Zussorender entered the two royal princes' room and met them sleeping on the bed. Zussorender shouted at them ''get up boys, training starts today''.
But the two royal princes didn't hear him because they were sound asleep
Then Zussorender used his magic to lift their bodies and shifted the bed to the other side, then he dropped their bodies on the ground.
The two royal princes' bodies hit the ground very hard, making them wake up and groaned in pain.
''Meet me outside now'' said Zussorender to the two princes and left the room.
Noah said in anger to Ramsay ''this man will kill us if we are not careful''.
''Why don't we just tell him we are no longer interested in learning again and return to the palace'' said Ramsay.
''And you think he will allow that, don't you see everything about him is weird and he gets angry easily'' said Noah.
''Then what should we do?'' asked Ramsay.
''We go now before he comes back'' said Noah.
''You are right'' said Ramsay.
Ramsay and Noah got outside the house and met Zussorender sited on a chair reading a magical book, they stood in front of him.
Ramsay and Noah said to Zussorender ''good morning master''.
''Morning'' said Zussorender and stopped reading.
Zussorender looked around him and saw three big stones beside each other not too far from him. Zussorender used his magic to lift a big stone and make it come to him, then placed it beside him.
''This shall be your first training'' said Zussorender to the two royal princes.
''Lifting stone!'' exclaimed Ramsay (surprised).
''Yes. You see those two big stones over there (the two royal princes looked back and saw the two big stones) you shall lift it with your magic'' said Zussorender.
''I don't think we can do that. Though we were told we have magic but we don't know if we truly do because we have never felt it'' said Ramsay.
''Then go to the stone and go find out'' said Zussorender.
''Okay master'' said Noah.
''But...'' said Ramsay.
Ramsay was cut short of words as Noah closed Ramsay's mouth with his hand and dragged him to the stones.
The letter from King James got to King Raynold after two days of sending it. King Raynold read the message and sent messages to every other kingdom that they will be a meeting held at Axrax which every King must attend.
For the past three days, Ramsay and Noah had failed to lift the stones, even though they tried night and day but still couldn't.
Early in the morning, Ramsay and Noah stood in front of the stones still trying to lift them while Zussorender sat down at his usual spot (on the chair) eating fruits and his staff beside him.
Ramsay and Noah kept trying but still couldn't, then Ramsay (annoyed) went to Zussorender.
Ramsay said to Zussorender ''master, we have been repeating the same thing for the past few days, morning and night, but we still haven't been able to lift the stone. And you do nothing than sit here all the time eating, reading, and sleeping, who do take us for?
Well, I don't care anymore all I know is that am quitting, am no longer interested in learning magic, am returning to the palace'' as he got in front of him.
Ramsay began to walk away after making it clear to Zussorender that he was no longer interested in learning magic while Noah stood watching.
Zussorender used his magic to stop Ramsay from continuing to walk.
Ramsay suddenly felt something holding his leg and he couldn't move his leg or take a step. Ramsay knew it was Zussorender and looked back at Zussorender, in anger.
Ramsay said to Zussorender ''I know it you, let go of my leg now''.
''You are not leaving this place not until you finished your training'' said Zussorender.
''I don't care about any training anymore, am done'' shouted Ramsay.
''Then go if you can'' said Zussorender.
Ramsay tried to move his leg again but couldn't.
Ramsay said to Zussorender ''let's make a deal. I and you fight in hand combat, no magic. If I win then am allowed to leave and if I don't I will continue learning and listen to whatever you told me to do''.
Zussorender smirked and asked Ramsay ''and what made you so sure that you can win?''.
''Will you fight me or not?'' asked Ramsay.
''Okay, let's see what you got'' said Zussorender as he stood up and let go of Ramsay's leg.
Ramsay get a hold of his leg back and walked back to Zussorender to fight him.
Zussorender dodged every move Ramsay made to hit him and slapped Ramsay on his face, which make Ramsay angry and attacked Zussorender again.
Zussorender dodged every move Ramsay made again to hit him and kicked Ramsay in the back of his two knees making Ramsay fall on his knee.
''I won so you must always obey my instructions. Now get back to your training'' said Zussorender to Ramsay.
Zussorender turned back to go sit on his chair, then Ramsay stood up and tried to attack Zussorender from behind.
Zussorender disappeared as Ramsay tried to hit him from behind then appeared back at Ramsay's back and kicked Ramsay away.
Ramsay jumped away and his body hit the ground hard.
''I thought you said no magic, you cheated old man'' said Ramsay to Zussorender as he groan in pain, still lying on the ground.
''You also tried to cheat by attacking me from behind. Lessons two and three, do not judge humans by their appearance, and always be on alert even when you are with the people you trust and care about.
Lesson four, never trust a stranger. Now get back to your training'' said Zussorender to the two royal princes and walked back to his chair then sat down back.
Noah went to Zussorender while Ramsay sit up (in anger),
''Master, when are you going to teach me that trick you use to defeat Ramsay'' said Noah to Zussorender.
''It is not a trick, that is magic and you will learn it when it is time. Now get back to your training before I turn you both to rat'' said Zussorender (in a loud tone).
''Yes master'' said Noah and went to Ramsay.
Noah tried to help Ramsay up but he disagreed and stood up himself.
Ramsay said to Zussorender ''One day I shall beat you, I promise you that''.
The two royal princes both returned to the stones.
Noah, Ramsay, Lythia, Gabriel, and Zussorender all sat down around the dining table to eat.
Gabriel said to the two princes ''my mother said you both are from Axrax and you both are princes of Axrax and that you are here to learn magic''.
''Yes we are, We were told that we are born with magic just like you, so we have to learn about it'' said Noah to Gabriel with a smile.
''But dad said I wasn't born with magic'' said Gabriel to the two royal princes.
Ramsay and Noah looked at each other surprised by what Gabriel and then at Zussorender. The two royal princes saw Zussorender doesn't mind what they were saying but just eating.
''Okay'' said Ramsay.
''Dad told me that is his homeland. He also told me about the beauty of the city, and how big and large it is'' said Gabriel to the two royal prince.
''Yes, Axrax is a very beautiful kingdom among other kingdoms. It is also the only kingdom that has four entrances into its city because it is very large and big, while the other kingdoms have one entrance into their city'' said Ramsay with a smile.
''You mean they are other kingdoms too?'' asked Gabriel.
''Yes, they are called Lythridite, Samuzia, Micapus, and Domitrus'' said Noah.
''That's enough everyone, now eat or go sleep'' said Zussorender.
Then everyone couldn't say any more words and continue eating.
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