King James, Princess Tracy, the head guard, and the guards get to the sacred hall and saw mercenaries standing at the entrance door of the sacred hall, King James (in anger) ordered the guards to kill the mercenaries, and the guards unsheathed their swords and attacked the mercenaries. As the guards fought the mercenaries, princess Tracy also shot down the mercenaries with her arrows. Princess Tracy shot down a mercenary that tried to go in and alert Zussorader and Philip of their presence.
All the mercenaries were killed, and King James ordered the guards to wait outside while he and princess Tracy went inside the sacred hall. On entering the hall, King James and Princess Tracy saw Zussorader and Philip on their way coming out, Zussorader holding something covered with a cloth. Zussorader and Philip stopped on seeing the King and his daughter.
King James and his daughter stood a few paces from Zussorader and Philip glaring at them the same way Zussoreader and Philip also stood glaring at the king and his daughter. King James looked at the pillar in the middle of the room and could no longer see the mind crystal.
''Long time no see Zussorader'' said King James to Zussorader as he looked back at Zussorader.
''I don't think it has been that long to me'' said Zussorader to King James.
''Can T ask how you get into the palace without being recognized?'' asked King James.
''Have you forgotten am a wizard? And have been here for a while now pretending to be a guard your majesty'' said Zussorader with a smile.
''You fucking bastard. Give me back the mind crystal and I will let you live'' said King James (in anger).
''I don't think so. The mind crystal belongs to Marcelos not to be kept in some stupid hall'' said Zussorader.
''I guess you are after waking Marcelos up. You are looking for your own demise if that is your plan'' said King James.
''That is my business, not yours'' said Zussorader.
''Well I don't think you can get out of this place without handing over the mind crystal to me'' said King James.
''And how are you going to stop me?'' asked Zussorader with a smile.
''By killing you'' said King James as he unsheathed his sword and get ready to attack Zussorender.
Just as King James took a step to attack Zussorader, Zussorader mouthed some spell, and then a force of dark wind surrounded him and Philip (covering them up) making King James stopped from attacking him.
As the force of wind surround Zussorader and Philip, Princess Tracy fixed her arrow to her bow and then shot it toward Zussorader and Philip. The arrow went straight through the wind and hit Zussorender in his left chest then Zussorader and Philip disappeared with the wind, and then King James got angry.
King James and Princess Tracy came out of the sacred hall, King James said to the guards in anger ''check every single inch in the city they couldn't have gotten far, I want them captured alive''.
''Yes, your majesty'' said the guards (in a union) and they left except the head guards.
''Get me my horse and tell general Helmond to round up the soldiers and come to the palace right now'' said King James to the head guard and sheath his sword.
The raven bird sent by King Raynold reached Lythridite and flew around Lythridite palace looking around and hearing what happened, then it flew back to Axrax.
Zussorader and Philip appeared in the forest outside the city of Lythridite where Zussorader buried his staff. Philip sat Zussorader down when he saw Zussorader was weak and bleeding where the arrow hit him. Philip placed the mind crystal on the ground and bent down in front of him, Zussorader could feel the arrow draining his energy.
Philip wanted to remove the arrow but Zussorader said to him ''don't. The arrow is not a normal arrow it is a magical one. If you remove it I will die'', then Philip stopped.
Zussorader told Philip to help him dig out his staff and he did and gave the staff to Zussorader. Philip help Zussorader up and crossed Zussorader's right arm around his neck and used his left hand to carry the mind crystal, then they began to walk.
The raven returned back to King Raynold who was waiting for it outside. The bird stood on King Raynold's hand and King Raynold looked into the bird's eyes and saw all that the bird saw and heard in Lythridite. On seeing and hearing all the bird saw and heard, King Raynold became worried and told a guard to go call the supreme general, then he went back to his room.
King Raynold on getting to his room put on his armor and picked up his sword then went back outside. On getting outside King Raynold met Supreme General Raphael holding his sword and waiting for him.
General Raphael bowed before King Raynold and King Raynold said to him ''we have to get to Lythridite right now''.
''What is wrong your royal majesty?'' asked General Raphael seeing the King was troubled.
''The mind crystal has been stolen we need to get it back'' said King Raynold worried.
General was surprised on hearing that and said "I don't think that is possible your royal majesty".
"Same as I but it has been stolen and we need to get it back" said King Raynold (anxious).
''If your royal majesty is right am sure the King of Lythridite will do his best to get it back and will get it back" said General Raphael.
"I don't think he can. I don't think anyone could just steal the mind crystal with the light army soldiers guarding it. I think the person that stole it, is not just an ordinary person" said King Raynold.
"But it will take two or three days to get to Lythridite with the fastest horse'' said General Raphael.
''I know and I can't teleport right now, I don't have the energy to open a portal now since just woke up'' said King Raynold.
''What about the supreme wizard we should wake him up'' said General Raphael.
''He and my sons went on a journey. We are running out of time we need to get to Lythridite right now'' said King Raynold (uneasy).
''There is nothing we can do, we will have to wait till your energy returnS back your royal majesty'' said General Raphael.
King Raynold thought for some seconds and said to General Raphael ''Hawk can take us to Lythridite we should release him''.
''No, that is too dangerous. We locked him up because he prove to be disobedient and impulsive, he is also dangerous. I don't think he will ever help us since we are also the ones that killed his kind and lock him up, he will be furious right now'' said General Raphael in disagreement with what the King said.
''I know but we have to try, we need to talk to him we are running out of time'' said King Raynold.
''Okay your royal majesty'' said General Raphael.
