King James of Lythridite sat down on his throne in the council hall, and a general (general Helmond) stood in front of the king.
General Helmond said to the King ''your majesty, we truly need to improve the standard of the army''.
''I see no reason why we need to improve the standard of the army. We are at peace general Helmond not war'' said King James to the general.
''I know your majesty, but I can sense darkness coming our way very soon and we need to be prepared for that darkness'' said general Helmond.
''There is no darkness coming general, even if there is darkness coming, the light crystal is there to stop the darkness'' said King James.
''That is if the worthy one is present to wield its power and again we all don't know where the exact place Ethusa took the light crystal.
All we heard is rumors that Ethusa took it to a light castle where we all don't know where it is located'' said general Helmond.
''Let's accept what you said is true, in what way do you want us to improve the standard of the army?'' asked King James.
''In numbers and weapons'' said general Helmond.
"General, raising more army will cause panic to the people, they will be afraid thinking war is coming'' said King James.
''Your majesty, we have been enjoying peace for a long time now and we don't know the time when this peace will end because nothing last forever. We need to be prepared for anything that may attack us unaware'' said general Helmond.
''You know even if am to agree to this, we still need to discuss it with the great king and the council member'' said King James.
''And am sure the great king will agree to this, this is for the benefit of every kingdom'' said general Helmond.
''Okay general, I will send your request to the great king and let you know what he decides'' said King James.
''Yes your majesty, I will take my leave now'' said general Helmond and left the council hall.
Just as general Helmond left, King James's daughter walked into the council hall smiling.
Zussorader holding his staff and a bird standing on his shoulder, and Philip with the mercenaries (holding swords) stood on a cliff near Lythridite, looking at the palace of Lythridite kingdom.
Zussorader said to Philip as he held the bird in his hands ''this shall be our eyes and ears in the palace of Lythridite''.
Zussorader let the bird go and the bird flew toward the direction of Lythridite palace.
''As soon as the bird returns, we are going to enter Lythridite'' said Zussorader to the mercenaries.
''Yes'' said the mercenaries (in union).
King James stood up from his throne as his daughter walked up to him. King James walked up to his daughter and they hugged on getting close to each other.
They separated but still held hands.
''How are you, my princess?'' King James asked his daughter (with a smile).
''Am very fine Father'' said the princess (smiling).
''Come'' said King James and took her to the throne.
King James sat her on the throne and sat down on the floor in front of her.
''Father, do we always have to do this every time'' said the princess.
''What that?'' asked King James pretending not to understand what she meant.
''I sited on the throne while you sat down on the floor in front of me'' said the princess.
King James smiled and said ''before I came of your age, my father always did the exact same thing and I always wondered why he did that. Then I asked him one day why he always sit me on the throne and he will sit down on the floor in front of me.
My father said to me that he will tell you the reason why if I answered his question''.
''What was the question he asked?'' asked the princess.
''He asked him ''what does it mean to be a king or why do you think a king deserves to be called a king?''.
Just as he did with me I want you to also answer that question'' said King James.
''That is not a hard question, to be a king is not hard. A king is someone that rules a kingdom and he is the one that has the supreme command.
He is also respected by all the people and subjects, so he deserves to be called a king'' said the princess.
King James laughed and the princess wondered why her father laughed.
''Why are you laughing father?'' the princess asked her father.
King James stopped laughing and said ''that was the same answer I gave to my father and he laughed the same way I did''.
''So what did he say the answer was?'' asked the princess.
''To be a king means, the people must always be your priority. The people must be the most thing you cared about, you must care for their well-being and everything about them, and you must always make them happy.
A king deserves to be called a king when he sacrificed his all for his people's happiness at the cost of his own. That is what makes a king a true king'' said King James.
''Wow, grandfather is a genius. But when you said to see the people as his priority, what about the king's families?'' asked the princess.
''The king's families are also part of the king's people, so he must care for all of them together'' said King James.
''Okay. So why do you always sit on the floor and made me sit on the throne?'' asked the princess.
