Queen Lindsey continued ''After Damon took Ethusa to the palace, Marcelos was heartbroken and cried for days. Marcelos said to himself that he will not accept what Damon did and that he must take Ethusa back no matter what it takes.
Marcelos went to Damon and told him to give back the dragon gene power and Ethusa but Damon said no and that Ethusa belong by his side not his. Marcelos got angry and challenged Damon to a fight in five days and that whosoever win the fight will have Ethusa and the dragon gene, Damon accepted the challenge.
I tried to talk Damon out of it and that he should give back the dragon and dragon gene power to Marcelos but he said no that Marcelos challenged him and he will show Marcelos what he is made of. Marcelos's father also tried to talk Marcelos out of it but Marcelos said no that he must have what it his making his father disowned him.
Marcelos and Damon went to the highest mountain to fight and Marcelos won but Damon cheated by using the dragon gene power to defeat Marcelos.
Marcelos fell from the top on the mountain and we all thought he died, we mourned him and forget about him, not knowing Marcelos survived wounded and was taken by the witches called the Revengers. The revengers took Marcelos and cured him, they made Marcelos powerful by sacrificing their life in return that Marcelos should rule the world that was taken from them.
When Marcelos returned back, Damon already become the King of Axrax and Marcelos's family was no where to be found. Damon killed them when Marcelos's father stood up against Damon with some group of wizards that Damon took what belong to his son and killed him.
Marcelos became angry and waged war on all the five kingdoms and terror ruled the night and day. The sun stopped shinning in the sky and darkness ruled the sky. The people began to live in fear when they hear Marcelos name and with his armies of undead, Marcelos began to attack each kingdom.
Knowing there was no way they could stopped Marcelos, the other Kings submitted to Marcelos. But King Damon, my people, the Varlyn and their Nylins, the wizards and the light army fought against Marcelos and his armies because he had become an evil and tyrant that must not be allowed to exist.
We won the battle against Marcelos and Marcelos was put to an eternal sleep after his powers was taken from him but lot of lives were lost. Jack and his wife, and my people also lost their lives.
But before Marcelos was put to sleep he cursed Damon that he shall never find peace and rest till the day he died and so did it happened.
Damon began to act weird and see everyone has his enemies and conspired against him to take Ethusa from him, he also said Marcelos always haunt him in his dream. Damon first banished the shape-shifters from the kingdoms saying they plotted treason against his throne, then he built a castle very far away from the kingdoms.
Damon took the light crystal and put it in the castle saying it is useless and doesn't has any power since he wasn't worthy to wield it power when he wanted to fight against Marcelos, then he told Ethusa to guard the light crystal and never leave the castle.
I was the only one that knows about everything Damon did, i am also the only one that has the map to where the castle is located because it was my people that built the castle. Knowing i knows everything and also have the map, Damon cursed me and my people never to be able to walk on land again and shall live in water for the rest of our lives never to grow old. He made us an immortal living the lives of a mermaid, so no one will know where the castle is or own Ethusa''.
''Wait, with all what you just said, you mean my kind once lived in kingdoms not a town and my father sided with King Damon to betray their friend'' said Ryn to queen Lindsey.
While Noah thought about all what queen Lindsey said.
''Yes and it cost him and his wife their life'' said queen Lindsey.
''This can't be true'' said Ryn (unhappy).
''It's the truth Ryn'' said queen Lindsey.
''What you told us wasn't we learned and heard about King Damon'' said Noah to queen Lindsey.
''Damon was a King of Axrax which made him a great King so they had to made up lies about him so he won't be seen as a bad King throughout generations'' said queen Lindsey.
Noah walked close to queen Lindsey and said to her ''i don't believe you. I think all what you just said are nothing but lies and you are trying to trick me''.
''And what makes you think all what i said are lies?'' asked queen Lindsey.
''In your story, King Damon is a betrayal and a thief which can't be. King Damon was a good King not a bad King you paint him to be'' said Noah annoyed.
Just then people walked through a door into the room. Noah and Ryn looked at the people as they came in and as they stood scattered around the room looking at the both of them.
''All what i told you is the truth Noah, nothing but the truth'' said queen Lindsey to Noah.
''I have never heard of someone who is an immortal before and take a look at your people, they don't look more than a thousand years old. I also don't believe you all once walked the land, what if you are mermaid pretending to be human so i could free you'' said Noah.
''Then ask her (Ryn) if immortals are real'' said queen Lindsey.
''What does she (Lindsey) mean?'' Noah (confused) asked Ryn as he looked at her.
''I don't know what she is talking about'' said Ryn to Noah.
''She is lying. She is a shape-shifter and everyone in their town'' said queen Lindsey.
''What even a shape-shifter?'' Noah asked queen Lindsey as he looked back at queen Lindsey.
''They are people that have the ability to change into any animal of their choice and they are immortals. Ryn is more than a thousand years old'' said queen Lindsey to Noah.
''You have got to be kidding right'' said Noah (confused) to queen Lindsey.
''No am not'' said queen Lindsey.
Noah looked at Ryn and said to her ''tell me what she said is not true''.
''It is the truth, that is who we are'' said Ryn.
''Oh merciful gods of our lands'' said Noah surprised and shocked.
''We don't grow old and don't die unless we are killed'' said Ryn.
''And you and brother didn't bother to tell us who you are'' said Noah.
''We had to keep it a secret so you won't be scared of us because that what people do when they know about us, they became scared of us'' said Ryn.
''Well i don't know if am scared right now but i don't know how my brother will feel when he hear this'' said Noah.
''You don't need to be scared of them they are friendly people and don't harm unless provoked'' said the queen Lindsey to Noah.
''You are telling him not to be scared when you are the one made him to be scared'' said Ryn (annoyed) to queen Lindsey.
''Okay, let me chill for some minute'' said Noah and closed his eyes.
Noah thought about everything queen Lindsey and Ryn said for some minutes as his eyes were closed. Noah opened his eyes, took a deep breathe and said to queen Lindsey ''okay, i have decided to believe everything you said. Can i ask why you brought us here?".
''To negotiate'' said queen Lindsey.
''Negotiate?'' asked Noah (confused).
''You have the dragon gene in you which is the reason why i called you a king because you are destiny to be a great King. You also have the potential to be able to wield the power of the Light crystal , and only you can lift our curse. If you promise to lift our curse, in exchange we will give you the map to the castle to find Ethusa'' said queen Lindsey.
Noah laughed and they all wondered why he laughed.
''Why did you laughed?'' asked the queen Lindsey.
''Because i don't have the dragon gene and i don't want to find Ethusa or want the map'' said Noah.
''You have the dragon gene in you i assure you that'' said queen Lindsey.
''And how did you know that?'' asked Noah.
''Why do you think Ethusa saved you, i guess you have no idea. Your magic has made the dragon gene manifest in you and you have change once, which means you are becoming a dragon slowly. To stop yourself from fully turning into a dragon you have to link with Ethusa'' said queen Lindsey.
Noah smiled and said ''stop saying funny things, that is impossible''.
Queen Lindsey stood up and walked to Noah. Queen Lindsey stood in front of Noah and said to him ''follow me, let me show you your true self''. Queen Lindsey lead the way and Noah followed.
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