By Kim B
Date: August 23, 2024
Ch. 16Help From Ethusa

Benjamin, Zussorender, Noah, Ramsay, Ryn and the guards all did their best but there was no way they could win the war against the Orges because of the Orges number.

The Orges didn't care if thousand of them were dying, they continued attacking because they believe they will be victorious, While the Marc watched as they fought, from behind.

The war lasted till midnight and most of the guards has been killed remaining few of them but they still continue fighting the Orges.

It wasn't long before all the guards were killed (and their dead bodies changed back to human) remaining Zussorender, Ryn, Noah, Ramsay and Benjamin who continued to fight even though they knew they were getting tired and has been surrounded, their body were covered with the blood of the Orges. The five of them wasn't ready to surrender or give up even when they knew they might die. Their tiredness give room for the Orges to be able to attacked them continuously and roughly, and they were wounded.

Seeing they were wounded, the Marc ordered the Orges to stop attacking them. The Marc got down from the phoenix bird and took its sword.

Zussorender was so tired that he had to used his staff to stand, Ryn and Benjamin still snarled at the Orges as the five of them were breathing heavily (tired).

The Marc unsheathed its sword as he walked to the five of them and the Orges paved way for him.

As the Marc get close to them, Noah ran toward the Marc and attacked it on getting to its front, the others were surprised when he did that.

The Marc and Noah fought with their sword, but the Marc was a better fighter and stronger than Noah. It didn't took the Marc long before it hit Noah back to where the others stood with just one punch to Noah's belly and the sword fell off Noah's hand.

Ramsay got angry and wanted to attack the Marc but Zussorender hold his hand and said to him ''we don't stand a chance against it''.

Noah laid down in pain holding his belly and Ramsay kneel beside him to check on him.

The Marc moved closer to them and said in ancient language to the five of them ''i will give you three a glorious death if you surrender and will take the two prince''.

''Am sorry i don't understand what you just said and he (Benjamin) isn't available to translate as you can see he is in his animal form'' said Zussorender to the Marc.

''Surrender now and i will give you three a mercy death'' said the Marc to them.

Benjamin snarled at the Marc, which made Zussorender think the Marc said something bad.

''Can you get up?'' Zussorender asked Noah.

''I think i can'' said Noah (he was getting relieved of his pain).

''Help him up and let see if I can send this motherfucker back to where it comes from'' said Zussorender to Ramsay, then Ramsay help Noah up.

Zussorender pointed his staff forward toward the Marc, a force of magical light in multi-color came out of the staff and went toward the Marc.

The Marc blocked the light from hitting it with its sword. Zussorender made the light a continuous one but still the Marc blocked it with its sword.

Seeing the Marc was powerful enough to stop his magical light and his energy was being drained, Zussorender stopped the magical light and used his staff to stand because he already become weaker.

Ramsay saw Zussorender has became much weak and went to him, "are you okay master?" Ramsay asked Zussorender.

"I will be fine, but this Marc is much powerful than I excepted" said Zussorender.

The Marc saw they weren't ready to surrender then he said to the Orges in ancient language ''bring me their head but don't touch the princes''.

The Orges began to move closely to them and ready to attack the five of them. The five of them also get ready to fight till they die and made Noah and Zussorender stay in their middle since Noah was still in slight pain and no longer has weapon to fight, and Zussorender was weak.

Just as the Orges get closer to the five of them and was about to attack them, the five of them suddenly saw fire breathe upon the Orges that were closer to them, the Orges screamed in pain.

The five of them looked to the sky and was surprised to see Ethusa flying around.

Ethusa breathe fire upon the Orges that tried to attack the five of them again, Ethusa also used her fire to clear a path for them since they were surrounded.

The Marc was angry seeing what was happening and glared at Ethusa in the sky. The Marc get its sword ready as it looked at Ethusa (in the sky), then it threw it sword at Ethusa to kill her.