''The reason why I always made you sit on the throne is because I want you to be the king for that time and me to be just an ordinary person.
I also want you to feel the weight of being a king but you are too young to feel the weight and to you, it doesn't look like you are sited on a throne but just an ordinary chair'' said King James.
''I get the lesson, Father. You are trying to make me realize being a King is not easy, and the throne can't be left empty.
So you want me to be the king for the meantime while you take a rest is just an ordinary person'' said the princess.
''That right my princess. How was your training today?'' asked King James.
Just then the bird arrived at the window of the council hall.
''Great father. I think I will soon be a master, I have learned every tactic about bow and arrow'' said the princess with a smile.
''I know you are going to be the best archer in all the kingdoms and make me proud'' said King James with a smile.
''Thank you father'' said the princess.
King James stood up and said to the princess, ''Tracy, I think it is time that I show you something powerful and strong, also tell you a little history about the kingdoms''.
''What that?'' asked Princess Tracy.
''Come with me'' said King James and lead the way followed by Princess Tracy, the bird also followed.
King James took her daughter to a hidden area in the palace which is where the sacred hall is located, the bird also followed.
They got to the front of the sacred hall and met five light army soldiers all dressed in white and wearing a white mask. Three of them held a sword, while two of them held a bow and a quiver holding a lot of arrows at their back.
The light army soldier bowed to King James immediately after they saw him to show their respect.
''Where are we father?'' princess Tracy asked her father, she was surprised that such a place in their palace.
''The scared hall, that is where we are. Let go in'' said King James to the Princess.
One of the light army soldiers opened the door, and the king and the princess entered.
Just as the king and princess entered the sacred all the five light soldier army spotted the bird where it stood looking at them, then one of them shot an arrow toward the bird but the bird flew away before the arrow was able to get to it.
As they entered the sacred hall, princess Tracy saw a pillar (not too tall) built on top of a podium at the center of the sacred hall, and on top of the pillar was the mind crystal (levitated).
The King and the princess moved closer to the mind crystal and climbed on top of the podium to have a clear view of the mind crystal
The King said to the princess ''Tracy, this crystal is called the mind crystal''.
Then the princess heard a voice from the crystal that continued saying to her ''please help me, free me''.
The princess became enchanted by the voice and lost control of her mind. The princess tried to touch the crystal but King James hit her hand before she could touch the mind crystal.
The princess regain consciousness of her mind as the King hit her hand and asked what just happened.
''You were controlled by the mind crystal for a while there and it wanted you to free it'' said King James to her daughter.
'I heard it saying I should free it and I feel attracted to it'' said Princess Tracy surprised at what happened.
''I know, that is what the crystal is capable of. It can manipulate and control one's mind, and if it falls into his master's hand it will destroy lives'' said King James.
''Who is the master of this crystal?'' asked Princess Tracy.
''The master of the crystal is called Marcelos, the evil wizard. The crystal is five in number, mind, death, dark, immortal, and nature.
Every one of those crystals belongs to Marcelos and he once tried to use them to enslave and rule the world but he was defeated by the first five wizards and King Damon of Axrax with the light army'' said King James.
''How come it is only the king of Axrax and the five wizards that defeated Marcelos, what about other kings, didn't they join hands with them?'' asked Princess Tracy confused.
''It happened a thousand years. The kings of other kingdoms then were all afraid of Marcelos because they saw what he was capable of. They all couldn't stand up against him but bowed down to him.
But King Damon was from the bloodline of the great king (King Hope) and he possessed a magical power which the other kings didn't'' said King James.
''You have told me the story about the great king that save mankind and how powerful he was.
Does King Damon of then possess the same power as that of King Hope?'' asked Princess Tracy.
''No, but King Damon also has magic just like every other king of Axrax because they are from the bloodline of magic, the first king of Axrax.
The present King of Axrax also possesses a magical power and am sure his sons will also do'' said King James.
''Okay. After Marcelos was defeated what happened next?'' asked princess Tracy.
''All the power Marcelos possessed was taken from him and put into five crystals.....''.
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