King Raynold (in disbelief) said to Zussorender ''I don't quite get you''.
''I detected the royal prince has the dragon gene in him when he used its power while training him and his brother'' said Zussorender.
King Raynold (shocked and surprised once again) stood up from his throne finding it hard to believe what Zussorender said and walked to Zussorender. King Raynold stopped in front of Zussorender and said to him ''this can't be possible, how come he has the dragon gene in him''.
''I think he was born with it. Since King Damon was the only one that possessed the dragon gene and you are from his bloodline same is prince Noah, so it must have been passed on to him'' said Zussorender.
''If it had been continuously passed on through generation, how come there is no record of anyone having the dragon gene and its power?'' asked King Raynold.
''That may be because the dragon gene stayed hidden in them and didn't manifest. But it manifested in Noah'' said Zussorender.
King Raynold ( now scared and more worried) walked back to his throne. King Raynold sat down back on his throne and said ''i don't want to believe any of these''.
''Am sorry your royal majesty but this is something we have to deal with'' said Zussorender.
''Why is all these happening now?'' said King Raynold (unhappy) to himself.
Zussorender heard what the great King said and he said to the great King ''i don't think any of these are coincidence your royal majesty. For a thousand years now the dragon gene never manifest in anyone, the Orges and Marc was never seen or heard about and for 60 years the shape-shifters were known to no longer exist.
And now the dragon gene manifest in Noah, the Orges and Marc are back to wake Marcelos, and the shape-shifters were found to be living in peace and silence in a far place. I think this was destined to happened and it has began to happened. A great war is coming your royal majesty which is what i also told the lord of the shape-shifters and we must all be prepare for it'' said Zussorender.
King Raynold thought for some seconds about all what Zussorender and said to him ''i think you are right that, it not a coincident. King Marcus mention that he always dream about Marcelos being awaken and with all you have told me, am beginning to think war is really coming and i will do everything in my power to prevent the war from happening and protect my people and sons".
"Who is the new lord of the shape-shifters?'' asked King Raynold.
''I don't know his name because i never get to ask. And i don't think we can stop this war coming from happening, your royal majesty'' said Zussorender.
''For the war to take place, Marcelos need to awaken and to open the tomb they need the blood of the royal families which they will never get. So a war can't take place without Marcelos'' said King Raynold.
''What about the Orges and the Marc, they need to be hunted down and killed'' said Zussorender.
''If the Orges and Marc haven't attacked any of the Kingdoms till now it means they will never attacked the Kingdom without Marcelos leading them, because am sure it not now they have been existing but growing in number. So we don't have to worry about the Orges and if they attacked any of the Kingdom they will be defeated because we just add to the numbers of the soldier. And am sure you know the Orges are creature that can't be hunted or tracked because of their ability to be able to sense humans from afar. So they will know we will be coming for them and if they are smart enough they will laid down trap for us'' said King Raynold.
''We know all these because we read it in the books your royal majesty, it not something we have witness. I think we should hunt them down and kill them once and for all for the safety of the people and stop them from continuing growing in numbers'' said Zussorender in disagreement with what the great King said.
''Can i ask where you confirmed the power that manifest in my son is the dragon gene?'' asked King Raynold.
''In the ancient book of the old wizards that has been passed on through generation'' said Zussorender.
''You believe in that book and i also believe in the books i read also. We will not be hunting the Orges and the Marc, and you must not tell anyone about them'' said King Raynold.
"But...." said Zussorender.
Zussorender was cut short of words as King Raynold cut in "that will be enough Zussorender" said the great King.
''Yes your royal majesty. What about the dragon gene in Noah?'' asked Zussorender.
''Did he knows he has the dragon gene?'' asked King Raynold.
''No he doesn't'' said Zussorender.
''That's good. Don't tell him and no one must know'' said King Raynold.
''But he needs to find Ethusa and link with her'' said Zussorender.
''And don't you think i know that. We don't know where Ethusa lives so how does he link with her'' said King Raynold.
