked Benjamin.
''My name is Noah and this is my brother Ramsay'' said Noah with a smile.
''Okay. clothes will be sent to you both so you can have a change of clothe and after that, you both should meet us downstair'' said Benjamin.
''Okay and thank you for your hospitality'' said Noah.
Benjamin and Ryn with the four men left the room.
The five Kingdoms began the recruitment of more people to join the army and began to create new weapons and shields for the army.
The people were afraid at first that it was a sign that war is coming but their minds were put to rest when the Kings of each kingdom said to their people not to panic and that the army are to secure the unknown future and protect the people.
Seeing Lythridite was recruiting people to join their army, Zussorader changed to a young man and hid his staff outside the city of Lythridite, then together Zussorader, Philip, and the mercenaries stopped doing business and joined the army.
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