My Mate is Little Wife
By Queen girls212
Date: August 14, 2024
Ch. 9Whispers in the Shadows

The man in front of her rode a motorcycle slowly, and she enjoyed the moment. Strangely, despite the cold air hitting her, she felt no chill at all—only a warmth that made her comfortable as she lingered close to him.

"Are you okay?" Cander asked, his voice filled with concern. Was it just her imagination, or was he always overly dramatic around her?

"I'm fine," she replied softly.

The large motorcycle arrived at a forest she had never seen before. As she dismounted, the cold air pierced her, even though she was wearing a thick sweater. Cander approached her and immediately took her right hand, sending an electric shock through her body. Her heart raced uncontrollably as she noticed him smile and begin to walk.

"W-wait. What are we going to do in there?" she asked, fear creeping into her voice.

"Don't be afraid. There are lots of cute little animals inside. You'll definitely like it. I won’t do anything strange," Cander assured her.

"How can I trust you? We just met yesterday!" she exclaimed.

"You can trust me. If you die, then I will die too," he replied, looking into her eyes, searching for any doubt.

"Do you believe me?" Cander asked again, this time his expression serious.

Somehow, her heart instinctively sided with him, even though she typically didn't trust strangers. However, the man before her had a compelling influence that was hard to resist.

"A... A... I believe you."

"Then let's go," Cander said, his smile widening as he walked deeper into the snowy forest beside her.

"Do you come here often?" she asked, watching him move gracefully through the woods that seemed deserted.

"I live nearby," he replied, showing her a safe path.

"You live here?" she asked, surprised.

"Yes... it’s really fun here," Cander said as he lifted her into his arms.

"W-what are you doing? Put me down!" she protested, startled by his sudden gesture.

"You were about to step into the river... I don't want you to freeze," he joked, grinning widely.

"Mate... what does 'mate' mean?" she asked curiously, realizing she had never heard that term before.

"It’s like a special name I call you," he answered, and she suspected he was lying.

"Look over there!" Before she could voice her protest, he pointed to something.

"Wow... cute!" she exclaimed, seeing a squirrel standing on a snow-covered branch. The little creature seemed resilient against the cold as it watched them.

"There are many other adorable animals in this forest, so follow me," Cander said, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

Her heart raced, feeling comfortable in the embrace, appreciating the warmth of his body. They remained in their hug until the sun began to peek through the trees, casting warm glances at them.

"Are you still cold?" he whispered near her ear.

"Hmm... no," she replied softly.

"Come on... I’ll show you something that no humans have ever visited," his words felt peculiar, as if he weren't human. But that was impossible.

"What is it?" he asked again, noticing she remained silent.

She slowly nodded her head.

"It's okay," she answered with a smile, trying to dismiss the strange thoughts swirling in her mind.

"Alright, let's go, honey," Cander said, and she followed him.

The path was lined with trees, with minimal lighting filtering through. Her body moved closer to him as they walked together. Cander smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, making her fear dissipate.

"Is it far?" she asked, beginning to feel uneasy in the tense atmosphere of the snowy forest.

"Soon. Are you scared?" he asked.

"With you here, I feel calm," she said, reassured by his presence and his embrace.

"Wild animals won’t dare to approach," Cander replied confidently.

A branch, heavy with snow, brushed against her as he cleared the way. The sunlight dazzled her, making her shield her face with her hands. A delightful fragrance wafted through the air, soothing her senses; she loved that scent.

"Open your eyes, dear."

Slowly, she opened her eyes to a breathtaking sight—colorful flowers blanketed in snow, exuding a refreshing aroma. She rushed toward the flowers, forgetting about Cander behind her.

"Do you like it?" he asked, approaching the girl captivated by the blooms.

"Yes..." she replied enthusiastically.

Satisfied, she wandered around, admiring each flower until they both settled on a fallen dry tree. Cander watched her intently, and she pretended not to notice, focusing instead on the red roses in her hand.

"What’s your name?" she finally asked, looking at him.

"Cander... you can call me that," he responded, smiling, which only enhanced his good looks.

"I'm Vina," she introduced herself briefly.

"Yes, I know," Cander replied, and she stared at him, surprised.

"You know! How do you know?" she asked, bewildered.

"Listen... do you believe in mythical creatures?" Cander asked, his expression serious.

"You mean vampires, fairies, and goblins?" she exclaimed, recalling the creatures feared by children.

"Yes, those. Do you believe?" he asked again.

"I don’t believe in them at all," she said, smiling.

"What if I told you I’m one of those mythical creatures?" Cander asked, his tone teasing.

"Open your mouth!" she commanded.

"For what?" His face showed shock and surprise at her words.

"I said open," she insisted.

Cander complied, and she examined his mouth closely, noticing no long fangs. She decided he was human.

"Nothing sharp; your fangs aren’t long at all!" she muttered.

"Hahahaha..." he laughed, and even while laughing, he remained handsome.

"You’re funny. I could never be one of them. Do you believe in werewolves?" Cander asked playfully.

"No," she replied quickly.

"Then get ready," Cander said as he stood up and suddenly pulled her into his arms, falling backward onto the soft snow.

His hand rested on her head as he leaned over her. Her heart raced again; the scent of mint surrounded her as he smiled down at her.

"This is for you," he said, bringing his face close to her neck, which was exposed by her clothing.

"Hahaha... what are you doing?" she laughed, feeling a mix of amusement and surprise.

"I'm going to eat you," he declared jokingly, bursting into laughter.

They both laughed at their silly antics. Slowly, Cander leaned in closer, his handsome face making it hard for her to pull away from the moment. Her rationality slipped away as his lips brushed against hers.

No one witnessed the scene, only the flowers and sunlight stood as silent witnesses. For the first time, she felt comfortable and calm near a stranger—Cander, the tattooed man she had just met yesterday, who had turned her world upside down.

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