''You are right about that your royal majesty but.....'' said Zussorender.
Zussorender was cut short of words as King Raynold cut in ''I need you to promise me that you will never tell anyone all what you told me today'' said King Raynold.
Zussorender took a deep breath and said ''i do. can i take my leave now?'' asked Zussorender.
''Where are you going?'' asked King Raynold.
''I need to go get my family since no where is safe except the Kingdoms'' said Zussorender.
''And that means?" asked King Raynold.
''Am returning back to Axrax your royal majesty'' said Zussorender and left.
Immediately Zussorender left the palace hall King Raynold ordered the guards to go get the two royal princes. Ramsay and Noah entered the palace hall and walked up to the their father sited on the throne. They both stopped in front of the King and bow.
King Raynold stood up from his throne walked to the two royal princes. King Raynold stopped in front of his sons and placed his hands on their shoulder. King Raynold said to his sons ''you both had fought and faced an army most kings and warrior had never do, even i your father had never seen or fought them. Am so proud of you both'', with a smile.
''Thank you father'' said Ramsay.
King Raynold let go of their shoulder and walked back to his throne. King Raynold sat down on his throne and said to them ''Zussorender told me you both have met the shape-shifters and their lord wanted to kill you, so you must have a lot of question to why he would want to do that. But there is something i want you from you both''.
''What's that father?'' asked Ramsay.
''I want you both to turn a blind eye and ear on whatever you might have seen or heard in shape town'' said King Raynold.
''Why father?'' asked Ramsay surprised and confused, same with Noah.
''The people must not know about the Orges and the Marc, if they do it will lead something bad. The people will began to live in fear of them and peace will stop reigning in the Kingdoms'' said King Raynold.
''Then what are we going to do about the Orges and the Marc?'' asked Noah.
''The Marc and Orges will never attack us without Marcelos leading them, so we have nothing to worry about since Marcelos is still asleep and no one will be able to wake him i will make sure of that'' said King Raynold.
''Okay. But there is something the lord of shape town told us" said Ramsay.
"What is that?'' asked King Raynold.
"He said it was our bloodline that betrayed Marcelos and i will like to know the reason why he would want to kill us immediately he find out about our identity and what he mean by it was our bloodline the betrayed Marcelos'' said Ramsay.
''Am sorry i can't tell you that son and you must forget about it. Sometime it better to let some things stay hidden, you will that understand one day'' said King Raynold.
''Why won't you tell us and why want us to forget about it?'' asked Ramsay.
''Not knowing is the best thing for you both and that is final'' said King Raynold and looked at Noah to see he was quiet. Ramsay was unhappy with was his father said.
"Noah" King Raynold called him.
"Yes father" answered Noah.
"Are you okay?" asked King Raynold.
"Yes, father'' said Noah.
''You both won't be leaving Axrax again. You will continue your training here once Zussorender get back'' said King Raynold to his sons.
''Where is our master father?'' asked Noah.
''He left to get his family and will now live in the palace with us'' said King Raynold.
As Ramsay and Noah came out of the palace hall, Ramsay said to Noah ''father is hiding something so is master''.
''I know that. Since they decided to hid it from us, i think it's better we forget about it'' said Noah.
''I don't think i can. I will find out about what it is in my own way'' said Ramsay.
Noah smirked and said ''i wish you good luck'', then began to walk away.
Zussorender, his wife and son began to live in Axrax and Zussorender continued to train the two royal princes how to use and control their magical power.
Ramsay did go to the palace library in disguised as a guard trying to find out about what happened between his people and the shape-shifters but he couldn't find nothing of such in the books in the palace library.
Noah also did the same thing as Ramsay trying to find out about the Archies but nothing about them was written or recorded in books.
After Zussorader, Philip, and the mercenaries joined the army and was trained, they were appointed as guards in the palace of Lythridite because they stand out in training. As they were appointed as guards, they began to learn more about the palace at the same time planning their escape route once they steal the mind crystal.
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