Together King Raynold and General Raphael went to the palace dungeon.
King James changed into his armor and hold his sword then made his way outside, Princess Tracy changed into her armor, picked her bow and wore her quiver then made her way outside too.
General Helmond on horse arrived at the palace with the 100 soldiers (on foot holding a torch) and met King James and his daughter standing beside their horse waiting for him. The soldiers and General Helmond bowed in front of King James, King James and Princess Tracy got on their horse.
King James said to the soldiers ''Zussorader is said not to be in the city, am sure he will be in the forest. If you see him do not kill him, I want him alive''.
''Yes, your majesty'' said the soldier in a union.
King James lead the way followed by princess Tracy, General Helmis, and the soldiers on foot. They all went to the forest to look for Zussorader and Philip.
King Raynold and General Raphael got to the palace dungeon and a gate to a cell was opened by a guard. The guard leads the way into the dark cell holding a torch followed by King Raynold and General Raphael.
King Raynold and General Raphael entered the dark cell and stopped in front of a man chained with a magical chain in the neck, legs, and arms to the wall of the cell. The man was sited on the floor as his head was bowed, his clothing was very dirty than that of a rag and he has full- grown bear on his face.
The man on noticing the light in the cell raised up his head and saw the guard, King Raynold, and General Raphael. The man (devastated) smirked on seeing King Raynold and General Raphael. The man said to King Raynold ''long time no see King... King what are you called I can't seem to remember your name''.
''Hawk we need your help'' said General Raphael to Hawk.
''What do they call your name to cause I can't seem to remember'' said Hawk (with a smirk) to General Raphael.
''We need your help Hawk'' said King Raynold to Hawk.
Hawk sighed and said ''I can't seem to clearly hear you both because I know you are here to finally take away my misery life''.
''Not Interested in that. We need your help am sure you heard the King clearly'' said General Raphael.
''I know you are both kidding. I don't see how you both can ever reason that I will ever help you both'' said Hawk.
''We will give you whatever you want if you promise to help us'' said King Raynold.
''I don't think I want anything, but there is one thing I want" Hawk paused and thought for some seconds ''what about my kind and family, can you give them back'' shouted Hawk (with anger) as he stood up.
King Raynold and General Raphael couldn't give any response to what Hawk said as they stared at him.
"You killed every single one of them right in front of me. I don't know if any of my kind still exist in this world and now you are here asking for my help, fuck help'' said Hawk in anger.
''You made us do that, if you had listen non of this would have happened'' said General Raphael.
''Why should I listen? You took our home from us and I begged you to return back our home but you all said no and that made us fight for our home. Is that something wrong to do?'' said Hawk (in anger).
''I also lost many of my family to the war but that is all in the past that we all regret we should all forget about that'' said King Raynold.
''It is easy for you to forget but not for me. I lost my whole and someone precious to me" said Hawk as he sat down back.
''We are sorry if that is what you want?" said King Raynold.
''I don't know if that is what I want or not but if am to accept that you are sorry, kneel before me king and I will think whether I should help you or not'' said Hawk to King Raynold.
General Raphael got angry on hearing that, he unsheathed his sword, pointed it at Hawk, and said to him ''how dare you say that to his royal majesty''.
''Withdraw your sword General'' said King Raynold to General Raphael.
General Raphael withdraws his sword and put it back in its sheath. General Raphael was surprised and angry when King Raynold kneel with one of his knees in front of Hawk.
''We are sorry'' said King Raynold to Hawk.
Hawk laughed and said to King Raynold ''now I think I won't help you, so let me be in my dark cell, have gotten use to it after a few years''.
That got General Raphael angry, he unsheathed his sword, pointed it at Hawk, and said to King Raynold ''we should kill this monster and be done with it''.
''No general'' said King Ranold to General Raphael as he stood up, General Raphael raised his sword down but didn't sheathe it.
''If you promise to help us, I will set you free and help you to find all of your people that might have survived'' said King Raynold to Hawk.
''And how do you want me to believe you'' said Hawk.
''I swear on my crown'' said King Raynold.
Hawk gave no response and thought for some seconds, ''okay Ii will help. So what is it?'' asked Hawk.
''We need to get to Lythridite right now" said King Raynold.
''Okay, untie me'' said Hawk.
King Raynold told the guard to untie Hawk. Hawk was untied and he walked out of the cell and walked outside leaving King Raynold and General Raphael.
General Raphael sheathe his sword as he and King Raynold walked outside, and said to King Raynold ''your royal majesty, I don't think releasing Hawk is a great idea, he won't be easy to tame him''.
''Don't worry he will listen to me'' said King Raynold.
On getting outside the dungeon, King Raynold and General Raphael saw Hawk breathing in the air, his back facing them.
Hawk said to King Raynold and General Raphael ''it been long since breathe in fresh air''. Hawk looked at the sky and moon, he said ''it been long since I also set my eyes on the moon'' with a smile.
''We have to get to Lythridite now Hawk'' said King Raynold to Hawk.
''I totally forgot about it. Okay let's do these'' said Hawk.
Hawk faced them and took off his dirty clothing, King Raynold and General Raphael took their eyes off him. Hawk saw them as they took their eyes off him and he said to them ''what, are you both not a man, even the guards didn't take their eyes off me. Am sure they like what they are seeing'' with a smile.
''Just do your thing'' said General Raphael to Hawk.
''Okay'' said Hawk and he changed into a huge Hawk.
King Raynold and General Raphael got on top of Hawk and he flew them to Lythridite.
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