Ramsay and Noah scattered the whole room as Ramsay pursued Noah around the room that he must tell him where he went to with Ryn while Noah insisted that he can't. As the both of them were running around the room, the door opened and a guard entered, they both stopped running around as they saw the guard.
The guard said to Ramsay and Noah ''his excellency summon you both to the dinning table''.
''Okay, we will be right there'' said Ramsay to the guard and the guard the left.
Noah and Ramsay re-arrange the room and left the room to the dinning table.
Ramsay and Noah got to the dinning table and saw Benjamin and Ryn sited, and foods on the table. Benjamin told Ramsay and Noah to sit down when he noticed they were still standing, Ramsay sat down opposite Ryn and Noah sat down beside Benjamin.
As the food was being served, ''this food is my favorite food. I hope you both like it because everyone have their favorite'' said Benjamin to the two royal prince.
'' Am sure we will definitely like it'' said Ramsay (with a smile) to Benjamin.
''You might be angry at what happened but i want you to know it my fault'' said Noah to Benjamin.
''Well, am not because if i was i would have thrown you into the dungeon'' said Benjamin with a smile.
''A dungeon it is'' said Ramsay with a fake laugh.
''It all in the past now. Let eat and think about the future'' said Benjamin with a smile.
''Yeah the future'' said Ramsay with a smile and they all began to eat.
Zussorender followed the magical ball he created to help him find the two royal princes day and night, and met himself in Shape town. The magical ball faded away as Zussorender got in front of the gate of Shape town. The gate that lead inside the town was opened with no guards guarding it, so Zussorender made his way in without no one to stop him. As Zussorender walked through the streets of Shape town, the people of Shape town looked at him with hatred which he noticed but didn't mind them and continued walking till he got in front of the house of the Lord of Shape town.
Zussorender was stopped by the 10 guards guarding the front of the house and they asked he what he want. ''I want to see the Lord of Shape Town'' said Zussorender to the 10 guards then a guard went inside the house to inform Benjamin about Zussorender.
The guard went to meet Benjamin at the dinning table and whispered in his ear that an old man who is an outsider is asking for him. Benjamin told the guard that he is not expecting anymore and that he should send the old man away, then the guard left.
The guard returned back outside and stood in front of Zussorender then said to him ''his excellency said you should leave''.
''Am not leaving not until i see him'' said Zussorender to the 10 guards.
''It's better you leave in peace now or pieces'' said a guard to Zussorender.
''Let see how it ends then'' said Zussorender and hit his staff on the ground then a force of wind hit away the guard standing in front of him. The guard fell on the ground and the others surrounded Zussorrender.
All the 10 guards fought with Zussorender with their fist but he beat everyone of them by hitting them with his staff, this made the guard got angry and they all changed into huge wolves.
Zussorender smiled as the guards all changed into huge wolves and said to them ''i was expecting this''.
The guards (wolves) all attacked Zussorender. The wolves all jumped at Zussorender to hurt him but before they could get to him, Zussorender hit them away with his staff or magic, he also dodged some of their attack too.
Benjamin and the others were still eating when they heard noise coming from outside the house, they all stopped eating, stood up and went outside to check what happening out. On getting outside, they all saw Zussorender fighting with wolves and no guards, Benjamin smiled.
Ramsay and Noah were surprised to see their master in Shape town and wondered how come huge wolf get into the town and they are fighting with their master. Ramsay (scared) said to Benjamin ''your excellency, please where are the guards they need to help the old man''.
Benjamin smiled and said to Ramsay ''he doesn't need help. The wolves are not match for him, just wait and see how it end''.
Noah thought to himself that the guards are no where to be found definitely they must be the wolves fighting their master.
Zussorender beat all the wolves till they all became weak and could no longer stood up but laid down on the ground in pain.
Benjamin walked to Zussorender and stood in front of him. ''How about me and you have a rematch'' said Benjamin (with an angry face) to Zussorender.
''That will means you haven't learned anything in this world'' said Zussorender to Benjamin.
Benjamin and Zussorender looked at each other in a strange way, then suddenly they hugged each other smiling. "It's great to see you again Zussorender. I have missed you'' said Benjamin to Zussorender (still hugging).
Benjamin smiled and said to Zussorender ''same here Ben''.
Noah and Ramsay were surprised that Benjamin and their master knew each other. Noah wanted to ask Ryn how their master knew Benjamin but he saw her walked toward Zussorender with a smile on her face.
Zussorender separated with Benjamin on seeing Ryn. ''You haven't age a day'' said Zussorender (with a smile) to Ryn as he got in front of Zussorender
''You may look old but you still the great wizard i know'' said Ryn (with a smile) to Zussorender.
''Come here'' said Zussorender to Ryn and they hugged.
Noah and Ramsay was confused with what was going on as they stared at Zussorender, Ryn and Benjamin, just then the wolves on the ground changed back to human and began to stand up. Ramsay became shocked and surprised on seeing that while Noah wasn't.
''Wh..what just happened?'' Ramsay ( shocked) asked Noah.
''You both should come here'' said Zussorender to the two royal prince, then they went to him.
The two royal prince stood in front of Zussorender (as Zussorender's face was frowned) with their head bow and afraid he might hit them but they were surprised as Zussorender hugged.
Zussorender said to the two royal prince ''thank the gods you both are alive'', still smiling. The two royal prince smiled and hugged Zussorender back.
Benjamin and Ryn were surprised also that Zussorender know the two royal prince.
Benjamin asked Zussorender ''do you know them?''.
''They are my apprentice'' said Zussorender (still hugging the royal two prince) to Benjamin.
''You guys can take sometimes off'' said Benjamin to the guards.
''Yes, your excellency'' said the guards (in union) as they all bowed their heads.
