It took Zussorender, Noah and Ramsay five days before they were able to reach Axrax and when they got to Axrax they went straight to the palace hall to see the great King.
King Raynold was surprised when the supreme head guard announced the arrival of the two royal princes and wizard when they got to the Palace hall door, the three of them entered the palace hall. The three of them stopped in front of King Raynold (sited on his throne), they all bowed to show their respect.
''This is a surprise visit. Hope nothing is wrong Zussorender?'' King Raynold (worried to see them) asked Zussorender.
''A lot is wrong your royal majesty'' said Zussorender.
''Am sure this is a joke, or my son finished their training very fast than you expected'' said King Raynold with a smile.
''Am afraid that is not the case your royal majesty'' said Zussorender.
''Is the case something i should be worried about and scared of?'' asked King Raynold.
''We saw them father. Thousands of them'' said Ramsay.
''Who or what do you see?'' asked King Ryanold (confused).
''An army of Orge and a Marc'' said Noah.
King Raynold laughed, the three of them wondered why the great King laughed. ''Can you all please stop joking around'' said King Raynold as he stopped laughing.
''This not a joke your royal majesty. We saw the army of darkness with our own naked eyes and we fought them'' said Zussorender.
King Raynold mood changed on hearing that and he said ''that is impossible. The Orges and a Marc hasn't been seen for a thousand years now and no one in this era knows what they really look like, a Marc can't also exist if Marcelos is still asleep''.
''That is all we all thought and learned from books but that seems to be wrong now. There are pictures of both a Marc and Orge in the books so I know what I saw. We saw them your royal majesty and we are sure of what saw'' said Zussorender.
''Are you sure of what you are saying and not seeing things Zussorender, because what you claim to see and fought isn't something you can denied later that you didn't. This is not just a talk one can use to joke'' said King Raynold (worried).
''If am seeing things or lying, am sure the royal princes won't be also'' said Zussorender.
King Raynold looked at his sons and saw they were in agreement with what Zussorender said.
''Master is right father and we fought them and nearly lost our lives'' said Ramsay.
''How do you came across them?'' asked King Raynold.
''Your royal majesty can you please tell the royal princes to excuse us. There is something i need to discuss with you in private'' said Zussorender as he looked straight into the great king eyes and the great king back into his.
Ramsay and Noah were confused why he said that.
''Sons excuse us'' said King Raynold to the two royal princes.
Ramsay and Noah didn't want to but they had no choice but to obeyed their father's command and leave the palace hall.
On getting outside the hall, Noah asked Ramsay ''why did you think master requested for us to be sent out?''.
''They want to talk about something they don't want us to hear. Something that might has to do with the shape-shifters, am sure of that'' said Ramsay.
''You might be right. Benjamin was angry when he find out about who we are'' said Noah.
''Yes, which means there is something they hid from us which has to do with our people and the shape-shifters. He also said something about our bloodline being the one that betrayed Marcelos, i think there is a lot we don't know which i will find out'' said Ramsay.
''And how are you going to do that?'' asked Noah.
''Am sure we have a library'' said Ramsay and began to walk away leaving Noah who looked as his brother as an ignorant one.
King Raynold said to Zussorender ''the two royal princes has left so what is it you want to say''.
''Your royal majesty, what am about to say might be shocking to you'' said Zussorender.
''Spit it out'' said King Raynold.
''While at my place, one night i sent the two royal princes on an errand which was to get firewood in the forest so we can cook but they never return back to me. So i used a spell to find them and i did, but i met them in shape town'' said Zussorender.
''What is shape town?'' asked King Raynold.
''It's the name the shape-shifters gave to their home'' said Zussorrender.
King Raynold was shocked and surprised on hearing that, he exclaimed ''shape-shifters!''
''Yes'' said Zussorender.
''How come they are still alive, i thought we killed them all except the one in the dungeon'' said King Raynold (confused).
''We did killed them all but somehow they survived, not few but many of them'' said Zussorender.
''If there are many of them alive they served as a big threat to the Kingdoms, you must tell me where they are now. I will hunt them down and made sure we kill them all this time'' said King Raynold worried.
''We can't do that your royal majesty'' said Zussorender.
''Why can't we. You witness what happened 60 years ago, we need to kill them'' King Raynold insisted.
''Your royal majesty, even if i told you where they are you won't be able to find them anymore because they are already gone'' said Zussorender.
''What do you mean?'' asked King Raynold.
''It took days before i was able to find the royal princes and when i found the royal princes at the shape-shifters town they looked happy and well because the new lord of the shape-shifters was taking care of them, but the new lord of the shape-shifters didn't know about their identity.
When the new lord of shape town knew about the royal princes identity he wanted to kill them but at that time the Marc and Orges were at his doorstep and they demanded that he joined them and give the royal prince to them or....'' said Zussorender.
Zussorender was cut short of words as the King cut in ''why will the the Marc and the Orges want my sons?'' asked King Raynold confused.
''As a wizard they are some secrets me and the other wizards must keep till the day we die and that what all the wizards did. But given the current situation now it can no longer be a secret.
Your royal majesty, the Marc want the royal princes because either your blood or one of the royal princes and your bloodline is the only thing that can open the tomb where Marcelos is'' said Zussorender.
King Raynold was shocked and surprised again on hearing that. ''Why didn't you tell me any of this?'' said King Raynold worried.
''Because it was a secret that has been carried on by the wizards and never to be told to anyone so no one will ever tried to wake Marcelos. But now the Marc and the Orges are planning on waking their master which means they knew about the secret somehow. So we need to keep the royal princes safe here in Axrax and you'' said Zussorender.
''How many people know about this?'' asked King Raynold.
''Only the wizards'' said Zussorender.
''Okay. When the Marc asked the lord of the shape-shifters for my sons, what did he do?'' asked King Raynold.
''Instead of handling the royal princes over to the Marc and becoming one of Marcelos's soldier, he said no to the Marc request. That made the Marc attacked us and we fought them together to protect his people life. We also almost lost our lives when we fought the Orges but we were saved by Ethusa'' said Zussorender.
''Ethusa?'' said King Raynold (surprised).
''Yes the dragon'' said Zussorender.
''It been a thousand year since the dragon was last seen because it is said that she is guarding the light crystal in a castle we all don't know where its located. Why would the dragon left the castle and come to save you all and how did she knows you were all in danger?'' asked King Raynold.
''I found out it was the dragon that save the royal princes from the hand of the wolves that attacked them and brought them to shape town. I think i know the reason why the dragon saved them the first time and us the second time. Your royal majesty, if i was told what am about to tell you i would never believe but i witness this with my own eyes and confirmed it'' said Zussorender.
''What is it Zussorender?" asked King Raynold (curious).
''Prince Noah has the dragon gene in him and that is the reason why the dragon saved him to be precise not us'' said Zussorender and the great king was shocked.
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