The sword went toward Ethusa but Ethusa dodge it and flew toward the Marc. Ethusa on getting close the Marc, breathe fire upon the Marc and flew back to the sky but the fire has no effect on the Marc, which got Zussorender, Noah and Ramsay surprised and shocked.

Zussorender (scared) said to Benjamin ''we need to get out of here right now'', Benjamin nodded his head.

Zussorender got on top of Benjamin and the two royal princes got on top of Ryn then they began to ran away through the path Ethusa cleared, the Orges followed.

Ethusa breathe fire upon the Orges that went after the five of them, Ethusa also landed behind the five of them immediately they ran past all the Orges (at the right and left side) and breathe fire upon the Orges until the five of them were able to escaped, the Marc stood glaring at Ethusa in anger.


Ryn and Benjamin already changed back to human and they were all still asleep in the forest except Zussorender that was busy using his magic to heal their wounds.

After Zussorender was done healing their wounds, he wake them up and went to sit down, and rest his back on a tree. The four of them woke up and could feel their pains are gone, the four of them all sit up and rest their back on a tree each.

''Wow, didn't think we will survive last night'' said Benjamin with a smile.

''All thanks to Ethusa for saving us'' said Zussorender.

''Yeah, I hope she escape in good health'' said Ramsay.

''You both also did great, didn't know you both are a good fighter'' said Benjamin to the two royal princes.

''You guys weren't bad also. Never knew animal could fight like that'' said Ramsay (with a smile) to Ryn and Benjamin.

''But am surprised though'' said Benjamin.

''What do you mean?'' Ramsay asked Benjamin.

''Why would Ethusa save us'' said Benjamin and they all looked at each other clueless.

''It seem we all don't know why'' said Ramsay.

''But she saved you and your brother once and brought you to our town. Maybe you guys know why'' said Benjamin to the two royal princes.

''I don't think so. There is a lot we don't know'' said Noah.

''If am to hear you right Ben, you mean it was the dragon that brought the royal princes to your town?'' Zussorender asked Benjamin.

''Yes'' said Benjamin.

''We were attacked and wounded by wolves in the forest and we blackout. Then we woke up in their house and they told us the dragon brought us to them and healed our wounds'' said Ramsay to Zussorender.

Zussorender remembered the wolves he saw dead in the forest and asked the two prince ''i saw dead wolves in the forest. Who killed the wolves?''.

''We don't remember that and i don't think it's us. I think it the dragon. Noah even lost his memory'' said Ramsay to Zussorender.

"Again?" Zussorender asked Ramsay as he looked at Noah who was looking at Ryn.

"Yes. Just like last time he couldn't even remember the wolves" said Ramsay to Zussorender

Benjamin looked at Ryn and Noah and saw they were looking at each other, Benjamin asked the both of them ''Why are you both quiet?''

''What do you want me to say. I still can't believe we fought an army of Orge'' said Noah.

''We did and we survived, a great story to tell everyone'' said Ramsay with a smile.

''I lost good men'' said Benjamin unhappy.

"But we saved thousands of people" said Zussorender.

''Now that we are safe and sound. What next?'' asked Ryn.

''I think we will have to depart here'' said Zussorender.

''Same here, i have to return back to my people'' said Benjamin.

''We all saw what happen which means a great war is coming and we all have to be prepare if we are ever going to win the war'' said Zussorender.

''As soon as i get to my people, i will gather every last one of my kind and raise army more stronger and powerful enough to sent the Orges back to their caves'' said Benjamin (in anger).

''I will also make sure the great king knows and we will all be prepare to face the Orges'' said Zussorender.

''Seeing the Orges and the Marc also means one thing. Marcelos is coming and the world need to be ready for him. Doom and darkness is coming and we all must be prepared if we are to survive'' said Noah.

''I guess we will meet again then'' said Benjamin.

''I think so'' said Ramsay.

Zussorender, Ramsay and Noah took a different path while Ryn and Benjamin took the path to their people, they went on their separate way.

As they journeyed, Noah asked Zussorender ''where are we headed master?''.

''To Axrax. The world has to know that there is a great storm is coming'' said Zussorender.

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