''Let go inside everyone'' said Benjamin to Ryn, Zussorender and the two royal prince.
They all sat down round the dinning table and Zussorender placed his staff next to him as he was served food. The others were eating slowly but Zussorender was eating very fast because he was so hungry.
Benjamin said to Zussorender ''you should take it easy great wizard''.
''Okay i will try'' said Zussornder with food full inside his mouth and continue eating.
''Seeing that Zussorender is your master, you both must have magic'' said Benjamin to the two royal prince.
''Yes we do'' said Noah.
''You both didn't thought about telling me that you possess magic'' said Benjamin.
''Why don't you also tell us who you people really are'' said Ramsay.
''What do you mean?'' asked Benjamin.
''Am not blind and i saw what happened outside there. The wolves changed into your guards which means the wolves were you guard. So how come human being change to wolves and then back to human'' said Ramsay.
''Didn't you master tell you story about us or made you read books that tell about us?'' Benjamin asked the two royal prince.
''They are shape-shifters brother'' said Noah said Ramsay.
''See who has been taking his class serious'' said Benjamin to Ramsay.
''What are shape-shifters and how did you know that?'' Ramsay asked Noah.
''I read about it in the palace library'' said Noah to Ramsay.
''That's a lie. We both know you have never been to the palace library same as i, so how did you know about them?'' Ramsay asked Noah.
''What palace are you both talking about?'' Benjamin asked the two royal prince.
''The one i took them to'' said Zussorender.
''Okay'' said Benjamin.
''I was the one that told him about us because he also told me about you guys'' said Ryn to Ramsay.
''This is good. The truth is coming out slowly'' said Benjamin.
''So what are you guys?'' Ramsay asked Ryn.
''We are human and not human because we have the ability to change into any animal we wish to and we are also immortals. We stop growing when we reach a certain age and don't die unless we are killed or reach 5 thousand year old'' said Ryn.
Ramsay opened his mouth surprised and shocked at what he just heard. Ramsay looked at everybody and saw everyone was not surprised as he was and Zussorender doesn't mind what they were talking about but was just eating.
''Can i ask how old you and your brother are?'' Ramsay asked Ryn.
''Don't tell him'' said Zussorender to Ryn.
''Why shouldn't i know?'' Ramsay asked Zussorender.
''You telling him will only result in him asking more question, and he will ask question you might not want to answer'' said Zussorender (still eating) to Ryn.
''Okay. It seem this is where am going to have to stop answering your question'' said Ryn to Ramsay.
''But how come you can change to any animal at will?'' Ramsah asked Ryn.
''No more question Ramsay'' said Zussorender to Ramsay.
''Yes master'' said Ramsay and they all continue to eat.
After they were all done eating but still sited, Zussorender said to the two royal prince ''get up boys, we are returning back home''.
"So soon, why don't you stay for the night'' said Benjamin to Zussorender.
''Thank you so much for taking care of my boys and for your hospitality, but we have to be on our way now'' said Zussorender and took his staff then stood up.
''Why don't you rest yourself before we start the journey'' said Noah to Zussorender.
''No, we have to get going now, you both should stand up'' said Zussorender to the two royal prince.
The two royal prince stood up just then the head guard came in and went to Benjamin.
The head guard bow his head and said to Benjamin ''your excellency, you have to come outside right now''.
''What is it?'' Benjamin asked the head guard.
''You have come to outside right now, your excellency'' said the guard.
Benjamin stood up, Ryn also stood up and they all went out. On getting outside the house they saw that the sky was dark and thunder in the sky.
''What is happening?'' asked Noah.
''I can feel bad energy from the sky and sense danger'' said Zussorender.
Just then a guard guarding the gate into the town ran into the compound. The guard bowed in front of Benjamin and said to Benjamin ''You need to come to the gate right now your excellency''.
''What is it?'' Ryn asked the guard.
''I don't know who or what they are, but their number is large and they are marching toward us'' said the guard.
''Are they human?'' Benjamin asked the guard.
''I can't say what they really are but they are not humans, am sure of that'' said the guard.
''Okay let go to the gate'' said Benjamin, they all went to the gate.
On getting to the gate, Zussorender, Noah, Ramsay, Ryn and Benjamin saw an army large in number, some were horse and some on foot (holding sword, spear, axe and banners of the symbol M) but don't know their exact number and they are marching toward them.
As the army got close to Shape town they stopped marching. Zussorender took a closer at the army and was surprised and shocked with what he saw. ''This is impossible'' said Zussorender.
''What do you mean?'' asked Benjamin.
Just then some of the soldier blew horns and the army pave way for a huge dark phoenix bird as it walked forward.On top of the phoenix bird was someone dressed in all black and helmet covering his whole face and head.
On seeing the dark phoenix bird and who was on top of it, Benjamin and Ryn became shocked, scared and surprised.
''It's them brother'' said Ryn to Benjamin
"Do you remember them?" Benjamin asked Ryn.
"Yes" said Ryn.
''How is this possible'' said Benjamin.
''What is going on and who are they?'' asked Ramsay.
''They also don't look human'' said Noah.
''Tell everyone to get inside their house right now and sound the alarm bell. I want every guards station to the gate and the gate close right now'' said Benjamin to the head guard.
''Can you please tell us what is happening'' said Ramsay to Benjamin.
''The army are called Orge and the one on top of the dark phoenix bird is one of Marcelos most loyal servant. They are called Marc, name after Marcelos and created with his dark blood'' said Ryn to the two royal prince.
''So you are saying this is an army that belong to Marcelos?'' asked Noah.
''Yes and doom is upon us all'' said Zussorender scared.
''So this what the army of Marcelos look like'' said Ramsay.
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